r/running • u/AutoModerator • Mar 01 '23
Monthly Thread February Monthly Updates & Check In Thread
Let everyone know how your month turned out! Feel free to discuss your racing, training, and any other stats that you may or may not be pleased with, as well as any goals you have planned for the next months.
Here are a few discussion point ideas:
Miles this month/mileage goal for the year?
Goals for the year?
Set any PR's or PB's?
Dealing with any injuries?
Learn anything this month regarding your training/running?
Got any plans for a race, time trial, or FKT?
What was your favorite run this month?
u/Seldaren Mar 01 '23
Finished Feb with 206 miles (includes a couple of hikes). Which is almost my highest month, even with Feb being a short month.
Started the taper for a 50K on the 11th. The weather forecast for that is looking OK. No rain or snow (event was canceled due to snow/ice last year), but it'll be chilly (high in the 40s).
I also finished Feb with a 10M run where I PR'd my 10M, 15K and 10K times. That was fun. And 3rd fastest 5K.
And I signed up for a couple of races in the Spring and Summer. Lots to look forward to!
u/tphantom1 Mar 01 '23
February mileage: 65 miles. down from 78 in January.
no injuries, but due to running around for personal stuff and a few more days of feeling run down than normal.
PRs in the 10K (55:05, NYRR Manhattan 10K) and the 4M (32:33, NYRR Al Gordon 4M). the corral re-alignment in NYRR put me from G into F before the 10K, and then I bumped up to E at the 4M.
consistently strength training almost every day since September after being one of those "yeah I should strength train" runners.
no plans for races; keeping weekends relatively free for less-structured running until our wedding. for now, enjoying not having races and just working on being consistent with running, though I acknowledge that the weekend long runs will need to start ramping up soon for the NYRR Brooklyn Half in May.
u/Yogurtcloset-Alone Mar 02 '23
I really picked up my running in Feb. I added a km to each run and finished with my first ever half marathon. I totaled 158km running in Feb.
u/zombiemiki Mar 01 '23
Started February with an 11k and hurt my ankle in the process. Spent the rest of the month continuing my usual routines while hoping it would get better. Finally it’s better.
I wanted to start doing long runs outside but then Toronto decided to get hit by a snowstorm and I think another one is coming in a few days. My hopeful goal for March is to start running outside once a week.
I’m also hoping my continued weight training will help keep my ankle from getting sore again.
u/IowaRunner489 Mar 01 '23
- Deprioritized mileage numbers and pace for training. Metrics started to get into my head, especially pace, "I should be able to hit this pace on an easy run" really makes every run forced in February in Iowa.
- Deprioritized a marathon coming up in March so I wouldn't kill training for an ultra(125km) in May. If I try to gut out a Boston q-time I would kill 3 weeks of training instead of a week.
- First trail run of the year at Honey Creek, IA went great, a ton of elevation change, beautiful outside, really set expectations/motivating for me. Hoping to get a 6+ hour single in there before the ultra in May.
u/queenoftheskypesos Mar 01 '23
I’m also in Iowa. Good point on the metrics. Looking at my metrics after a run, I’m shocked at how slow I was when it was so freaking hard.
u/Oeselian Mar 01 '23
Never done this much treadmill running in my life and hated every moment of it. I can't wait for spring.
u/corneliastreetvibes Mar 01 '23
For me, February was a brutal month mentally. I’ve had depression for years, but this month I’ve been doubting and criticizing myself more than ever. I’m already a slow runner (and I mean, really slow lol), but thankfully my first half marathon isn’t until November so I have plenty of time to train. I’m hopeful that DST in March and warmer weather will brighten up my mood, but mainly I need to stop comparing myself to other runners and just appreciate everything that I’ve accomplished.
To end on a positive note, though, I did PR my 10k!
u/One_Introduction_663 Mar 01 '23
I ran 174 miles in Feb compared to last year Feb which is 0, I was thinking COLD was the problem last year but realized that its in my head. No injuries. Thanks to this running community.
u/Yogurtcloset-Alone Mar 02 '23
Awesome job. I am the same I ran 0km last Feb. This year I took up running in the winter and it's not bad at all you warm up as you go. I did my first half marathon at the end of Feb just on my own :)
u/agreeingstorm9 Mar 01 '23
Horrible awful month for me running wise. I was sick virtually the entire month and managed to run just 5 miles the entire month. It was by far the worst running month I've ever had I think. Hard to get anything productive out of just 5 miles. I was forced to admit to myself that I'm not a runner any more.
u/RidingRedHare Mar 01 '23
I'm sorry, seems you got hit even worse than me. (I have not yet added up my puny total for February.)
Any expectations that those allergy shots you have been taking will improve the situation after some time?
u/agreeingstorm9 Mar 02 '23
I don't know. Maybe? Maybe not? I'm like halfway through them and have like 15 shots left going once a week. Given that I've been sick off and on (mainly on it seems) for the past 2-3 mos makes me think that no, it's not working. Then again when I started the shots would make my arms itch like crazy and don't do that any more. They also used to make nauseous and sick within 20-60 mins of getting them and don't do that any more. I would take this as a huge positive other than the fact that I've been sick for 2-3 mos straight it seems. I guess we'll see.
u/RidingRedHare Mar 02 '23
Seems that there is some improvement. And it also seems that they won't completely prevent you from exercising any more, like they did in the beginning.
u/ASteelyDan Mar 02 '23 edited Mar 02 '23
Early in the month I came close to nearly an all time PR that I set 15 years ago by a few seconds in the 5K, so that felt really good! All I needed to do was be consistent for 6 months to get there.
After that I increased mileage and hit 30 mpw for a couple of weeks, totaled 106 miles for the month, which is probably a record for me. It's been tougher than I expected. My legs are achy a lot of the time. I have another race coming up this Sunday and I was hoping to smash my all time PR but I feel pretty burnt out. I tried running a TT last Saturday and was spent after the first 2 miles and had to walk. Now I'm cutting back 25% of my mileage to recover, but I'm still not feeling that great. Probably just need to sleep more. If I don't make it I'll probably repeat 30 mpw until the next monthly race.
February was a rough period of ice/snow on the ground but now the grass is back, there's great running weather, so I'm looking forward to not running in the cold and ice anymore! (though will probably hate the heat soon enough)
u/runner7575 Mar 01 '23
When I signed up for the LR 1/2 back in December, i wanted some thing to look forward. Probably was a little too ambitious with this plan, but that's OK - it really helped me stay motivated to keep training, and now I am looking to a fun (albeit windy) weekend away.
- Ran 16 times this month, for 71 miles
- Mixed in a bit of spinning and rowing classes.
- I think my fav run was the 12 mile long run - once I got past mile 2 it wasn't that bad at all, and felt great knowing it was done. (My mother on the other hand told me she was worried cause i had never looked that tired from running before, lol)
- I learned that my core and arms really need work - so that's going to be my focuses for March. Signed up for a free hip opener course online, and going to do a personal plank challenge.
- After this race on Sunday, I'll slowly ramp back up. Next race is the Flying Pig 1/2 .
u/GoofyWater Mar 01 '23
Currently going to Airrosti (chiropractor/physical therapy) for some knee pain- they told me no running for a week. Seems some weakness in the glutes and quads led to some damage in the knee
u/kobrakai_1986 Mar 01 '23
Managed 151K in Feb which brings me just shy of 258K for the year so far. My modest start of year goal, after being injured last year twice, was 500K, so I’m thinking I might need to adjust that in a couple of months.
u/dogsetcetera Mar 01 '23
Finished the month with just over 80 miles, avg 20 weeks. Swim 6 out of my goal 8x for the month (twice a week). Still working on the motivation/dedication muscle, it's having a hard time.
Signed up for a 10 miler impulsively on Saturday. Will be interesting. Projected cold, wind and snow.
Training towards a 20 mi'er in early April (goal is just to finish, no time goals), half in June and 30 mi'er in Sept.
This month hoping to hit my 8x swims, avg weekly 30/wk and not die. Do some more speed work.
u/RidingRedHare Mar 01 '23
Only 108k in February, a really bad month. Ouch.
Back problems prevented all exercise for about 10 days. Currently, I am nursing a small calf injury. No running until next week.
I also seem to have developed yet another medical condition, and I think it impacts my cardio. I did see a specialist, and they said "yeah, we can see the symptoms, but we can't find a cause, and at this point doing more invasive tests would not achieve anything."
I'll whine a bit more in tomorrow's thread.
u/frew425 Mar 02 '23
Got to a nice 40 mpw and feeling really strong last week with an easy 14 miler on Thursday. Went on a little vacation at the beach over the weekend, ran easy 5 miles Tuesday then today out of nowhere the outside of my knee died 4 miles in and I think I’m experiencing ITBS. Super bummed after feeling so strong, no idea why this came out of no where, runs have been super easy and no history of this.
Stopped right away and doing all the stretches and strengthening to get back at it in time for April marathon.
Any reason 4 days off and chillin would do this? Maybe my form got wild for those 4 miles? So weird.
u/Kosmoskill Mar 02 '23
Got my 4 days of running goingwith the third week of the white plan by jack daniels in phase 4. 22k a week at 148kg. I am very tired, but feel great!
Got a leg injury which hurts my upper leg when i lift my foot off the ground. Got an appointment at my doc but it doesnt really bother me at the moment.
Next week is my first 10k this year. Sub 1:15h would be awesome!
Next week is a deload week to focus on strength training during my vacation.
After the white plan i'll move on to 26k a week with daniels blue plan!
u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23
Finished the last chunk of Pfitz’s base building plan to 45mpw. Total miles for Feb: 166.
The jump from 39 mpw to 42 was rough. Then settled in with another 42, then 45.
I have two down weeks planned before getting into my (1st!) marathon training plan. Feeling some niggles in my Achilles and knee. Took a fall a few weeks ago and may have jammed my knee sideways a bit - it only hurts when moving laterally and when I stop running. Hopefully these two weeks will help.
I’ve always struggled with the line of being too rigid and being flexible when it comes with training. So very happy this month I was able to travel twice and still balance running. And trying to take cues from my body and adjusting my cross training and strength work based on how I feel, rather than doing something because of what is written down.
All in all, a great month!