r/cats 16h ago

Medical Questions Is my cat's purr normal? (also sometimes coughing)

My male cat kinda makes this breathing sound when purring that I don't hear my female cat do. Also not often, but twice he has got a coughing fit as if he choked while purring. It lasted for a few seconds of him coughing and then was ok. Is this normal?

Ignore the goofy angle, I waned to get him in the video but not my face lol


164 comments sorted by


u/MysteriousDinner387 16h ago

yes it sounds fine


u/graybetches 16h ago

is the sometimes coughing/choking normal?


u/Gurkeprinsen 14h ago

Could also be asthma. A trip to the vet and it'll be sorted out


u/AbbreviationsLive475 14h ago

I think my cat has asthma. Actually we both do ... Sucks.


u/Gurkeprinsen 14h ago

If you think so, you should go to the vet.


u/ballsackstealer2 Tortoiseshell 14h ago

yeah, then go to the hospital for your cat's asthma


u/AbbreviationsLive475 12h ago edited 8h ago

They'll just ridicule me because I am asthmatic and allergic to cats. I've known for over 10 years. I take Zyrtec daily . Benadryl in the past. Insanity right?

A small price for love...


u/TrueVisionSports 10h ago

Stop feeding your cat McDonald’s and GMOs.


u/marco_has_cookies 13h ago

yes, my cat sounds like this and has sporadic asthma


u/justheretosavestuff 14h ago

While it could be worth getting checked out, to put your mind at ease until you do that, I’ve had two cats with super-loud purrs who would, when especially purr-y, “choke on their own purrs” as I’ve always put it. Both of them also drool(ed) when they purred really hard. Both were/are fine (one passed at 15, one is still going). My other cat now has a super-quiet purr, so it really varies cat to cat.


u/Tipical-Redditor 15h ago

No, could be fur ball, could be cat flu, could be another type of viral respiratory infection, go to the vets to be sure.


u/crotch-booger 13h ago

Just hijacking this comment to add herpes. In the state I live in, they’ve never had a negative herpes test for a cat. Do with that information what you will, but the assumption is that if your cat is from here, they have herpes. My void gets phlegm and purring loosens it up enough that he starts coughing sometimes. The orange son gets mouth sores/ acne, and our standard issue baby is thankfully symptom free.

Er edit: not saying where you live is like that, but herpes is just stupidly common.


u/Frequilibrium 9h ago

My cat has some tough phone calls to make


u/ImaginaryBorder2597 14h ago

Pleassssseeeeee get it checked out. I just lost a cat because we thought it was normal, but turns out my little sweetheart was very slowly going downhill.


u/LitelSnekProtec 14h ago

Way to throw oil into the fire man. OP, if you don't trust it just call a vet and don't seek for medical advice online as you see above there are a lot of people unconsciously commenting out of personal negative experience. Their cat is not your cat, so seek a vet or leave it as is.


u/graybetches 14h ago

oh no! what were his symptoms?


u/ashleymilla 13h ago

I don’t think you have to worry. My kitty was experiencing the same thing, some coughing and heavy purring, turns out she just has FHV. This can be a serious disease, and I made multiple vet visits for her. Eventually the vet just told me that as long as she’s still eating, drinking water, and playing as usual then she’s perfectly fine. It’s basically just a common cold for cats. She recommended I use purina pro plan probiotics supplement, it’s helped tremendously. I think you should take them to the vet though, just to make sure they don’t have a serious issue, but 99% sure they’re going to be alright.


u/ImaginaryBorder2597 13h ago

Sounded like she had a hairball and it slowly became more of a wheezing cough. It would happen randomly, but more often with a strong pur.


u/Creative_Balance5325 13h ago

I would recommend taking him to the vet's office


u/Calm-Calligrapher-64 13h ago

Could be as simple as a fur ball but a vet would be your best option


u/mslashandrajohnson 13h ago

I call it snorgeling. It’s normal.


u/frenchfreer 12h ago

Yes. My cat has sounded like this for 15 years re. They’re just extra excited and that’s what loud purring sounds like. You should hear the noises big cats make when they’re happy - it sounds like someone started a lawnmower!


u/LengthMiserable3760 5h ago

My cat has asthma very minor case.
. He use to cough a lot they gave him a steroid shot, which really helped him . But it's a scary situation when it happens. So don't be to afraid but definitely get a vet visit if its consistent


u/menacingmoron 1h ago

One of our cats had a polyp in her nasal cavity. Once it was gone, her purr was back to normal. She did have some sneezing going on with it, but it stopped afterward.


u/Lippupalvelu 14h ago

Infrequently, it is most likely related to hair, especially in cats with longer für, like yours seems to be.

If you are worried, you can ask your vet, and he can listen to the sound of the lungs with a stethoscope; that shouldn't be expensive and can rule out most major infections.


u/NoCamp3554 11h ago

I think it's good too, with that purr I can tell that this beautiful boy really enjoys being with his owner!


u/Chemical_Ad_8117 16h ago

That is a beautiful purr. Sounds like a content kitty. But if he coughs badly, you should go to a vet with him.


u/graybetches 16h ago

its has only happened twice in the 7 months I've had him so idk if maybe he just choked on his own saliva?


u/_Litheen_ 14h ago

My cat will also do an occasional mid-pur cough like he forgot to swallow saliva away. If it only happened twice in 7 months I wouldn't worry about it


u/-_-l-l-_- 13h ago

Tbh, he looks like the kind of cat that would choke on his own saliva


u/Scokan 13h ago

I should not have laughed. but I did.


u/pointlesstips 15h ago



u/CerealBoxJunkie 14h ago

Happens to the best of us!


u/Beautiful_Cellist563 14h ago

As others have said, take him to the vet. Worst case scenario you waste some time and they are just coughing up a hairball


u/xiaoalexy 13h ago

to me it sounds like he just choked on his saliva, i can relate


u/Nojaja 11h ago

Coughing sometimes is perfectly normal so you should have nothing to worry about


u/Cmd_Poopdeck 8h ago

Same with my cat. When he's really purring up a storm he sometimes does a big swallow and then (sometimes) a cough. He does has FIV though (already had it when I adopted him).


u/graybetches 7h ago

mine tested negative so idk


u/Cmd_Poopdeck 7h ago

Yeah dont think its related to the FIV, just thought I'd mention it as a disclaimer


u/Loud_Count_8711 15h ago

Completely broken, you should give it to me.


u/Unlucky-Mixture-6220 13h ago


u/graybetches 12h ago

he's so goofy looking im glad y'all appreciate it as well lol


u/EmberGlowy 13h ago

I want too


u/UndeniablyMyself 14h ago

You really picked the best angle for this.


u/graybetches 14h ago

i know he looks so handsome


u/Ill-Hamster6762 15h ago

Normal purr. If the coughing episodes persist or become consistent he needs a vet to assess for asthma


u/Zebragirly76 15h ago

Yeah, that's okay. One of my Cats does that too, sometimes they forget to swallow when they're really relaxed and content and then my cat had to swallow real hard. Maybe it makes yours cough a little. If it happens so rarely i wouldn't worry about it. The purring sounds perfectly normal. It can be very loud, like a little engine!


u/Prestigious_Annual17 14h ago

I love this video lol


u/graybetches 14h ago

not his best angle hahahah


u/TinyBun123 11h ago

I would disagree and say that this is his best angle


u/litllerobert 15h ago

Damn, what car is that? That does not sound like a V8 at all


u/Oceedee65 15h ago

Just your standard issue purr of a content kitty.


u/ChrispyLoco 14h ago

Yes my cat purrs like this from time to time, sounds "wet" almost, it's normal, she might be a little drooly because she's so relaxed :)


u/redditratthesecond 16h ago

Yas sounds was fine.


u/ShenanigansNL 15h ago

This is how mine purrs.


u/CerealBoxJunkie 14h ago

I honestly do not hear anything abnormal with the purring. That being said, if you feel uncomfortable about something, call the vet. Your gut feeling is usually correct.


u/MissDisplaced 14h ago

Occasionally my cats will cough a bit when they’re purring all loud. By that I mean once every few weeks. But consistent coughing should be looked at.


u/graybetches 14h ago

not consistent at all, only happened twice in 7 months so hopefully its normal


u/MissDisplaced 10h ago

That’s good!


u/RNeibel 14h ago

Some cats drool during purring; one of mine kinda gurgles and swallows, and I assume it’s just generating lots of saliva. But if in doubt, a vet visit would be good.


u/Danyomo 14h ago

My cat purrs a bit like this. She has asthma. Could be cat flu like others said though. She sometimes gets seasonal coughing fits. Totally manageable though.


u/Azoz_2077 14h ago

for the purr no, but for the cough yes. take him to a vet


u/Elver_Gudo_6969 13h ago

Just keep an eye for when the check engine light turns on, always a pain in the ass to fix.


u/Welikeme23 11h ago

Sounds like a purr alright


u/Witch-for-hire 11h ago

I have a very drooly cat who can make really weird sounds purring because of their saliva. Choking, coughing, wet motor sounds and so on. The more content she is, she drools even more, usually on my face of course.

She has been like this from kittenhood and she is 16 and a half now :-)

It even got worse as she aged because the soft tissues of one's mouth (the palate) can get looser in the elderly (be it cats or people). This information comes from the vet after I have mentioned that she snores like a champion.


u/DiaCupcake 11h ago

A little congested


u/Severe-Basket-6243 11h ago

Mine purrs like this and drools a lot when he's happy. Sometimes, the drool backfires and he sneezes or coughs.


u/acstroude 10h ago

Sounds like my boy, haha


u/New_Copy1286 9h ago

I'm just crying over him smiling. Lol. I hope you can get him the help he deserves. Poor guy.


u/andre199017 9h ago

That engine is running fine. Consider an oil change in the next 6 months.


u/LackNo6381 15h ago

I could fall asleep to it


u/Quirky_Researcher136 15h ago

Look at that smile 😊


u/TinyFeetTiina 15h ago

Hey OP. My cat has asthma and he breathes the same way. Does your cat cough often? If he does, then there is a possibility he has an asthma too. I would ask a vet to listen to his lungs.

Mine is rather mild case. Keeping your house extreme tidy is the key to not needing any medicines, however it's best to ask your doctor what they recommend.


u/graybetches 15h ago

That I've seen, it has only happened twice in 7 months, both times while purring


u/TinyFeetTiina 12h ago

Then I wouldn't really be that worried about it! But next time you take him to a vet for any reason, ask the vet to listen to your kittys lungs just in case. Also good idea to start keeping an diary when you hear him cough. Mine does it about every 2-3 weeks but he starts coughing more often (about once a week) during late spring.


u/FatmanMyFatman 15h ago

Sounds like an engine to me. Which is pur fectly fine.


u/eligoscreps 14h ago

Looks exactly like my cat tf. And yeah normal. Its just purring!


u/Rex-Leonum 14h ago edited 14h ago

There are 4 different cat purrs typically ranging from 25 to 150 Hertz they promote healing and reduce stress. it’s a rich tapestry of emotion and communication! It's soaking up the love 💕 it's called Solicitation purring.


u/Imaginary_Draw8009 14h ago

The purr alone seems fine, but when you mention coughing as well I wonder about asthma. I had a cat that had asthma that purred exactly like that. Could be unconnected though. If he weezes at all definitely ask a vet about it


u/jorizzz 14h ago

Lost a cat this year. He was coughing a lot for years. Vet always said it was asthma. And he always couched after sleeping under blankets for hours so asthma seemed very plausible. Then the couching became worse and the vet did a full scan. Tumor on this airways, cancer was spread throughout his entire body. That was his last day. His purring sometimes had an extra sound, similar to this, please let a vet check.


u/graybetches 14h ago

he has only coughed twice in 7 months but if it happens again will def fet him checked. so sorry about your cat


u/Humorous-Prince 14h ago

He’s beautiful! Cats purr, the best sound at anytime.


u/creativity-loading 14h ago

My cat does that when they're extra relaxed and happy. That's completely normal


u/psybee33 14h ago

Nice tractor


u/Glad-Strength-4508 14h ago

Yup, it's purrfectly fine.


u/korokd 14h ago

My male often does the same thing (and my female doesn’t)! It’s so funny


u/Man_Without_Nipples 14h ago

Yup she's running like a kitten.


u/Swimming-Tomorrow-81 14h ago

Just a perfect purr ! ❤️❤️❤️


u/scaredemployee87 14h ago

sounds fine, maybe he just had to yak…i’m not a doctor


u/nateinks 14h ago

So when cats purr, the vibrations resonate into the lungs. Those vibrations can mobilize secretions and cause the cat to cough, in extreme cases they might spit up or vomit some sputum.

This can happen to any cat but mostly happens to cats with asthma, uri, or older cats who are not as active as they used to be and might have some latent atelectasis.


u/XxSliphxX 14h ago

Its normal.


u/Slightlypleasentdish 14h ago

Sounds like a normal purr

If it was an issue the cat would be coughing and wheezing way way more


u/BubblyBumblebeez 14h ago

Favorite noise in the world 🥰


u/TheManOnThe3rdFloor 13h ago

Just like a Marine V-8 cleted up quayside with a gentle swell.


u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/graybetches 13h ago

what is it? i dont think i should click on random links lol


u/packim0p 13h ago

This video is hilarious what a lovely kitty


u/maincore 13h ago

Completely normal.


u/TenBear 13h ago

Yes normal


u/Wakalulu578 13h ago

HAHAHAHAHA qt ng angle


u/Sohiacci 13h ago

Car engine sounds right to me. No oil leaks either, whisker shields are proper. You're good until next visit.


u/Roaminkath 13h ago

Sounds like my Monica. I freaked a little when I first got her and she sounded like that. But she is my first cat and I didn't know what to expect. Vet said she was fine and it was a strong & healthy "I'm totally content" purr. Coughing is another issue; vet time.


u/OkYogurtcloset8817 13h ago

Sounds like intense pleasure purr. That sniff at the end is somewhat unusual? But it wouldn’t send me to the vet unless it was frequent.


u/Kaacciiee 13h ago

sounds just like any other purr imo


u/hawk135 13h ago

One of the spark plugs needs cleaning.


u/Regalkitten 13h ago

Sounds like a perfect purr, and I don't know about the coughing, but my cat sometimes makes a choking sound or as if she is about to throw up when she purrs. It only lasts a second and I don't know if it's related to a fur ball or just a glitch but she doesn't have breathing problems and is a happy, healthy senior baby.


u/2021isevenworse 13h ago

Cat meows are completely artificial - they invent that language to communicate with humans and is often adapted to match their behavior.

There's cats that live in households with deaf people that pantomime meowing but make no actual noise because it's irrelevant to getting their human's attention.


u/Megacannon88 13h ago

Both of my cats have asthma and their purring has that wet, bubbling sound sometimes. If your cat sometimes has wheezing fits, it might be asthma.


u/MafiaRat23 13h ago

The engine seems to be running fine from the video, but if misfiring (coughing), then would suggest visiting the mechanic (vet).


u/Theoppositesofficial 13h ago

Sounds normal to me, just sounds cleared


u/Lingering-NB1220 13h ago

It sounds fine, but none of us are vets. A quick pit stop to your local vet should have any potential issues sorted out.


u/OFO1018 13h ago

My cat purrs exactly like this (crackling/mucus buildup as he purrs), he has asthma so definitely get it checked out at a vet. Pro tip, get your cat’s asthma meds shipped from Canada for a fraction of the cost of the same meds here is the US


u/graybetches 13h ago

i live in spain! that would probably be more expensive hahah. will get him checked out if it continues tho


u/Paulocohn 13h ago

I'm sorry ma'am, I don't think I can ignore the goofy image.


u/WitchQueenOfAngry 13h ago

Could also be he's a happy drooler and it probably goes down the wrong pipe once in a while. Asthma is incredibly common and worth checking up but as far ad the purr I wouldn't worry about it.


u/Saraq_the_noob 13h ago

He looks like an otter


u/cjbrannigan 13h ago

My old ginger boy sounds exactly like that. :)


u/morphick 13h ago

Purring is absolutely fine. Definitely get the cat to a vet for the coughing.


u/pmactheoneandonly 13h ago

This is how my boy sounds. He breathepurrs, and sometimes sounds congested af lol.


u/fate0608 12h ago

Very healthy purr


u/Impossible-Speech117 12h ago

My cat also sounds like a tiger chuffing when she purrs. Handsome man with a sweet purr to match. 


u/Renickulous13 12h ago

Cat. Lovely cat. Great purr. Happy cat.


u/Chercheurlegit 12h ago

Just do the oil change


u/GasStationAaron 12h ago

Sounds normal to me. Your cat is so cute too 😍

That little face 👁👄👁


u/bungeebrain68 12h ago

Sounds normal to me


u/Bright-Pangolin7261 12h ago

I don’t know about the coughing, but as far as the purr. Yes, it’s totally normal — when they’re very relaxed it can have a clicking sound.


u/Used-Firefighter-989 11h ago

It's cold start normal for the car


u/SermonOnTheRecount 11h ago

May have asthma


u/Mission-Obligation73 11h ago

Mine was also like this until I switched her dry food because of allergies.


u/VarBird 11h ago

Large cats at farms have been reported to be getting infected with the latest bird flu. Not saying this is what it might be, but if you’re in a more heavily affected area, it could be something to consider


u/graybetches 11h ago

he's indoors and we dont live in america so probably not, but thanks!


u/RandomNamesOW 11h ago

How high are you? Lol


u/AccomplishedCat8083 9h ago

That is one content kitty.


u/Significant-Can-3587 9h ago

Ours purr the same way…. Especially if they’re very relaxed. We also have one who snores like a truck driver, and she also purrs just because we walked into the room.


u/Perfect_Yam985 Tuxedo 9h ago

yes the purring is totally fine but if hes choking or seems to cough u shoud prob get that checked but he could also have asthma so dont worry too much abt it😊


u/PossessionNo6823 8h ago

My cat said it's fine!


u/AwkwardInmate 7h ago

I think it's working. May be low on battery, give treat.


u/101Blurryface101 7h ago

Purring sounds normal. I have cats that do this, even one who is louder and weirder cause his vocal cords are a bit messed up. As for coughing could be because of the cold weather. If it gets worse take him to the vet.


u/Significant-Sea3141 7h ago

Sounds like it doesn’t like running on ethanol.


u/goldenboys-son 6h ago

His absent stare 🤣


u/MochiMaiden5 6h ago

Sounds like my baby, and he’s ok!


u/Se7en_030 6h ago

Exactly like one of my cats.


u/Glass_Assistant_1188 6h ago

Perfectly normal 😺👍


u/dillpwn 6h ago

Our vet diagnosed our ~2 yr old tuxedo with allergies. She gets the poop zoomies or while she's playing and has a coughing fit. We give her half a pill of chlorpheniramine, an antihistamine, which clears it up, as needed. Basically prevents her body from producing as much of a reaction to allergens. It blocks the receptors that trigger her to produce mucus. And it's cheap.

I'm no expert, but my wife was a zookeeper for a decade, and she believes the vet. These are basically the words of a wife that has properly cared for all types of animals.

Could be asthma, but I would think if your cat has infrequent fits, it's mostly likely an allergy. Still wouldn't hurt to take your fur baby to the vet, at least to get a medical opinion and a prescription.


u/IntrepidEase5164 6h ago

Yeah it’s normal, it probably just needs some weed, Nip is better than mint, but they both do okay


u/IntrepidEase5164 6h ago

Ever tried crack?


u/One_Health1151 3h ago

Our one who was a feral and now has herpes and a constant upper respiratory infection sounds like this .. she sneezes and coughs constantly and there not much we can do because her immune system is shit but call your vet and ask for a convenia shot they worked wonders for her in the beginning for her upper respiratory infections and coughs


u/DeadpoolOptimus 2h ago

My boy Jay purrs through his nose too.


u/mackwhyte1 2h ago

Yeah my Purrari sounds the same haha


u/Ilovemycat1221 American Shorthair 24m ago

yes that's normal as proll 162 people said but the coughing could be asthma my passed cat had it along with 20 other health issues


u/SmolLittleCretin 21m ago

Asthma! Our girl has this occurring.

She'll be fine as long as the baby doesn't stop, and start coughing for long. I mean like, purring and coughing but moving is fine. A full blown scrunched to the floor coughing and not moving means it's a asthma attack and the baby can't breathe.

I have asthma, specifically cough variant- where I don't struggle to breathe like others but I do experience a lot of difficulty and coughing violently if I so much as stay in the heat too long lol.