r/nosurffamilies Mar 01 '22

r/nosurffamilies Lounge

A place for members of r/nosurffamilies to chat with each other


19 comments sorted by


u/Live7777 Mar 02 '22

hey, Happy to see you here!


u/Live7777 Mar 02 '22

Would anyone be interested in a discussion about daily schedules with young kids?


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

Hi WorkinProgress365! Our schedule goes like this; I wake up, wake Little up, make L breakfast/serve pre-prepared breakfast, go back to my room to nap for an hour. L knows that parents sometimes need to nap a bit extra, so when L is done eating, L knows that it's alone time (L loves library books and spends most of alone time reading them or doing crafts). In my room I either sleep a bit extra, or plan/get ready for the day. After alone time, we do some one-on-one activities together, even if just cuddles, for about 30 min. Then I start my morning chores (empty dishwasher, etc). Occasionally there's a real mess, so I'll clean, but normally I prefer to clean the night before and wake up to a clean house. L always loves to talk to me while I'm doing my chores and often likes to help me clean, otherwise L will be in room coloring or something. When morning chores are done we do 1-1.5h of schoolwork (homeschooling). After actual lesson, sometimes L will do some worksheets alone while I get up to attend to other things. Homeschooling is usually done around 10am and then we usually go out somewhere, even if just a very short drive to the town center if the weather is awful. we almost always go to the park or a walk, even in not so good weather. excercise is probably the most important thing for littles well-being.


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

will finish this in about 30 min


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

After that, we head home for lunch and then naptime. L doesn't always nap, but naptime is a daily part of our routine nonetheless and it's 2.5 hour per day. I would say L naps most days of the week, but will sometimes tell me "I didn't sleep" but stays in bed playing with stuffies the entire time


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

During naptime I'll do any of the online prep I need for my business, and get everything ready for the rest of the day. This usually involves looking up materials for my business, sourcing, etc


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

After nap time, we spent about an hour together having a snack and the doing an activity together, and after that I start working. L knows it's time to play alone and is happy to do so.


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

After that, it's dinner time. I used to put on TV shows during this time, but L stopped asking for that months ago. Now L helps me cook


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

We go to the library a lot and check out at least 10 books a week


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

We did have one discussion about how some shows are not healthy, mainly the fast paced ones like paw patrol and had switched to old-school cartoons long before we stopped watching altogether


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

After dinner, we cuddle ad read books together and occasionally play a board game. After that it's bed time


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

after bedtime is the only time I'll "surf" ( Youtube) but I've replaced it mostly with reading because it hinders my sleep


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

If I have downtime during the day, I bring my own book to the living room and we read together side by side


u/Live7777 Mar 14 '22

I taught my little to read so that helps too


u/pinecone_biscuit Mar 01 '22

Just wanted to say hello, thank you for making this sub! I’m about to give birth in a couple weeks so I’d love to aim for a no surf family 💗


u/WorkInProgress365 Mar 13 '22

Hi! I just found this subreddit and am very interested in learning about hour daily schedule, Live7777! I’m a sahm with a 5 year old and a baby and I’ve realized that I’ve been a terrible model of tech usage. My daughter is addicted to electronics and I just realized I am too. Trying to figure out how I can model better habits for her.


u/Yoonji_Discord May 26 '22

hey no surf crew


u/Yoonji_Discord May 26 '22

hope u all are well


u/Yoonji_Discord May 26 '22

i support you guys and your mission and you guys are chill and tight asf.