r/trees 9d ago

Humor He’s on cloud 9

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152 comments sorted by


u/TurdManDave 9d ago

"Look at this little dude"


u/MrcrumpetK1ng 9d ago

“He’s just a lil guy”


u/TheDiplomancer 9d ago

And it's his birthday!


u/stickfish8 9d ago

But literally 🙃


u/cranial_cybernaut 8d ago

He just came


u/Tranquil_Dohrnii 8d ago

Into my arms.


u/Brentolio12 8d ago

9 months after I did!


u/Cynobite608 8d ago

You came into their arms?


u/Tranquil_Dohrnii 8d ago

Why is your baby so premature? It's sticky!


u/bunnybuddy 8d ago

From a vagina


u/nint3njoe_2003 9d ago

"Damn, I gave life to this thing"


u/Jimmyg100 9d ago

“She helped too.”


u/Tranquil_Dohrnii 8d ago

"But we both know who did more"


u/DiggsDynamite 8d ago

"He's just a lil chill guy"


u/Mission-Nobody-8361 I Roll Joints for Gnomes 9d ago

"this came from my balls"


u/El_Durazno 9d ago

That's probably what he's actually laughing about


u/Mission-Nobody-8361 I Roll Joints for Gnomes 9d ago

As a dad I can confirm I say this all the time when holding my kids


u/husbiesbroski 9d ago

This made me cackle


u/OfficialDCShepard 9d ago

I’m sorry, I wrecked your perfect 420 upvotes.


u/Sharp_Professional82 9d ago

And I am ruining 69 comments under this post with the 70th


u/wackfree 9d ago

you came from my balllls man.... craazy


u/ShreksToes24 9d ago

read this in tommy chong's voice


u/According-Rise-3708 8d ago

if you don’t read this in tommy chong’s voice you have no right smoking weed. I don’t make the rules, it is what it is


u/coreyabak 8d ago

It’s from a Dave Chappell stand up bit.


u/According-Rise-3708 8d ago

What are you talking about dude? I’m just referring to how I said it in my head. Idgaf if Dave Chapelle said it😭😂


u/samyistired 8d ago

he's saying that if someone read it in dave chappell's voice, it would be just as valid as the tommy chong voice..


u/Stonner22 7d ago

😅👉🏻👈🏻 who’s Tommy Chong?


u/Complete_Procedure74 8d ago

I did too and it’s so fuckin funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/MagnificentNerd 9d ago

I wish I’d been high when my sons were born…labor probably would have been easier 🤣🤣🤣

(I did not have an epidural with either, and while they had given me IV pain meds, I’m highly resistant and therefore didn’t get any effect (affect?) from them)


u/Hoxford 9d ago

Oh, that's an interesting point! Would being baked during labor help in any way? Would it be harmful to the baby? Etc.


u/remedial-gook 9d ago

it wouldn't harm the baby, that's why they can give the medications they give during labor because it's theoretically close enough time to when the umbilical cord will be cut the baby shouldn't absorb anything


u/McNemo 8d ago

Yup! Didn't even consider that gonna pass the idea to my pregnant friend


u/camelseeker 8d ago

What if it did the opposite and made it worse tho lol


u/McNemo 8d ago

That's why I'll pass the idea, they are an adult they can make thier own choices and they already a smoker, she's been holding off for the kid tho


u/Morphine_monarch 8d ago

Unless you can provide multiple studies showing that it wouldn’t harm the baby then be quiet.


u/remedial-gook 7d ago

bruh, look at the studies showing why it's safe to administer fentanyl and shit during labor and there ya go ding dong, I'm talking from experience not out of my ass buddy.


u/Morphine_monarch 7d ago

Fentanyl is not weed. They’re different drugs, unless you have studies showing WEED is safe to use while in labour then be quiet, people like you kill people because you assume


u/l0verher0in 8d ago

In compton Los angels they administrate 2(Coc-H+Cl−) + (NH4)2CO3 → 2 Coc + 2 NH4Cl + CO2 + H2O as early as possible


u/catmemesneverdie 9d ago

Puff push pass babyyy!!


u/MagnificentNerd 9d ago



u/Rangtangtangtang 8d ago

PSA for those who don't know: Smoking weed increases anesthetic resistance, and you need more for pain relief or surgery. Make sure to tell your anesthesiologist this; otherwise, you might wake up halfway through surgery!


u/MagnificentNerd 8d ago

Interesting! I’m fucked either way. red headed genetics…. I’ve woken up in surgery before a few times


u/Tarl_Cabot 9d ago

You didn't get any effect. R.A.V.E.N. Remember, affect verb, effect noun


u/El_sone 8d ago

I like that, hadn’t heard that mnemonic before!

I’ve been remembering the difference by where the first letter of each word falls in the alphabet:

Affect is a verb, both words sandwich the next two in terms of alphabetical order. Effect is a noun, both words sit between affect and verb

Somehow makes sense in my head 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/AverageJoeAndJane 9d ago

Yeah, as an engineering major and very technically minded person, that doesn't help me at all... Not saying you didn't try. But those things just don't stick in my brain.

"Noun, verb, adverb" you might as well just say "word, word, word"


u/MightGrowTrees 8d ago

I got you homie!!!


"Verb! It's what you do!"


u/Professional-Tear420 8d ago

Effect is what something does to you, affected is how something is effected. If I remember correctly correct.


u/According-Rise-3708 7d ago

i’m to baked to remember which effect/affect it’s supposed to be. we get you😭😂


u/DarkMistressCockHold 8d ago

“Affect” is usually a verb that means “to influence” or “to impact”, while “effect” is usually a noun that means “the result” or “the consequence”:

Soooo…the IV meds don’t EFFECT you. I think that’s right.


u/_FreddieLovesDelilah 8d ago

The IV meds don’t AFFECT them. They do not get EFFECTS from IV meds.


u/cap_crunchy 8d ago

The original comment should use effect but your modified sentence should use affect.


u/Graardors-Dad 9d ago

Man watching my wife give birth was so stressful I don’t think I could have handled it stoned


u/atavan 9d ago

Same, and the fact that my wife smokes, she would murder me if I was stoned.


u/The_D1rty_Squ1rt13s 8d ago

It's how I had to handle it lol shit was stressful and I couldn't stop over worrying about things go right and whether or not if my wife or son were going to be happy and healthy after. I had to literally take a chill sesh out at the car when I picked our stuff up from home just so I could be the best support I know I can be. I hated being an anxious locked up turd lol. I can't wait to tell my son when he's older the real whole birthing story.


u/dumbfuck6969 8d ago

You can if you don't give a shit about anyone


u/Luryas69 8d ago

Name checks out


u/travelingenie 9d ago

My partner was in labor for 72 hours, 36 at home, and the remaining at the hospital, my homies actually drove up to the hospital at 11pm to smoke me out while I was waiting for my daughters arrival.

Truly peak moments to be baked


u/BigPeace888 9d ago

If my friends don't do this for me I will question if I actually have any real friends


u/travelingenie 9d ago

Not too many real ones left, and moments like that weed em out

Can confirm, dad jokes do get better


u/401jamin 9d ago

For my first child my friend did this for me. I’m still the hospital with my second child and I’m debating having my homie stop by lol


u/agoodfuckingcatholic 9d ago

The night I was born, my father, godfather and some family friends all went to the bar that night and there was a HUGE brawl. My godfather called my old man before it started, he told my dad to start the fight, he said this is your trouble, you start it.

My godfather lifted his beer above his head, finishes it, and slammed it on some dudes head who was nappin in a bar stool, that big farmer woke up, reached back and started pounding my godfathers face. All hell broke loose after that


u/PubG4YouAndMe 9d ago

Sounds awful tbh lol


u/strangetomatoe 9d ago edited 9d ago

Sounds like someone just watched 'The Boondock Saints' for the first time


u/imaninjafool 9d ago

I did this for my homie rolled up to the hospital parking lot witha fat bowl😂


u/Plants_books_dogs 9d ago

lol. Thats about to be me after having a baby. 🤣


u/ldLoveToTurnYouOn 9d ago

There is a time and a place to be high. The birth of your child isn’t one of those places.


u/cynicsjoy 9d ago

THANK YOU. These comments were making me feel like I’m crazy for thinking this is sad. If you can’t even be sober for your child’s birth you have a problem.


u/CBAtreeman 9d ago

Yeah like most people in this sub.


u/llamalalley 8d ago

My wife pushed for three hours in the hospital and as soon as she came out I got so light headed from the rush of emotions that I almost passed out. Highest I’ve ever been!


u/SilverArrow07 9d ago

Finally someone said it!!!!!!


u/funkdialout 9d ago

One man’s sacrilege is another’s joy. I have CPTSD and AudHD. Cannabis was the reason I was able to be present and supportive to my spouse during the birth of our children instead of silent, withdrawn and panicking.

And yes the # of prescribed meds I had tried is over 70. It wasn’t till after genetic testing that I had to pay out of pocket for that I learned I had several mutations that made the majority of antipsychotics at best ineffective and at worst made me actively suicidal.

It’s easy to judge others when you don’t understand what it’s like to wake up and be them for a day.

Maybe this guy is just some jackass who is selfish, or maybe he was using the tools at his disposal he needed to be there.

And because there will inevitably be someone looking for an argument, no this doesn’t mean I condone any and all drug use around a child.


u/FaltusSackus 8d ago

Whenever someone comments anything remotely negative about cannabis consumption people with weed prescriptions show up and act like it's a 50/50 which it isn't. It's simply false balancing


u/ContentWeakness 8d ago

I mean give the guy the benefit of the doubt? Maybe he was smoking when her water broke!


u/ldLoveToTurnYouOn 8d ago

Ehhh, even then when you know your wife is that close to giving birth I think you should be perpetually prepared at every moment


u/Le0_ni 9d ago

That’s… actually kind of sad. You should be able to put down the za long enough to be sober for the birth of your child.


u/ciwyw1 9d ago

i’m glad i’m not the only one thinking this… i smoke everyday and still i’m upset at ts. put it down, the moment is enough ESPECIALLY AT THE BIRTH OF YOUR C H I L D


u/Le0_ni 9d ago

Same, im by no means anti weed but c’mon. You should be clear minded for something like this.


u/wavyboiii 9d ago

The dissociative power of weed could never convince to smoke at my children’s birth. It is too special, and for me, weed would suppress some emotions of the moment.


u/ciwyw1 9d ago

i didn’t even think about it like that i was thinking in terms of memory, like how are you going to remember the smells,sounds and feelings in the room if you’re high asf i don’t get it??? and remembering THOSE moments should be top priority but for some it’s clearly not which is disappointing asf.


u/wavyboiii 9d ago

Yes, that too. Memory’s a big part of it.


u/Koibi214 8d ago

I'm not saying this IS the case for him, but some people, me included, with aphantasia can't do any of that, I can recognize those things if they happen to pop back up, but when I imagine sight, nothing, imagine a scent, nothing, my memory ability is entirely based on describing my surroundings to myself, and sometimes weed makes me think of a fun way to present something and it sticks in my memory far longer than way.

I agree being blasted is definitely not the way to go though.


u/GiganteTNC 9d ago

I was not high for the first and was blitzed for the second no diference at all.


u/MonkeyBrick 9d ago

Whats so insane to me is that their wife is struggling to birth their child and he's looking to get high...


u/raccoonbrigade 8d ago

Remember, it's not addictive /s


u/SoftestBoygirlAlive 9d ago edited 9d ago

Then again, a lot of the times babies are born when you least expect it and come quick. High probability dad was baked when the water broke. That or the labor went on for a really long time and then suddenly baby. I have many younger siblings and niblings and some were hours/days long ordeals, and some came very quickly and easily. Anywho, seems like everyone involved is ok with it


u/g00fyg00ber741 8d ago

Thanks for responding to their extremely judgmental and stigmatizing comment with a sensible and reasonable perspective.


u/AVeryHighPriestess 9d ago

Maybe he took an edible not expecting his wife to give birth an hour later


u/omare14 9d ago

Tbf you really shouldn't be getting stoned for the last couple months of the pregnancy to ensure you're able to drive to the hospital. I use gummies almost daily and I'm fully aware that I'll need to stop for the last few months to avoid this kind of scenario.


u/remedial-gook 9d ago

man y'all have way too low of tolerances


u/SylvesterLundgren 9d ago

I don’t even think it’s tolerances for most people. For 10-15 years I could smoke all day and not think about it. The last 5 years or so a flip switched and I just cannot function while high. Doesn’t matter how much or how little, it just doesn’t work. Same quality of stuff too.

Bodies are different and change once in awhile. Same reason why some people can face a 200mg edible and feel slightly buzzed while another dude could stretch that into getting high 10 times.


u/remedial-gook 9d ago

that is very true, everyone's different. some people can function, some people can't


u/Dependent_Stop_3121 9d ago

After you have a baby at the hospital they teach you how to roll your newborn up into a “swaddle”.

They teach you proper blanket placement and how to tuck the corners and how to get a nice tight roll.

It’s pretty much like rolling your baby up into a joint. Minus the grinding step. lol 😂


u/401jamin 9d ago

Hey chances are so was your mom with whatever drugs they gave her lol.


u/Historical-Handle525 9d ago

Hi dad im born


u/Rufitos 9d ago

I'm not the one, the one for you!! Cant change it babyy


u/ljshea1 9d ago

Y'all need help. Imagine being so addicted you have to get baked while your wife is going through the most painful, potentially traumatic moments of her life. How could anyone say with pride, "yeah the first time I held my child I was ripped out of my gourd lol". Sad af


u/regeya 9d ago

I was on a prescription downer, is that better or worse?


u/ljshea1 9d ago

Prescribed management of anxiety or whatever is not what I'm talking about, there's no problem with that


u/supposedlyitsme 8d ago

You do realize that cannabis is also prescribed for that right?


u/miraclewhipisgross 8d ago

Nobody said she didn't just randomly have her water break while he was baked as shit. Afaik water breaking is pretty unpredictable.


u/ShreksToes24 9d ago

my dad took a xanax before sitting through labor, is that better or worse?


u/Previous_String_4347 8d ago

Yeah Bro it's not addictive now pass me the j so I can be happy for the birth of my son


u/olekdxm 8d ago

Yeah it's not addictive I just need it to be happy bro


u/mt-brodyablo 8d ago

My dad was drunk when I was born and also my whole life


u/secretgargoyles 8d ago

ngl this isn’t cute 😭 you’ve got every day of your life to smoke weed—some days you abstain


u/rainunicornbow 9d ago

It looks like he was really happy!


u/mydogsnameisbuddy 9d ago

Is that a pocket protector?


u/FatKidsDontRun 9d ago

This is from Postsecret!


u/imgary 9d ago

I was on higher than shit when my son was born also. I slipped a disk and the hospital gave me something because I could stand up before they gave me whatever.


u/Jonsa123 8d ago

As a life long stoner, I can honestly say that when each of my four kids was born I was naturally high for a couple of days. Smoke a celebratory joint after each and all they did was make my eyes red cause I was so high already.

The very best days of my life.


u/arealmemelord 8d ago

druggie behavior ngl


u/reevoknows 9d ago edited 9d ago

I was high when my twins were born but it was an accident kinda lol. My wife got induced and it was moving really slowly, the doctor said she should be fully dilated by 6pm, it was 2pm at that time so I thought I’d go hit my vape pen and take a nap well I did that and when I came back I got comfy on the couch and what felt like 10 minutes later the nurse came in to check things out and my wife was ready to go lmao needless to say my anxiety was through the roof. My wife started pushing and that was enough to sober me up lol


u/Alshane 9d ago

I wish I was baked. After being waken up at 4am with “ it’s time”. My emotions were through the roof. When the doctor came to administer epidural she had a nurse bring me some water and told me to take it easy and try and relax lmao. Mind you I’m not on the table pregnant 😭😭.


u/Rich-Painting-2032 9d ago

He already knew you’d be a handful so went in prepared 😝


u/ShaggyFOEE 9d ago

Cody from Some More News is your dad?


u/Needari 9d ago

I would just imagine it's the happiest high he ever had in his life.


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u/Bearking422 8d ago

My dad doesn't have the name he was supposed to or a middle name cause grampa was stoned to the gills when he was born,grandma was calling him Jason for a while before she saw Orion on the BC 😂


u/Puakkari 8d ago

I was only inhaling laughing gas. My wife couldnt somehow start it cos you needed to inhale so hard that it started the flow. So I started the flow and sometimes gave some for my wife.


u/DingleGbat 8d ago



u/Feral_SheWolf 8d ago

He was toking for three


u/Stonner22 7d ago

Honestly. 10/10.


u/SkeleHoes 9d ago

Damn that must’ve been a trip.


u/venttress_sd 9d ago

Hell yeah he was


u/bluntly-chaotic 8d ago


My godfather brought brownies when I was born

My grandma ate one, she denies she was stoned but everyone else in my family swears she was.

Even people who wouldn’t joke around like that lol


u/DripSzn412 9d ago

I was high when my son was born last year too lol it was awesome and terrifying


u/hallowblight 9d ago

Not normally the person to be complimenting babies but damn that is a CUTE ASS baby


u/baitgeezer 8d ago

you can only see 75% of its face and it’s blurry, weird comment


u/misterdabbington 9d ago

fucking legend


u/ratboy228 9d ago

LOL what a cute photo


u/Tha_Real_B_Sleazy 9d ago

So was mine im sure


u/kbum48733 8d ago

Least he was there!


u/Chiiro 8d ago

Both my parents were.


u/ganjagilf 8d ago

lol while i was in the hospital getting induced with my first, my fiancé made a quick trip back home to get things we needed, and he came back high not too long before it was time for me to push. baby was coming out crazy fast so the nurse basically made me hold him in while she got the doctor, and my high ass baby daddy/fiance/love of my life just reached in between my legs and started poking our sons slimy head like “woooaaahh”


u/Tehginger12234 9d ago

Me at the hospital 2 days ago when my son was born!!!


u/husbiesbroski 9d ago



u/LadyOfTheMorn 9d ago

Dad? But he looks more grandpa age here.


u/GothJosuke 9d ago

Some people have kids in their 30s and 40s because they wanted to wait and enjoy their 20s without kids, happens all the time


u/_FreddieLovesDelilah 8d ago

Is this an actual Polaroid? That’s so retro, I love it!


u/cloudtwelvy 8d ago

My dad took a lsd trip while i was born, it was all doenhill from there


u/ensaulclopedia 8d ago

My mum was high when I was born 😅


u/spiicyant 9d ago

wow you two are so cute here 😭❤️


u/Separate_Place1595 9d ago

My daughter was born via c section 4 months ago. I got up. Took a nice drag of my pen. Went to hospital. Took a couple puffs outside. Went inside and had the most wonderful moment of my life. Highly recommend it.


u/billyjoelsangst 9d ago

It’s gonna be me