r/facepalm 'MURICA Aug 28 '24

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ i'm speechless

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u/Yop_BombNA Aug 28 '24

If just there was some sort of action employees could take where they group together and refuse to work until they get fair wages… like a collection of people


u/The_Frankanator Aug 28 '24

I believe that's called an orgy.


u/OrderSixN9ne Aug 29 '24

I mean they are already getting fkd over as employees by their companies and why not fk each other while at it too ? Bet you there are plenty of "tips" they can be giving each other .


u/Cain09l Aug 29 '24

It's funny but I was in the subreddit for waiters forgot what its called but trust they do not want fair wages all they want is bigger tips


u/Marc21256 Aug 29 '24

I worked in restaurants for a few years.

Servers are gambling addicts. Every tip is a roll of the dice. "Maybe the next one will be a billionaire who tips $1,000,000". They don't want higher pay. They want tips, even if that means they starve.

The average tipped earner would earn more with a living wage than they earn with tips, but they will vote against a pay increase, to guarantee they get to keep tips.


u/anaserre Aug 29 '24

I’ve worked in the restaurant industry as a server/bartender for the majority of my life and I don’t find that to be true at all. In fact , I don’t think I’ve ever heard a employee making 2.13/hour say that they’d rather not have a reasonable wage.


u/Marc21256 Aug 29 '24

Where did you work? I was in the south, and I saw it at many places. I didn't work restaurants in NYC, but the feel I got while I lived there was different.


u/anaserre Aug 29 '24

From age 25-40 the Dallas/Ft Worth Area..where servers only make 2.13/hr and still do . Specifically Arlington and McKinney .


u/Marc21256 Aug 29 '24

Same area, different experience. I watched some bizarre behavior over tips.


u/nvkr_ Aug 29 '24

So let’s make it 15/hr and quit tipping - you’d be okay with that?


u/Agreeable_Spinosaur Sep 03 '24

It's a false argument saying that servers should make $15/hr. If it were $25 - $30 per hour, which is roughly the same as tipping 20% at a mid-range restaurant + $2.33 per hour, it would even the playing field.

Right now, if you're young and hot, you'll make more money than someone who is old and not-so-hot, regardless of skill. If you work at a more expensive restaurant, you'll make more money than at a diner. Same work, same everything -- why the pay differential? Why not pay workers a living wage where you arent' subject to the prejudices of customers and the price point of the food?


u/Still_Ad_164 Aug 29 '24

Let's call it a......Trade Union!