r/Whatcouldgowrong 2d ago

WCGW when a crane lifts an overweight load too closely to an active rail line


55 comments sorted by


u/JoeBoredom 2d ago

Hopefully the crew in the train engine survived.


u/happyanathema 2d ago

No injuries. Including the metro driver



u/richaysambuca 2d ago

I'm just glad it isn't Japan, otherwise there'd be seppukus all around.


u/thesyndrome43 2d ago

If i see any sort of unsafe working conditions, poorly made construction, and kanji, I INSTANTLY assume it's China.

It's very rare that this is an incorrect guess


u/Irritating_Pedant 1d ago


It's not Kanji unless it's Japanese.


u/deanrihpee 1d ago

I'm not sure why you got voted down lol, i guess you didn't use safer "sudoku" word i guess?, and yeah, i would be very surprised if this is Japan, I mean even Shinkansen never has any injury or accident even when being struck by an earthquake since it was built, they really know what they're doing


u/Vauxell 2d ago

Not just Japan. Everybody like a good, tough seppuku while in a long commute.


u/poulard 2d ago

They dont usually have an operator, and u can actually sit right in the front... Atleast the ones here u can


u/djshadesuk 2d ago

Well that's bit of a sweeping generalisation.


u/NaturalHead7067 2d ago

“Needless to say, the fat controller was very cross.”


u/CantaloupeCamper 2d ago

Confusion and delay!


u/OptimusPrimel984 2d ago

"Then there was trouble."

(Watched way too many Thomas the Tank Engine episodes with the kids.)


u/eszuber39 2d ago

thomas the dank engine is for everyone


u/TheDudeWhoCanDoIt 1d ago

We talking George Carlin or Ringo Star?


u/robo-dragon 2d ago

Is everyone on the train ok? Really concerned about whoever was up front driving it.


u/rpgnoob17 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yeah, Chinese news stated that no injury and no death “immediately reported”. I don’t really believe the no injury part but the no death part is probably true, since the train didn’t derail.

I saw another video where the staff just let the passengers off the train and the passengers had to walk to the closest station.




u/BigDaveATX 2d ago

You would think the crane operator would wait a few seconds for a train carrying hundreds of human beings to clear out.


u/CantaloupeCamper 2d ago

You would think someone should be coordinating the crane and train factors.


u/ajax5686 2d ago

That's all that I've done at work for the last 2+ years. Coordinating train traffic with cranes and other construction equipment so this doesn't happen. Frieght railroad, though, not passenger.


u/Shaggyninja 1d ago

Doing it with passenger trains. We only do a lift over (or near) a track if the whole line is shut down.

Theres no "oh we have a gap of X minutes, we can do it". It's full closure until we're finished.


u/Bloodsplatt 2d ago

Not the crane operators job, they have 3-4 spotters, project manager, safety managers, and who knows how many laborers are just hanging about. It will be put on him but this is probably China so he'll be fine.


u/Trustoryimtold 2d ago

Fast trains means big pop, means probably another train in 2-3 mins. Not saying a loft couldn’t be done in that window, but timing hundreds of lifts that way is probably unrealistic


u/hokeyphenokey 2d ago

Looks like something had dropped earlier. The crane cable was barely waving around. Whatever it was (more crane parts?) had been there several minutes at least.


u/rufotris 2d ago

I believe that is a separate crane from the one that was hit. Maybe I’m wrong but the cables you seee swinging are not the same as the crane being hit. It appears it was a crane on the other side that had collapsed or was too close over the tracks. As the train hit it, you could see it thrown from the other side of the track to this side and it then lands in front of the crane with swinging cables.


u/Seldarin 2d ago

Yeah, that's the block, hook, slings, shackles, etc on a totally different crane.

If that had been part of the lift, those would've been swinging like crazy.


u/diqster 2d ago

This belongs on r/BitchImATrain


u/Dragonsbane628 2d ago

Welp… someone’s getting fired.


u/penalozahugo 2d ago

It's been a while since I've been on Universal studios lot tour ride. It looks like this new version is crazy!


u/k4tastrofi 2d ago

This happen in Shanghai, China

From article linked below:

A fallen arm of a tower crane from an external construction site crashed into a running train on Shanghai’s Metro Line 11 on December 22, 2024. Authorities organised emergency repairs and evacuated passengers after the incident. No injuries were immediately reported on the scene. Shanghai is a major Chinese city and home to more than 24 million people.


Also has some video of the aftermath from rider POV.


u/mrspooky84 2d ago

Where the fuck was this?


u/k4tastrofi 2d ago

Looks like China


u/--7z 2d ago

Bitch I am train


u/tvieno 2d ago

WCGW if you don't coordinate with the rail operators so you can do the lift you need.


u/rpgnoob17 2d ago

And nobody died. Magic.


u/holy_battle_pope 2d ago

Move bitch move out the way


u/TrickRoomTech 2d ago

Spiderman could've stopped this shit


u/ItsStaaaaaaaaang 2d ago

That's fucked. Could have killed so many people.


u/DramaticWesley 1d ago

Train engineers for the win.


u/404-skill_not_found 1d ago

Curious how the dropped gear just sort of appears


u/fck-rfunny 1d ago

Lemme guess



u/lordofeternity_ 15h ago

Looks like " split/second "


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/GeoGenesisAUT 2d ago

Srsly is the crane arm out of plastic... ?


u/Wanderingwonderer101 2d ago

could've been overloaded, strong winds or improper maintenance


u/Twodee80 2d ago

how is that possible - oh wait its playing in china


u/Affectionate_Tax3468 1d ago

"Look how in china, everything is getting built fast and without that many rules and regulations and bureaucracy! They are so advanced!"


u/Bosonstime 2d ago

Wow im surprised the train kept going


u/exipheas 2d ago

solid r/bitchimatrain material.


u/Imsophunnyithurts 3h ago

I came here for this comment and was pleased to have found it.