r/letmebequeer Mar 12 '21

[M] sick nazis?

i dont know a better place to post this but it’s something i’ve been struggling with for a few days now. im a leftist, my brother is a jewish neo-nazi. he lives with my parents who i haven’t seen in 9 blissful years, so it was easy to just cut him off too with no drama or regret. growing up in a conservative jewish/authoritarian/military household, we were best friends. i was always “left” of my family but over the years of life and living in the world while in the military myself, i formed my truly leftist perspective. he was apparently going further and further right. anyway, i heard from my one remaining family contact that my brother has been “very sick” with covid for several weeks. i have no idea if i should contact him or not. its hard to imagine feeling guilty right now, the disgust is overwhelming. but i probably would feel guilty if he died and i never spoke to him? then again i have experience with death and there’s definitely a lot of people who im ok with being gone. maybe some people will think its fucked up for me to talk about my own brother that way but for me its pretty much the standard way of dealing with people who brought only violence and hate into the world and are finally leaving it.


10 comments sorted by


u/NemophilistHuman Mar 13 '21

If it were my idiot brother I would communicate some kind of parting wish or blessing to him. I understand all the weird bits attached to this issue though, my brother is POC but has chosen a "blue lives" matter stance and speaks far right gibberish...

I would take this time for yourself to speak with him for your sake, not his. You clearly feel a tug on your heart, and that's ok. When I look at my brother I can still see my innocent best friend, but it's like I'm looking back in time and I know he is not the same person in the present. You came from the same womb, and I would give his loss too. Can't always explain grief You don't have to accept his shitty hatred of others, you don't have to accept any about him.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '21

thank you, this is really helpful. really good perspectives to have while im thinking it all over. i definitely feel grief but it’s for someone who i feel is already gone.


u/NemophilistHuman Mar 13 '21

I know that feeling. You are doing the best thing you can for yourself, which is to explore ones own thoughts and motivations deeply. Thank you for doing this, it's hard work! But it's what makes us different from our brothers- we know why we do the things we do...


u/Kimantha_Allerdings Mar 13 '21

What a world we're living in, when "Jewish neo-Nazi" is an actual thing.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '21

yea the stupidity is one of the reasons i see him as a lost cause. he’s had a really privileged life and never even been bullied or anything (mostly because of me.. now i regret all the times i protected him at a cost to myself) but i would have thought that loving me and seeing what my life has been like would be enough to show that his “jewish privilege” bullshit is just the same kind of hate that’s made my life hell


u/FrisianDude Mar 12 '21

It sounds very difficult. I think you'll be glad that you did it, even if it doesn't feel great now. I guess it's better to try than to regret not trying?


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

probably true thanks


u/FrisianDude Mar 12 '21

Good luck, I hope they've recovered from being an idiot


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

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u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21 edited Mar 12 '21

lol well it’d be “that” in the first case. thanks for the laugh i guess