r/running • u/theredinthesky • Oct 31 '18
Monthly Thread [October] Monthly Updates & Check In Thread
Happy Halloween, y'all!
Being the last day of the month, let's get a jump start on summarizing how it turned out. Let's hear how this month's running went for you.
Let everyone know how your month turned out or how it's going to turn out now that you're aware it's almost over! Feel free to discuss your racing, training, and any other stats that you may or may not be pleased with.
Things to possibly mention:
- Overall monthly mileage
- Overall elevation
- PR or PB's?
- Races/events you ran
- Injuries
- etc
u/TrollingQueen74 Oct 31 '18
My most productive running month yet, likely to be surpassed by November!
- Overall monthly mileage: 135.4 miles (218 km)
- Overall elevation: 4073 ft (1241 m)
- PRs: 15K (1:31:30), 1 mile (8:18, part of a repeat and not all out)
- Races: The 15K. I did not pace myself well and blew up at the end, but still beat my PR by 20 mins so I'll take it.
- Injuries: Thankfully, still none.
- Accomplishments: First ever Strava Distance Challenge badge!
Yearly progress: 899.8 miles completed for my goal of 1009 (2018 divided by 2). Barring injury, I'm going to easily hit that and then some!
u/ahf0913 Oct 31 '18
Congrats on the progress!
u/TrollingQueen74 Oct 31 '18
Thanks! Hard to believe that I was struggling to hit my 600 mile goal just last year!
u/shesaidgoodbye Oct 31 '18
Injured! Again! Re-injured myself or possibly never healed in July like I thought I did. Haven't run and have been limping around since 10/10. Appt with an ortho next week for x-rays n what not. So I'm probably fucked for the 50k I signed up for on Dec 8.
u/a35chylu5 Oct 31 '18
I'm sorry, I can sympathise. The road to recovery is SO frustrating! I hope everything gets better soon.
u/jangle_bo_jingles Oct 31 '18
Oh noes :(
Do you think it's just a matter of leaving it to heal, or is there some surgical procedure that could help?
u/shesaidgoodbye Oct 31 '18
not sure, I don't even have a real diagnosis yet. I'll find out tomorrow!
u/birdrunsslow Oct 31 '18
Not as well as I thought, I got lazy & I'm eating everything in sight...and a race in 12 days.
Got 89 miles so looks like I'm running 11 as soon as I'm done work today for that 100!
u/Rickard0 Oct 31 '18
Well shit, I am at 93, I read your statement and thought, I could do 7 tonight, but its supposed to rain pretty heavy. We shall see....
u/Yaaaasiloveit Oct 31 '18
Rain doesn’t stop a run. Just wear a garbage bag and a hat 😂
u/Rickard0 Oct 31 '18
They were talking about 2.5 inches of rain..... But now it doesn't look like it will be that bad. We shall see, but thanks for the motivation.
u/Gophurkey Oct 31 '18
With that much rain, I'd put on my speedo, grab some old race medals, and do a Halloween run in costume as Michael Phelps!
u/Rickard0 Oct 31 '18
OH that's genius. Can I borrow your speedos?
u/birdrunsslow Nov 01 '18
I got my 11 mi done and PR'd my 10k & 10 mi! Practiced my 10 mile upcoming race and was 9 min under my goal too so win-win! Hope you got at least some of your run in! (I hardly ever run in the rain and it rained a ton here all summer!)
u/inomniaveritas Oct 31 '18
Overall mileage was 40 miles.
Ran the Baltimore Running Festival 5k and was 5th in AG, so I was happy with that because it's the biggest race in the city.
IT band won't let me run fast. Flared up for the 5k and for an attempted workout later in the week, but rocking the easy miles and throwing in some strides seems to keep it happy.
Random: Spent the entire month mostly in marathon recovery mode and eating everything in sight. Got a standing desk and the lower back pain I had from when I used to sit on my feet all day has disappeared.
u/ahf0913 Oct 31 '18
5th AG in the biggest race in Baltimore? I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.
u/inomniaveritas Oct 31 '18
Thanks! I wanna say it's tied with our St. Patrick's Day 5k for biggest, but yeah it turned out to be a good morning for a run. :)
u/BeardySi Oct 31 '18 edited Oct 31 '18
Barring a blip last week where life got in the way. October was a great month!
First ever 100k month!
Finished mighty strong last night with a 30min fast run in the middle of a 9.5km run. Set PB times for everything 5k and below (5k in 24:19!!!, 4:32 fastest km).
I really feel that following a 10k training plan is paying off in spades, 2 weeks till the race!
Edit: also (and possibly most importantly) I got to run my 4yo daughter's first junior parkrun with her! She had a fantastic time and was absolutely made up when everyone cheered her over the line!
u/a35chylu5 Oct 31 '18
187.4 km run.
2,112 meters climbed.
No PRs / PBs just some good runs.
No races :(
Healing up, seem to be getting better :)
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
246 miles which is low for me however...
ran Ghost Train for 100 miles. Yeah dawg! My first hundo completed!
GT, see above. After completing it I thought of never doing another 100, said I am done. Now thoughts have started to creep into my head again...
My knee :*( At the end of GT I was having inner knee twinges. Luckily this was about the last two miles so whatever. Well right after the race I went to LA to visit my sister and she had me walking like crazy everywhere since we did not have a car. I still felt the twinges here and there but no biggie. Ran yesterday felt the twinge again but whatevs. This morning was a huge NOPE. I suspect I have a MCL sprain according to google. Going to ice and rest it but I am sad.
u/Rickard0 Oct 31 '18
100 mile run still blows my mind. I will never do that, but would like to see it done. I need to find a way to support a 100 miler. What are you doing this weekend? Want to run 100 miles so I can support and learn?
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
Want to run 100 miles so I can support and learn?
Ha ha! You know as looney as that sounds if my knee wasn't upset at me I would consider it because I am not very smart. I already had been thinking of how I could jam in my usual long run on Sat but the brain and body are currently out of sync.
I think u/Runlowsky was putting together a crewing report for GT so that the EU meetup folks would have it. Not sure where he is with it
u/a35chylu5 Oct 31 '18
If u/sloworfast can do another marathon I'm sure you can do another 100 :)
GT, what an achievement. I hope you're still glowing from that run.
MCL, well at least it's not lupus.
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
I hope you're still glowing from that run.
If anything I am probably still mildly pasty from running in the dark :D
u/a35chylu5 Oct 31 '18
Same, although I suppose glowing would actually be quite useful as the days get shorter.
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
Lighting up the night like a firefly for others would be a great thing
u/a35chylu5 Oct 31 '18
Just ordered https://www.noxgear.com/lighthound for my dog. 6am in the UK where I am it is completely black.
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
Yay! Doggo protection is important. Also good to see it is on sale as well. You should mention it in the what are you wearing thread
u/theredinthesky Oct 31 '18
ran Ghost Train for 100 miles. Yeah dawg! My first hundo completed!
Damn straight you did!!!
u/inomniaveritas Oct 31 '18
WOOO for the first hundo!!!
Resting is hard when you want to run, but even robots need to reboot from time to time. :hugs:
u/Octopifungus Lunatic Robot Oct 31 '18
Thank you <3
I had even said before the race that I was going to rest after it and I was silly.
u/ahf0913 Oct 31 '18
My first hundo completed!
Now thoughts have started to creep into my head again...
:D :D :D
u/ithinkitsbeertime Oct 31 '18
177 miles; 8400 feet (although there's some bad elevation data in there, so who knows).
Ran my first 10k but it was probably short so I guess not really a PR there.
Overall a good block w/ 3 weeks in the mid 40s, one more week around there this week and then tapering for the Philly Half on 11/17.
u/Grantsdale Oct 31 '18
254 miles
7:57 avg pace
14,600 ft of gain
2nd in a 10k and 3rd in a 5K on back to back days earlier in the month
Shoulderblocked a street sign in a rain/wind storm on Saturday. That woke me up.
2522 for the year, so I'm on track to go over 3000 and be right around last years total of 3028.
u/docbad32 Oct 31 '18
198 miles. I usually like to be above 200 but since I biffed it over the weekend and had to take some down days, i'd say close enough.
14,847 ft. climbed. Putting less emphasis on climbing during this block since I don't really have any races that need it.
A couple of segment PRs but nothing major. I did manage to climb over 2,000 ft. in a 5k.
Nothing this month. Trail thon on Saturday.
Probably a jinx but it seems i'm finally getting over this IT stuff. Problem is, every time I think that, it hits me hard, but not until like mile 70. Stupid IT band.
u/Percinho Oct 31 '18
I really enjoyed this month. At the very back end of last month I PBd in the Ealing Half Marathon, then a week after I had the Pett's Wood 10k, which is a half-trail undulating 10k which I ran with friends, and then a fortnight later The Wife and I ran the 10 mile Great South Run. During the last of those I hit my 1000km for the year goal.
As a result of all of that I've declared the end to my season and I've ended the month with some easy recovery runs. It's been my lowest overall distance month of the year, but I'm good with that. It's definitely a time to let my legs get some bounce back.
u/philpips Oct 31 '18
Oh you rain Ealing this year? That's a hilly course!
u/Percinho Oct 31 '18
I did! It didn't feel as hilly as I was expecting, it felt more undulating than hilly. I think it's because you don't feel the hills early doors as you're being dragged along by it being Race Day. There was a decent one at 9 miles though, but my mate attacked it and I just switched the brain off and followed him.
Having said that, my PB was very soft. :-)
u/philpips Oct 31 '18
Yeah I did it a few years back. Top of that hill there was a guy seriously chundering. Could hear him from the bottom and he was still going strong when we crested.
u/Rickard0 Oct 31 '18
Monthly: 93 miles
Elevation: 1353 feet
PR: Marathon 4:18 (almost 20 minute PR)
Races: 1st in Age group for 5k
Injuries: None, but legs a little sore.
Etc: Took it easy this month after the Chicago Marathon. Just starting to ramp things back up. Currently at 1117 miles for the year.
u/inomniaveritas Oct 31 '18
Congrats on the marathon PR and the 1st in AG finish!
20 minutes off is no joke!!
u/elsaar Oct 31 '18
So hear me out - I’ve hated running my whole life. We had a park around my school and in PE I had to run a 500meter lap and all I tasted was blood about 200 meters in. And the stitches, oh my god. Running was never ever my thing.
I’m into lifting weights and classes at the gym, though. Somehow on a fluke I got into running on a treadmill last summer. Lasted about a month. I enjoyed it but I ran 8K on a treadmill and then suddenly everything hurt. For the next month I kept trying to run even just 1K but my feet hurt. So I just let it go. Got lazy (and fatter) again. Now on 17th of September this year I decided to try it again. Hey, nothing hurt anymore! I kept running on the treadmill. About mid October I was like - screw it, I wanna run outside. I might wanna run a race one day and running outdoors is completely different to a treadmill.
Well as of today - 31. October - I’ve ran 91.13km total in this month. Longest distance was 10.64km. Holy buns, I love running. I also managed to register for Cambridge half marathon this morning that sold out quite fast. Running that in March. I’m very excited and so happy I finally decided to try again and to actually run outdoors.
u/Gophurkey Oct 31 '18
Saw this post, checked my Strava, realised I was only at 99 miles, went back out to do a few more, posted this.
It's been a whirlwind of a day, folks.
u/sirernestshackleton Oct 31 '18
Definitely my favorite month I've had since I started running.
Total: 108.8 miles.
This included the Twin Cities Marathon on October 7, when I got a new PR of 3:29. Two weeks later, I got a half PR of 1:36 at the Baltimore Running Festival.
Kinda wish I entered more races to get more PRs. Hopefully next month.
u/fmaqf Oct 31 '18
I trained for and competed in my first race. Wanted to sing for 21k on april, but was told not until I lose more weight. So yeah, gonna keep running until that. Very good month.
u/rb404 Oct 31 '18
Pretty good month, I'd say!
- 88 miles (with a run tonight that should bring it to 93), my highest since November 2016 (108 mi)
- 5260 ft climbed, so tonight's run will push that to just over a mile
- No races, but set a new fastest mile at 6:52 and also new 3mi (7:10/mi) and 5mi PRs (8:15/mi)
- Had an IT band injury in late September that I spent the first week of this month recovering from, all good now!
- Just passed 1000km for the year with last night's run, only 83 miles away from a new yearly best
Half marathon training really ramps up for November, looking forward to what should be my first 110+ mile month and probably a tune-up 5k on Thanksgiving.
u/IamML Oct 31 '18
After being lazy pretty much all year topped off a solid 2 months of training and ran my first half marathon of the year at the start of month. Not my fastest time but definitely my best run with my pacing and how I felt after. Now back up to base building for a couple of months before my first marathon next year
u/Rickyv490 Oct 31 '18
- October was largely a recovery month for me. I'm at 118 miles currently and will get a few more in tonight compared to September where I ran 165 miles. I was having a lot of aches and pains for a few months, my guess being shin splints. The last couple weeks I've felt pretty good with long runs 10+ miles and feeling great afterwards. I'm looking forward to getting back up to my September miles.
- I ran 2 races this month. On the 7th I ran an 18 mile and a 5k on the 14th. Didn't do as well as I'd like in either but that's alright. I did place 2nd in the 5k.
- No injuries I feel good.
- I have a race on Nov. 10th, the Rocky Run doing both the 5k and 10 miler.
- Despite the reduced miles I managed to keep my mile a day streak for the month. Currently at 76 days.
u/tphantom1 Oct 31 '18
- I completed my first half marathon this October. my race report is here - but if you want the tl;dr version: it was the NYRR Staten Island half, I finished with a time of 2:38, and Hal Higdon's novice half marathon training plan worked out well for me.
- overall running mileage for this month: 38.1 miles.
- a few days after my half, I was on vacation in Portugal, racking up 56 miles of walking throughout hilly cities and terrain over the course of 8 days. definitely counting that as post-race cross-training recovery.
- I enjoyed the challenge of the half, and would definitely do more. looking at potential next one in January or February. until then, just going to be doing a few shorter races.
u/jangle_bo_jingles Oct 31 '18
166 miles in October - which im quite happy with.
My total so far this year is 1448 miles - which leaves me with another 252 miles needed in order to hit the target i set in January.
Nothing else really to report - its all good :D
Oct 31 '18
This is my first full month back to running after my hip injury.
This morning, fueled by some early Halloween candy from last night, I finally had a real, relaxing run. Earlier runs were...well, not relaxing. "Overly cautious and paranoid" might be the phrase. I'm even within striking distance of my old pace.
It feels really good.
Also, new observation: I like running in the dark. My route is pretty safe (and I'm lit up like a Tron character to boot), but sometimes I like turning off my headlamp and my light vest. It's meditative. I enjoy looking up at the stars.
It feels like your own private universe.
Oct 31 '18
Mileage: 147 miles. Not huge, but I feel like it is good considering I'm staying conservative due to the risk of an injury recurring and tapering for a 50k.
Elevation: 21,114 feet of gain. I'm back to running trails and this month I focused more on elevation than on total mileage so this has been my largest month of feet of gain/mile this year, actually ever.
PR/PB: stated above - largest month of feet of gain/mile. Most of the gain ended up being in my Saturday trail runs.
Race: I ran Doggone Tired 50k in Vinton Iowa last weekend in 5:26. I got 5th place! *coughoutof12cough* but it let me kill two birds with one stone as my parents live near there.
Injuries: I've tried to be extra careful coming back from an injury over the summer and it seems to be working. My left hamstring is still sore from the 50k but it doesn't seem to be a total hinderance like it was a few months ago.
u/ioueas Oct 31 '18
- Monthly Mileage: 159 miles
- Elevation: Minimal
- PR/PB: New Marathon PB 3:56:57 (my first and only prior marathon was 4:05:43)
- Races: Marine Corps Marathon!
- Injuries: Ended September hoping that I didn't fracture my toe, discovered it was a bone bruise (because that can happen), and had to take the end of September/beginning of October off for recovery. But I still ran a good marathon!
Eyeing some fun races for the rest of the year while I ease back into running -- maybe I'll try a Turkey Trot 5K and a 15K Holiday race?
Oct 31 '18
Mileage: 183.9 mi
Elevation: 10371 feet
PRs: 42:36 in 10k 1st age group 11th OA, 2:30:14 25k, 10th OA
Races: Kansas City Marathon 10k, Rock Bridge Revenge 25k
My first Marathon is in 3 weeks and I feel confident that I can finish in under 3:30:00.
u/Seegracerun Oct 31 '18
•Overall monthly average has been my highest yet at 113! 72 of those miles were done pushing my 30 lb toddler in the stroller. Oct was peak marathon training for me tho but I have never felt this strong.
•Overall elevation gain was 6300ft thanks to all the hills in my neighborhood!
•The temperature in my area has gone from lows in the 60s in the start of the month to lows in the mid 30s. It’s been a struggle getting out the door and I had to take days off since I don’t like pushing my kid in such cold temps. It’s also been a struggle figuring out what to wear since I usually put running on hold through the winter.
•No injuries to report for Oct besides making to sure to stretch my hips to prevent them from tightening up on my long runs.
Marathon is in a week and a half! I’m SO EXCITED!!
u/curfudgeon Oct 31 '18
- Overall mileage: 175, probably 180+ after track practice tonight
- Elevation: 1837 meters (MCM is flat and October was mostly taper anyway, so I didn't do as many hills as I normally do)
- PBs: Sub-4 Marine Corps! It's an arbitrary time goal, but hey. Overall it was just a really nice day, the crowds were wonderful, weather was great.
- Injuries: None!
- Plan for November: My first 50k is coming up in a few weeks, low-ish mileage until then to make sure I'm recovered. Start thinking about Jackpot.
u/philpips Oct 31 '18
Hardly any volume at all this month. Can't tell if I'm working hard or hardly working.
u/midmoddest Oct 31 '18
Mileage: 160.2, not counting the double I have planned for later!
Elevation: 8711' of gain
PRs or PBs: No, besides a lot of peanut butter. :(
Races/Events: Buffalo Creek Half Marathon (~1:54), the inaugural GAP Relay!
Injuries: Just an achy foot that as of the past week is magically better. I blame shifting weather patterns and/or increasing mileage.
Had a lot of firsts this month! My first time running a relay, which of course means my first time running at 3:00 AM on no sleep, my first time running a race for fun/to finish and not seeking any PRs...I made it 1/3 of the way through my training plan for Jackpot and have already started to doubt my training, so I must be an advanced runner. I'm starting to lose a little bit of discipline as the days get shorter and colder, so that's definitely something I need to work on going forward.
Oct 31 '18
October started out great, getting around 40 miles a week for the first two weeks, then getting sick and put out of commission for the next two. It sucks to get sick, but I took the necessary break to recover and hopefully get back on track. I felt like I was back at square one with waking up early and running, but hopefully I'll get back into a normal routine within a week or so.
u/Marxgorm Oct 31 '18
First solid month of training. Goal is a HM in april. Managed 140km total. 2800m elevation. Lots of pr's of course since it was the first real month. Getting consistent sub 5 min/km on everything under 10k. Goal for next month is 160km and extending my long run by a few kilometers.
u/strangerdanger50 Oct 31 '18
Feel like my running has gone well these last few months
Overall mileage: 56.3 miles Overall elevation 2358 ft PBs: marathon (7/10) 4hr 25, 1 mile (21/10) 6.42, 5k (27/10) 22.14 Events: kielder marathon (7/10) Injuries: so far no injuries at all, keeping fingers crossed.
Retired my new balance zante v3 after 530 miles, sad times I absolutely loved them. Replacing them with new balance 1400 v6 and Nike air pegasus 35. Onwards and upwards hopefully.
u/Kedkep Oct 31 '18
Best and highest monthly mileage (for me) ever: 200.3!
Elevation total: 1757. Only ran trails twice in October.
No PRs aside from total mileage, I ran a half earlier in the month hoping to PR but it was pretty warm and I didn't properly taper.
Also upgraded from the Apple Watch to the Garmin Fenix which I really think has been a gamechanger for my Fitness. Pretty happy with my progress :)
u/derjohan Nov 01 '18
October was a good month for me. Got exactly one day and one month to go for my 1st ever marathon!
- Overall monthly mileage: 358km, highest yet
- Elevation: 853m
- PRs: Half marathon (1:36:30) and longest run so far 32km
- Races: Müggelsee Half marathon
- Injuries: Nope
u/RFXN Nov 01 '18
Had a great HM (~1:53, aiming for 1:55) at the end of September, then was convinced to sign up for my local HM (Leicester) two weeks later. Rested a bit, went at it on a relatively fast course in the pouring rain, and smashed my time again with ~1:48. Considering where I was 6 months ago (maaaaybe at a sub-2 HM, although my only attempt was disastrously hot and came in 2:16), I can't believe how well these races went. Excited to see what I can do next year if I properly apply myself to a base-building plan then a proper training plan with a goal race in mind.
Other than the HM, I didn't run much at all in October unfortunately. I was either in a recovery week or life got in the way, so finished on about 40miles, including the half. Still got a niggling shin injury though, so the rest was probably exactly what I needed.
No real plans for the rest of the year, so trying to decide on a suitable base building plan, commit to regularly doing strengthening work , sort out my diet and hopefully put myself in a better place going into 2019. I have a few goals in mind for next year - some loftier than others - so I'll need to get myself in order before I can start working towards those.
u/P-dubbs Nov 01 '18
- Total miles: 116.54 mi
- Races: Chicago Marathon, Columbus Marathon
- PRs: Ran my best marathon time of the year at Columbus
- Injuries: Nothing at the moment, and I'm trying to be super vigilant to keep it that way.
October was pretty much tapering, marathons, and recovery. I started to ramp back up over the past few days and I'm feeling pretty good so far. Looking forward to more chilly fall runs.
u/sbrbrad Nov 01 '18
According to Strava, I spent 29 hours running 172 miles over 22 activities. Couldn't find a monthly total for elevation but it couldn't have been more than 1500-2000 ft. Hurrah for flat af Texas. Not too shabby considering we smashed any and all rainfall record in the first half of the month...
December marathon here I come.
u/CrimsonRoubaix Nov 01 '18
Highest mileage month ever for me so far: just over 226 miles.
~6,300ft of elevation gain.
Set a 10k PR of 51:45 👍
All in all, it was a good month!
u/resavr_bot Nov 01 '18
A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.
Pretty sure I have a stress reaction in my right tibia, between 1/3 and 1/2 up. Doc told me there aren’t really good tests for early stage stress fractures/reactions. In the middle of my first week off. [Continued...]
The username of the original author has been hidden for their own privacy. If you are the original author of this comment and want it removed, please [Send this PM]
u/NovaRunner Nov 02 '18
- 149 miles
- 6355 feet
- 1/2 Marathon PR 1:53 (first half of MCM)
- Ran the Marine Corps Marathon (7th time) 4:06
October was a pretty good month. Miles were down from September due to pre-marathon taper. I had a minor tweak in my left calf that came out of nowhere, so I did the RICE protocol and took a couple days off running. That did the trick and I was able to complete my seventh Marine Corps Marathon in 4:06, notching a half-marathon PR of 1:53 along the way.
Now I'm looking for a spring marathon, there are a couple in this area in April and early May that I may shoot for. And of course I'll be running the MCM again in a year.
u/ahf0913 Oct 31 '18
I finished my first 100 this month. I have good numbers this month, but I feel like they pale in comparison.