r/stopsmoking 19h ago

What happens when you quit 15 year timeline

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r/stopsmoking 22h ago

I'm so happy

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I'm glad I caught it early, before I become a heavy smoker. I was a light smoker for 2 years, but no amount of smoking is good. During the last days I was starting to smoke more often and I knew I had to put an end to it. I've found better ways to deal with anxiety, depression and stress.

I barely feel any cravings rn. I don't even think about smoking most of the time. I felt them slightly when I was stressed, but it's nothing compared to how it was during the first weeks. This is the best decision I've made, and it has stopped most of my health anxiety around cancer, aneurysms, strokes, blood clots, etc. which is the main reason I wanted to quit. Smoking also made my body hurt.

r/stopsmoking 1d ago

One occasional cigarette wouldn't do anything??


You're probably right one occasional cigarette wouldn't probably undo the good work you have done by being on the break.

But..... It will set a foundation for you to start smoking occasionally, then weekly and then in a months' time you'd start smoking regularly.

So yeah, even if one occasional cigarette doesn't do anything, don't budge, avoid it.

r/stopsmoking 8h ago

Everything's going to hell, but hey, it's day 512


My homeland is being ruined by Russians, my future is uncertain in all its aspects, I don't know what to expect after Trump's inauguration (and I'm angry my life depends on American politics despite living overseas), my left foot hurts again, I need money and I'm not sure I'm able to make enough. Also, I tried to find some consolation in a situationship, and - who could guess?! - something went wrong.

And still, I'm dead serious when I say that at least I'm happy with my decision to quit. At least I don't spend a penny on poisoning myself. At least I'm not fooling myself with that "maybe Iqos fume smells foul, but not as foul as cigarette smoke, right? right?" crap. At least I'm not sitting at home listening to explosions thinking "shit, I have nothing to smoke rn, what am I gonna do" (my actual experience from the first days of full-scale war). At least, if I end up in captivity (yep, it's likely for a civilian too, if too much land gets occupied), those pigs will have one less leverage to control me.

No matter how shitty life is, you can always make it worse by your own actions. Or not do that. Stay sure in your decision, guys. (Also, donate to Come Back Alive foundation if you want to support Ukraine).

r/stopsmoking 10h ago

8000 days today


I just responded to a post here and saw my flair had hit 8000 days since I quit on Feb 1st 2003.

I haven’t regretted it for a second.

Some stats:

  • I have avoided smoking about 320,000 cigarettes.

  • I’ve avoided spending about £150,000 or about $190,000.

And most importantly of all I’m happy and pretty healthy with no after effects from the 18 years I did smoke for.

I’m here to tell you it’s so worth it.

I’m very grateful, especially to Allen Carr.

By wild coincidence it’s also my birthday!

r/stopsmoking 15h ago

Just want to scream Fu%*%#k!


I’m on day three of my quit attempt. I attempted cold turkey but by the end of the first day, I knew that method would be too trying for me.

This is a Christmas present to myself. After watching my mother in law (whom I was very close with) suffer incredibly and ultimately lose her life to the big scary for smokers, I realized I have to fight this. I have to quit. I’ve got a kid. I don’t want her to see me struggle like that or lose me too soon.

Anyway, I’ve smoked since I was 15 and am now 37. I quit smoking when I was pregnant with my daughter and it was SO EASY. I stayed quit until she was about 6 months old and I was dealing with PPD. This time, not easy at all. I did have a quit that lasted about 9 months several years ago with vaping but found I vaped far more than I ever smoked cigarettes.

I decided I’d pick up Nicorette gum for this attempt and tried it today (on day 3) it def takes the edge off but FUUUUUUUUCK! This sucks. I’ve read Allen Carr, I’ve watched videos on YouTube, I have the QuitSure app and still, I don’t feel all “yipee” about this. Just needed to share somewhere.

r/stopsmoking 16h ago

21 days free 🆓


21 Days completed ✅

Yes 3 WEEKS I can’t believe it

No matter where you are on your journey to quit nicotine, keep going and stay strong. Every step forward is progress, and you’re not alone—we’re all in this together. Stay committed, keep fighting, and remember: every day without nicotine is a victory. You’ve got this!

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

60 days free

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60 days free

can’t quite believe it. Longest I’ve been quit since I was 13 and I’m 35. Thanks everyone here for the support this groups been super helpful.

Wasn’t sure I’d make it through Christmas too and I have, no such things as having just one!

r/stopsmoking 11h ago

I don't feel good

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First cigarette at 12, about pack/day since like 17. 27 now. 1 month, 3 weeks and 3 days smoke free. First attempt, never even thought about quitting before. Feeling overwhelmed by all the feelings smoking was suppressing in me all these years, with anger being one of the most noticeable. Idk it's just generally feels like I'm running a new software. The fact that since I was a kid I never really experienced not altered state is scary. Almost like I have to learn how to live this life all over again.

Not to demotivate anyone, because I can't deny that physically I feel much better now. Mentally - well, it is what it is. I guess if you are young occasional smoker/vaper this might be your reason to not get addicted like I got, because the way out of it is pretty painful. I wish I quited while it was still relatively easy.

r/stopsmoking 17h ago

From 7 years clean to 3 months of smoking again. Looking for some advice and words of encouragement.


I was a pack-a-day smoker (of American Spirits, if it matters) from the time I was 17 until I turned 24. I quit smoking 7 years ago in July. I quit using the Allen Carr method and was taken aback at how insanely easy it seemed.

Throughout the years, I’d occasionally have a smoke, while drinking or with other smokers. It usually just made me feel terrible, both in the moment or the next day, so abstaining further was always easy for me. I suppose this led to some overconfidence. Couple this with the fact that I came to enjoy cigar smoking, and I guess you could say the groundwork was laid for a relapse.

Because of my overconfidence, I decided to buy a pack of smokes during a vacation in late September. Since then, I have been smoking again, more or less. I’ve been struggling with buying a pack, throwing them away, going back to buy another pack…you know the drill. At this point I’m smoking daily, although not nearly as much as I used to.

I re-read Easy Way a two or three weeks ago, and while it certainly clicked with me on some level, it didn’t have the same effect that it had on me 7 years ago. I was “ready to quit” by the time I finished the book, but it didn’t stick. I’m beginning to feel like this time around I need a different approach, and one that hopefully keeps me mindful of how easy it is to fall back into the trap.

Does anyone have any advice for different methods of quitting? Any similar experience? I’m feeling very unconfident these days, because I know I can quit smoking—I’ve done it before, after all. And yet…I can’t quit, right now, but I don’t know why, exactly.

I want to go back to the good old days of feeling good and saving my money and not smelling like shit all the time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.

r/stopsmoking 6h ago

Daily Check In Thread Daily "I will not smoke with you" Thread



We all have something to celebrate! We will not be smoking for the next 24 hours! What are you using to cope with cravings? How many days smoke free are you? Please discuss your progress and feelings in the comments!

Discord Group: As a reminder, meetings are held on the discord group: Monday through Friday at 5-6pm EST. An additional meeting will begin at 10am EST starting 9/18/2023. Invite Link

More meetings will be added in the future to support more time zones.

r/stopsmoking 16h ago

Smoking is my last guilty pleasure...


Hey everybody. 28 year old male here. I've been smoking since I was 16 years old. I have already stopped drinking alcohol and had to give up a lot to lose just over 50 kilograms now. For me, smoking is my last guilty pleasure. I want to quit smoking for some time now. I made several (half) attempts.

What I actually run into is that in my mind, quitting smoking will not immediately yield anything, but I will immediately lose something. I have already given up so much, if I stop smoking I will no longer have anything to enjoy on a daily basis.

I have every reason to quit. Can use the money, predisposition to lung disease on both sides of the family and I live a double life for some people, because smoking is absolutely not accepted by everyone and I have to hide it and lie about it.

Yet all that is still not enough motivation to really give up smoking.

The attempts that I did went all very smooth. I used nicotine and/or normal chewing gum to distract myself and I had no big withdrawals during the day at all. I immdiatly started to feel more relaxed an happier. But at some point, I feel like I want to celibrate the happiness. With a cigarette.... that only comes in boxes of 20. That box has 0 left at the end of the night.

The urge that I feel does not go away with 10 minutes or so, it comes back evere day at the end of the day and it gets stronger every day. I believe if I can overcome that or fill that hole with something else that gives me great joy, there is nothing holding me back from quitting anymore. But I don't know how I could do that.

Does anyone recognize this, has experienced this themselves or have seen it happen to others? Does anyone have the top tip for me?

r/stopsmoking 5h ago

It's time


2025, is going to be the year. I have quitted before, but only because of money problems, and never because i really wanted to. This time i do want it.

Starting 2025, i will not smoke another cigarrete/vaping/anythingyoucansmoke ever again.

(I understand that I could quit smoking immediately rather than waiting until New Year's Eve. However, I’ll be spending that evening as I usually do—alone, comforting my two dogs who are terrified of the fireworks. This time has always been my opportunity to mentally prepare for the year ahead. I use it to look back on the goals I didn’t achieve, to honor my progress, and to set new challenges. In that moment of introspection, I will commit this decision, not just to quit, but to do it with a goal in mind, to never do it again. This is an important and crucial moment in the making of my big decisions for the year ahead, that's why.)

r/stopsmoking 6h ago

Quitting the 300th time!!


29 F here. I’ve smoked 4-6 cigarettes daily for about 9 years now, with one year where I quit. Unfortunately at the time when I abstained for a year, I hadn’t wanted to quit but now I’m here! Wish me luck. This group has been so motivational in prepping for it. I am on day 2 today. Excited to jump into 2025 as a non smoker!

r/stopsmoking 19h ago

I just hady last cigarette


I'm done with this bad habit for good i hope this time. I'm done with making my clothes and mouth smell worse than a garbage bin. I'm done with habing a hard time breathing (i have asthma as well). I'm done with feeling so bad about myself all the time for this cancer stick. Please guys give me as many tips as you can fir the withdrawals and the whole process if you can.

r/stopsmoking 6h ago

When do the symptoms stop?


Heavy vaper, former heavy smoker. Here's the thing, it's been a month for me weening off with patches, losenges, etc. Nicotine is designed for you to be dependent on it forever. Whether it be mentally or physically and these new withdrawal symptoms come in waves. I've had the third day peak three times. I've had no nicotine in my body for a week. Emotionally, i'm unbelievably unstable and can't think straight. Stomach cramps and diarrhea have subsided just in time for potential flank/kidney pain. Every time one symptom subsides another one pops up. It's been a month since i've put down vapes. There's no improvements, just new symptoms.

When the fuck does this shit stop?

r/stopsmoking 14h ago

Already failed


I wanted Christmas to be my last smoke so it'd be easy to remember how long I've been free but couldn't even make it 24 hours. Wish I never picked this shit up 😞

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

I'll stop later


I would like to quit smoking however not sure I can right now. Usually when it comes to my bad habits I'm very realistic. I know when my environment is too toxic and I need the crutch. And so I quit drinking alcohol 3 months ago. I would've tried to quit smoking at the same time as I've done before but I know this time it wasn't realistic. I smoke mini cigars. The black and mild types. 2-3 a day usually. Sometimes one on the drive to and from work and one at home after work. Especially in the most overwhelming moments during the day is when I get cravings. The last one, sometimes two, in the night are to decompress/when insomnia kicks in. (Often). I'm working up to try and knock this habit however I've vowed to not drink again. I've had a very problematic history with alcohol. Back in 2021-2022 I did 10 months sober of both and was in the best shape of my life and made a ton of money. I experienced a lot of grief and loss since then. It's going to be hard to not have anything to turn to when I get an overwhelming feeling. I guess this is a rant. But I'll be quitting smoking too. I guess I'm mentally preparing to do it for the new year. Also, my health is going to force me to quit sooner than later. Alcohol had adverse affect there too.

r/stopsmoking 2h ago

Struggling to quit


Hi, just really looking for help. Smoked about 10/15 cigs for 14 years. Been trying to quit for maybe 2 years. Read Allen Carr, cold turkey, tried nrt. Longest I went was 7 days nicotine free.

Was determined to quit Boxing Day, but didn’t have the resolve. I can get so motivated, but then it all falls apart and I’m sick of it. It’s the indecision at the moment. Even though I know how much I want to quit. Got constant pain in my chest because of a bad chest infection, money problems, stress from cigarettes, can’t get fit etc etc want to have the time in life to do what I want to do.

I’ve recently quit drinking, and that has been easier because it causes so many clear problems. Even when I want to drink, it’s easier to say no because it’s so destructive.

Cigarettes though are always there. And it’s always that voice saying it’s so easy just to stop this withdrawal and have another. There’s other smokers in the house and so always baccy around.

Anyway, I feel kind of down. I’m determined to try again tomorrow. Got a period off work for the holidays and I don’t want to start the year a smoker. Anyone got any advice or encouragement? Really feel like I can do this! But also hopeless at the same time if that makes sense.

r/stopsmoking 1h ago

How quick do withdraw symptoms set it?


I am a lifelong teetotaler and have no experience with any substance whatsoever.

I am trying to be more understanding and compassionate with a new coworker. They let me know early on about the habit. They leave the office 1-2 times daily to hide and smoke.

I’m assuming it’s withdraw but they are often restless, high energy, uppity and give off heavy tweaker vibes. We don’t speak to each other (have music in the entire time) so I think it’s worse.

How quick do these symptoms set in? And how intense is it to deal with?

r/stopsmoking 1h ago

Helping my father in law quit smoking


My father in law is 68 years old and is a heavy cigarette smoker. We are encouraging him to cut down and eventually quit, but it’s not easy for him.

My mother in law is constantly after him, yelling, nagging, and telling him that he disgusts her. Unfortunately my husband and I feel this just makes it worse.

We’re thinking to try to introduce him to snus. He has tried nicotine gum, but it’s not very effective.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how we can help him or what he can transition to that may be less harmful than cigarettes?

r/stopsmoking 11h ago

How to find the motivation


Been smoking weed for the past 15 years, since I was 15 - I know I should quit, but never find the motivation to do so - immediately I feel scared, bored, sad, without knowing exactly why I believe I smoke so much to bury my feelings / something from the past, but never figured out what And I must say I m terrified of getting locked up in an institution for a month. Motivation is the key to everything. What was your trigger?

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

Mod News Our live Discord chat is open for the next hour!


We have a live discord chat running right now: https://discord.gg/3pYVykQHJG

We run 1-hour meetings at 10am and 5pm EST Mon-Fri. Can't wait to see you there!

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

How long until you got energy back?


I'm on 23 ish days, very fatigued. I do have several underlying conditions and am nearly 60 but I have slowed down significantly since I stopped smoking.

r/stopsmoking 43m ago

64 days clean - just one cigarette in these 2 Months 4 Days


I had been smoking a pack a day and towards the final days of smoking era, I had been increasingly become aware of the fact how I smoked just because of habit even though I could see it was negatively affecting my health a lot and also my pocket - because cigarettes are very expensive now. Finally my health anxiety took the better of me and I decided to take Cytisine treatment. During this time I have been in various situations where I would normally smoke (clubbing, stressful work, anxiety, depression, good weathers, coffee shops) but now I don't smoke and don't feel like.

Passive smoke feels horrible and so does the stench of smokers. But during this time I did smoke at least one cigarette but thankfully its been a week to that too and I didn't return to it, treating that slip as only a bump in the road rather than a reset.

I am thankful to myself for taking this decision to quit.