r/dating_advice 1d ago

I thought she’s into me



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u/Lavender_Trash 1d ago

If you already feel stupid..which you shouldn't. Just go for it and ask her out on a date. At least you tried, right?


u/MitchAintNoBitch 1d ago

She’s testing you to see what your intentions are.

Play it off. Tell her you are also mulling over the decision to invite your parents as well.

Then tell her you want to see just her.


u/sir-cum-sized 1d ago

In a multiverse, this might even work 😂


u/MitchAintNoBitch 1d ago

Fortune favors the bold.

What’s the worst that could happen? She says no? Ok, now you’re in the same position you currently are. Dateless, but more informed.


u/azeraph 1d ago

Just reply aw sweet, yeah invite whoever. Bummer, i just assumed i was going to have you for desert. Ok cheers. Hit me up about who's all rsvp'd. lol


u/zennyultima 1d ago

Maybe she wanna matchmake you.


u/LiKwidSwordZA 1d ago

What advice do you need


u/sir-cum-sized 1d ago

Lol idk…. I just feel stupid


u/luc424 1d ago

Here is the thing, it could still be a date, but rather one that with more people is safer for her to gauge the situation. Until you literally ask her out and she said no let's remain friends.

You are not out of the running.

People bring friends or coworkers to make sure that this isn't a date for support as well as to see how you behave in a more social setting.

So just go out there, turn up your charm, then before it ends, have some courage and confidence and ask her to a solo date.

Who knows you might impress her so much that everything just falls into place


u/LiKwidSwordZA 1d ago

This is for dating advice


u/sir-cum-sized 1d ago

Maybe I’m looking for consolation. Not the right place ig. Lol