r/badphilosophy Jun 27 '22

Xtreme Philosophy JP fan comments on philosophy - obliterates postmodernism, proves moral relativism is unworkable IRL with a pic of Hitler and Santa, then calls Schopenhauer a purely original philosopher but also mental masturbation


36 comments sorted by


u/DieLichtung Let me tell you all about my lectern Jun 27 '22

401K subs

what teh fuck is this


u/TetrisGurl2008 Jun 27 '22

401k bad philosophers


u/wokeupabug splenetic wastrel of a fop Jun 27 '22

401K subs

what teh fuck is this

ITT, /u/DieLichtung discovers there's easy money in fascist agitprop.


u/DieLichtung Let me tell you all about my lectern Jun 27 '22

I should ban whoever posted this because I've spent the past few hours decimating my braincells by watching this channel. I have never seen so much nonsense delivered at such a rapid speed; even Ben Shapiro doesn't compare.


u/wokeupabug splenetic wastrel of a fop Jun 28 '22 edited Jun 28 '22

If you really want to hate yourself, everyone else, and the world, try to find some videos of him "debating" someone.

Rando: So, can you tell the people where they can find you on social media?
Whatif: How many books do you read a day?
Rando: Uh... can you tell the people...?
Whatif: I read twelve a day and I have a photographic memory. Why should I answer questions from you?
Rando: I... look, I'm just giving you a chance to give your social media info-...
Whatif: Here's a jpg of my bookshelf.
Rando: Cool, um. So, I think people can find you on...
Whatif: Spengler is very clear that the initial intuitive phase of society...
Rando: Uh, hold on a second. We're just trying to introduce people.
Whatif: ...is constituted by the connection of the folk to the land...
Rando: I, wha--
Whatif: ...and the decline of society occurs when...
Rando: Look, can you just, hold on a sec. And, dude, the debate topic is whether club sandwiches need to be triple-decker, plus we haven't even started yet.
Rando: <bewildered look>
Whatif: ...society moves towards an urban, which is to say feminized...
Rando: Dude, please, I'm just trying to introduce people.
Whatif: I don't have time to deal with ignorami. <leaves chat>
Rando: <bewildered look>


u/siantmicheal Jun 28 '22

Just say you watched the Vaush debate.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '22

Tbf Vaush belongs on this sub as well.


u/toasterdogg Jun 30 '22

Most people do, but not all of them feign intellectualism to the degree whatifalthist does


u/wokeupabug splenetic wastrel of a fop Jun 28 '22

Nah, a send up of his encounter with Vaush would have to feature him incoherently stammering "Because Confucius!" to any arbitrarily determined question.


u/applesandBananaspls Jun 28 '22

I googled this debate whatifalhis just sounded like an even more incoherent and manic Peterson.

What an interesting interaction though, in terms of communication. I don't know anything about Vaush but he seems good at rhetoric (in the non-pejorative sense).


u/DieLichtung Let me tell you all about my lectern Jun 28 '22

Man you would think that someone so obsessed with long-term histories based on broad changes in material conditions would have some appreciation for Marx.


u/DieLichtung Let me tell you all about my lectern Jun 28 '22

You're telling me there's another debate that's not with vaush? Please no.

I didn't see him actually cite Spengler (guess that would give the game away) but he seems very enamored by 1. pop histories that drive a certain ideological line and 2. universal histories. All the book titles that flash up in his videos for a split second (whats up with that!) give off extremely bad vibes, like I wouldn't even google their reviews just based on the cover.

It's fascinating how someone can make so many videos and make so many claims but cite absolutely no source for them. In one video, I had to pause every two seconds just to fully comprehend what he's saying and why it's insane (e.g. in a video about the future of the world (lol), when he turn to india (lol), his argument is that the indians will eventually """get over their attitude towards the british"""" and become a world power. His framings and arguments only make sense when you get your worldview from /r/pcm).

I can't imagine anyone actually understands these lightning fast sentences - they must be watching it in the background for vibes?

Just stick to HoI you nerds.


u/LawyerCalm9332 Jun 28 '22

I already hate all of those things and more, and I still don't hate hard enough to subject myself or anyone else to that.


u/JosephRohrbach Jun 28 '22

Y'all think Whatif actually reads books or just buys them for the aesthetic?


u/onedayfourhours Jun 27 '22

Clicks link


Closes link


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '22

The only good answer


u/Affliction5 Jun 28 '22

Understandable, not everyone signed up for a heart attack when going on this sub.


u/Infinitium_520 Jun 27 '22

Man’s been featured on both this sub and on r/badhistory.



u/Odd_Persimmon_6064 Jun 27 '22

99% of alt history content creators are absolutely braindead when it comes to anything else than the exact model of tank used on the eastern front in 1944, this shouldn't be surprising.


u/TetrisGurl2008 Jun 27 '22

Rudyard (yes thats his name lmfao) doesnt even make alt history videos anymore unless he gets 4k$ (Per video)


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '22

"From a statistical perspective, I have lower than average IQ"

I'm gonna be honest, admitting that took guts from him and is also incredibly hilarious.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '22



u/Sponge_N00b Jun 28 '22

He's right that it's one the most verified and best studied thing, only that science has found out that the results are unreliable.


u/TetrisGurl2008 Jun 27 '22

I get that what ive said is extremly simplistic and kind of offensive in how much it is

At least he got this part right


u/Stanislaw_August Jun 27 '22

Thanks, I fucking hate it. "obviously world exist, and your philosophy is wrong if it says otherwise" - this dude is totally unawere that this is one of the most fundamental questions of ontology and he just shrugges it off? God, Roman Ingarden took 30 years to write his opus magnum "The controversy over existence of the world" and a "althistorian" (read: storyteller) thinks that he knows the anwsers becouse its obvious. And for the love of god the question about existence of the world isnt even relevant to postmodernism but is much more in line with phenomenology.


u/Canuckleball Jun 27 '22

WhatifalthistX is just easy pickings.


u/Shitgenstein Jun 27 '22 edited Jun 27 '22

I assume this is doing a combo "Top 10 Things The Mainsteam Media Doesn't Want You To Know" + "Just Asking Questions, Bro" clickbait but for intellectual history.


u/TetrisGurl2008 Jun 27 '22

Fox news for nerds


u/fjaoaoaoao Jun 27 '22

Had to twist my brain for a second to recognize JP as not japan


u/steinernein Jun 27 '22

The comment section is tragic.


u/TetrisGurl2008 Jun 27 '22

Ive seen better comment sections on r/philosophymemes


u/shihzhuhao Aug 24 '22

You’re fucking ignorant and your reading comprehension is pretty trash tier


u/GGsurrender10mins Jun 28 '22

Western philosophy is dead, and Whatifalthist killed it


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '22

I KNEW IT. I've watched this guy slide off the deep end since like 50k-100k subs or smthn and when reading the post I thought "hmm this description seems awfully familiar to WIAH"

But it was probably the pic of Hitler and Santa part since I'd seen the video.


u/Affliction5 Jun 30 '22

Is he getting revenge against this post with his newest video? Might be the worst one yet, I feel like I'm withstanding an MK ultra experiment watching it... or maybe he's trying to get revenge against the flying spaghetti monster for the crime of sex being?


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

You could write volumes about how wrong whatifalthist is about literally everything.


u/CiamciaczCiastek Jul 06 '22

I miss the innocent times when JP meant John Paul (the second)