r/boringdystopia 1d ago

Urbanization 🏙️ Welcome to eastern europe!

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u/gejomotylek 1d ago edited 1d ago

Nothing dystopian and also fake. If it was really a picture from Poland, there would be a LED-green Żabka shop somewhere lol. My sibling lives in a place like this - you get a comfy flat, bus connections, shops, kebab and a lovely bazaar in between the blocks. Some people might not value this and post pictures like that, but it's miles better than any American suburbia.


u/Dekik 1d ago

Also we had 0 snow this year :(


u/TheFutureIsCertain 6h ago

It could be from the 90s. We had no Zabka and plenty of snow back then. But my gut feeling is that it’s not Poland. The balconies, row of sheds and hexagonal building in the middle don’t feel right.


u/robin-redpoll 1h ago

Looks similar to an area of Minsk (Belarus) I stayed in, especially the sheds. I think these are Brezhnevki rather than khruschovki too (9 floors rather than 5 or 7 as I recall), which there are lots of in Belarus.


u/XWasTheProblem 3h ago

Silesian here, we had like 3 days of snow I think - one day and night of decently heavy snowfall, and the rest of the week the temps were about 0-1C, so it all just slowly melted away.

Winters have become depressing lately.


u/kikogamerJ2 1d ago

Everything can look dystopian in the winter, with some fog and ambient colour of grey.


u/foxydash 15h ago

Yea, even my neck of the woods can look pretty dour in the winter when it’s overcast and no snow on the ground.


u/dziki_z_lasu 1h ago

Free parking spots in front of such a block of flats even luxury garages and built balconies administration shoot in place for (rather a financial equivalent), it is definitely not Poland LOL

BTW. Most of such blocks of flats look like if someone vomited a pastel rainbow on them and there is no neon green Żabka shop.


u/Lubinski64 19m ago

The original graphic is clearly not about a dystopia but rather about the weather in winter in this part of the world. On that account it is very accurate.

A neon green żabka doesn't change the fact that we had like 3 sunny days in december this year.


u/Legal-Function2068 20h ago

Based Poland folk.


u/Natural-Lab2658 1d ago

Better to have a grey home than no home


u/inthedrift99 1d ago

yeah, places look like that in winter... I've seen a lot of westerners taking a photo of a day with cold weather that's of an urban area and acting like that's all of eastern europe when in fact we have a lot of nature. maybe a lukewarm take but I don't think dystopia is about aesthetic, and as someone with a lot of family living in places like this one it is sort of cherrypicked.


u/maddasher 1d ago

Also known as "winter"


u/nichtfieldh 17h ago

Tbh these places can get miserable sometimes, but just based on aesthetics alone, winter in New England is very charming (other than the heavy snow falling).


u/Michael88cz 1d ago

How dare those big bad evil communists made public housing for everyone and not white suburban houses with fake grass for the rich like in glorious america smh 😡😡😡


u/Hans_Assmann 9h ago

Do only rich Americans live in the suburbs?


u/Panzerv2003 12m ago

considering that 90% of housing is the suburbs people don't really have a choice, getting a decent apartment in the city is damn expensive


u/Legal-Function2068 20h ago

I haven't touched on the topic of America, but for some reason almost everyone is talking about it.


u/Panzerv2003 14m ago

because american suburbs are the exact opposite that's hailed as the best thing to exist despite being worse in literally every aspect


u/The_Laniakean 19h ago

Dystopia is when apartments in winter


u/Ill_Athlete_7979 1d ago

It’s good you’re here during spring. In winter time it can get a little depressing.


u/Mental_Pie4509 20h ago

Okay. Go to any large city in the US and take a picture of the thousands of trash huts and tents. Then get back to me


u/polishfemboy_ 2h ago

Commies when the entire country is ruined, everybody (except the rich bourgeoisie (the ruling party) that they oh so wished to destroy) can barely afford bread, education and healthcare is horrible, BUT ATLEAST THERE IS FREE (very shitty) HOUSING!!!!!


u/Panzerv2003 11m ago

that honestly sounds like usa - the free housing, just a little less extreme


u/KayRay1994 19h ago

Oh no… grey apartments from an older era that is now affordable housing. How dare they?


u/FireFox5284862 15h ago

Dystopia is when winter


u/so_slzzzpy 14h ago edited 9h ago

Dystopia is when there’s no homeless people


u/yeet_yoint 4h ago

Tell me you don't know shit about Poland without telling me you don't know shit about Poland 😆


u/Panzerv2003 8m ago

the homelessnes rate is actually very low in poland


u/framedragger 18h ago

Yeah, how sad. In the good old U.S. of A. this would be a picture of a bunch of cold homeless people. The way god intended.


u/maxiom9 17h ago

Post a photo of it in summer.


u/kef34 14h ago

Ester Yuorope is wen le WINTER PERMANENTLY


u/goatchild 7h ago

There should be green from Zabka.


u/FRcomes 11h ago

Do you understand that if you just put 🇷🇺 instead of 🇵🇱, you would gain 1k+ upvotes with ease, and no whining in the comments?


u/Kojetono 2h ago

Because the photo was taken in Russia, not Poland.


u/Legal-Function2068 9h ago

Hmm, good idea


u/Aglogimateon 3h ago

But it's actually not Poland. You won't see many examples of "junk balconies" in Poland, which this photo has.


u/Grand-Kannon 20h ago

Everywhere in the north hemisphere is depressing in the middle of january, at least it's not an American highway town with more homeless than cars


u/Necessary-Trash-8828 8h ago

Was in Poland last week.. specifically Zakopane. Nothing like this. Absolutely stunning country. Safe clean and tidy.


u/OB4CL-MCMXI 5h ago

Brutalism = Dystopia? In what fucking world?


u/DumbFish94 4h ago

A gray home is always better than no home


u/yeet_yoint 3h ago

Dude... "eastern europe"?


u/Egzo18 3h ago

photo was confirmed made in russia btw


u/Koordian 3h ago

Can you even find such blocks with self-made balconies in Poland? They are all over post-Soviet countries, but I hardly ever saw one in Poland. Also, most of the blocks here are painted in pastel colours like yellow, peach, green, etc - I feel like white and grey are in minority now.


u/Aglogimateon 3h ago

It's not Poland. OP is confabulating.


u/BlackHammer1312 3h ago

I don’t know why we are all pretending there aren’t places like this in Poland when there absolutely are? I agree some of the “Eastern Europe” memes are ridiculous but this image is the reality of a lot of places.. go to south eastern Poland and you won’t have to look long.


u/polishfemboy_ 2h ago

*communist Poland

Currently Poland is one of the best places to live in Europe


u/MinecraftWarden06 1h ago

Firstly, it doesn't seem to be a photo from Poland, and secondly, any place in temperate climate, not necessarily in Eastern Europe, can get gray and gloomy in winter, because that's pretty much what winter weather is about.


u/NiobiumThorn 1h ago

Not affordable dignified housing!! I want my moldy hut back


u/Noitad_ 57m ago



u/yeet_yoint 10m ago

It's not even Poland, the photo is from Omsk in Sybiria