r/babyelephantgifs 20d ago

Little elephant got stuck in a stump


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u/GroundedSearch 20d ago

All that's missing is a zoom on the mother off in the middle distance, watching. With a look on her face saying, "I know y'all are trying to help, but if anything happens to my dumb little munchkin...."


u/Dashcamkitty 20d ago

I hope his mum was nearby and he was reunited with her.


u/upsidedownbackwards 19d ago

The article about it showed the baby was reunited with the herd shortly after its tantrum. Thankfully us humans are a noisy bunch. We make our presence known for miles around. And they're bright enough to know that if they hear a bunch of us being noisy in the direction they just left a baby, they should check it out.



u/NoFluffyOnlyZuul 19d ago

I don't understand how it even got stuck in the first place that way.


u/ohkatiedear 19d ago

Kids do stupid things, no matter the species.