r/formuladank BWOAHHHHHHH 1d ago

suck my balls mate When the mods removes your gif reply of a chimpanzee licking a window on a post looking for stroll fans for being toxic

Post image

Mods still


38 comments sorted by

u/Mahadness 🇮🇪💲Eddie Jordan's accountant💲🇮🇪 9h ago

When we remove posts and comments and users complain about why they can't continue using WL to describe Stroll, this is the kind of response they get:

"The term is an ableist slur as it uses behaviours associated with disability as an insult. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes that marginalises individuals with disabilities, reducing their experiences to a point of ridicule. We know the term is thrown around a lot because of the YouTuber RocketPoweredMohawk, and the venn diagram of RPM fans and users of this sub does have some crossover, but that isn't representative of the subreddit as a whole.

It would be unfair to allow damaging terminology be thrown around too liberally when it negatively effects members of our own community just for laughs. Don't get us wrong, RPM is fine, some of us like his content, it's just that our subreddits’ demographic is comprised of a wider breadth of the F1 community. It was something users were vocal about when the mod-team changed, and sure it's only right to adhere to that.

Thank you for understanding."

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u/pretentiousbasterd viejo sabroso 17h ago

I spent quite some time trying to figure out in what strange situation Stroll could've been caught literally licking a window, to the point of becoming his brand. Needless to say English is not my first language.


u/SpecialFXStickler BWOAHHHHHHH 17h ago

English is my first language and I thought it was in reference to a photo of Stroll eating ice cream. It’s a very British derogatory term


u/MillstoneArt BWOAHHHHHHH 10h ago

It was a joke Rocketpoweredmohawk (youtuber/patreon passive income haver) made in a few videos that some people have just never let go of. It's been tremendously overused but the same people who overuse it are oddly pleased with themselves.


u/UndeadBuggalo Vettels Chief Bee Strategist 🐝 1d ago

So I’ll say this. Those implications punch down on people with disabilities and that’s not ok.


u/Billy_McMedic Claire Williams is waifu material 13h ago

As a person with a disability, lumping stroll in with us is the actual insulting part, those are our windows to lick not his


u/xd_ZelnikM Honda bad, Alonso good 5h ago


u/sirfastvroom Acksually Toto Wolff ☝🏻🤓 14h ago


u/DRamos11 McDonald’s F1 Racing Team 5h ago

So we need to punch down on Stroll specifically, got it.


u/UndeadBuggalo Vettels Chief Bee Strategist 🐝 4h ago

Now you get it!


u/DRamos11 McDonald’s F1 Racing Team 2h ago

Can’t wait until the “Canadian Aston Martin Pilot Who Happens to be Intellectually-Challenged” graces us with another fumble.

2025 will truly be CAMPWHIC’s year.


u/L003Tr Claire Williams is waifu material 1h ago

What if I have no legs? Am I punching up the way?


u/Odd_Reward6758 Left at the Petrol Pump 13h ago

Sorry but why do we call the stroll winbow licker


u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 13h ago

Put "RPM F1 STROLL" in YouTube and you will find some fun videos... but sometimes he is crossing the line (wl reference is one of them). Also don't try to go around the filter by misspellings stuff- this can result in removal and temporary ban. Cheers.


u/Derfaust “It’s called a motor race. We went car racing” 12h ago

It's an 80s 90s era English reference to a (redacted, thanks Nazi mods) (mentally challenged person) . It comes from some story that if you put jam on the outside of the window they'll lick the inside of the window.

Christ sake the moderation in this sub really has become ridiculous. Auto deleted for using a word that has been in circulation for decades and now somehow isn't okay anymore. A rose by any other name, fellas.


u/sirfastvroom Acksually Toto Wolff ☝🏻🤓 11h ago

a word that has been in circulation for decades and now somehow isn’t okay.

Same can be said about racial slurs. The same reason why you can’t call someone the N word is the same reason why you can’t call people the R word.

It’s not a person’s choice to be a skin colour neither it is to have disabilities.


u/formatomi BWOAHHHHHHH 11h ago

Well the R word is already a scientific word and was the “politically correct” for some time. It literally means having development issues, so i as non native speaker dont get how it is problematic. It feels like people just want to change terms time to time to have power over others by forcing them to change their vocabulary


u/MillstoneArt BWOAHHHHHHH 10h ago

Scientific and medical terminology also progresses, with your word of choice falling out of use in favor of more specific, descriptive terms. In addition to falling out of use in professional fields the word has taken on a derogatory and hateful meaning in common use. 

If you feel like using hurtful language no one will stop you, just be aware of your decision. How are people "nazis" for trying to create a welcoming place for everyone?


u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 10h ago

There is no problem using r word on serious note in contex of medical condition- for example doctors still use it daily... problem is when people use it as slur and that is exactly 100% of the time the term is used on this sub. It insults people witch actual disability. That's why it is auto removed here.


u/[deleted] 9h ago

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u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 6h ago

None of us is offended but in modern society we stand up for disabled people. If you don't get that tak your dark age mentality somewhere else.


u/[deleted] 6h ago

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u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 5h ago

As you wish.


u/SmartyPants918 Stop Inventing 9h ago

yes, unfortunately for some the mods have picked the words that they want to autodelete and fighting this subjective choice of words in not worth it (unless the list keeps growing)


u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 6h ago

I thought you were banned. 😂


u/SmartyPants918 Stop Inventing 6h ago

for what?


u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 6h ago

*kimis voice


u/SmartyPants918 Stop Inventing 6h ago

oh wait are u a mod?


u/SmartyPants918 Stop Inventing 6h ago

yeah nvm then


u/Derfaust “It’s called a motor race. We went car racing” 9h ago

No the original word was negro. Which is literally just Spanish for black. But somehow it's still okay to say black when referring to a black person.

Its just as silly.

There's a difference between a slur and just having a word for something.

And a slur can be made out of any word, even any of the new words you choose to pull in.

Policing people about what nomenclature they use is oppressive. And has the opposite effect from the intent.


u/dzouzefko BWOAHHHHHHH 6h ago

Did you just call me "mentally challenged twat"? I hope you didn't mean that.


u/Intenso-Barista7894 BWOAHHHHHHH 12h ago

There's nothing dank about that lame old joke.


u/crackdope6666 Osama Bin Russell 💣 15h ago


u/tryingtoappearnormal BWOAHHHHHHH 8h ago



u/[deleted] 15h ago



u/[deleted] 13h ago

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