r/TheGreaterDepression 12d ago

It's almost over, it's just begun

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u/WittyNameChecksOut 12d ago

Just for reference: a trillion dollars is 1,000 billion, and a billion is 1,000 million.

It is an incomprehensible number.

Welcome to oligarchy, everyone. It has been here for a while, but the attention is finally starting to make a difference.


u/jeremiahthedamned 12d ago

not at all!

if a house on average cost ~1 million dollars, a million houses will cost a trillion dollars.

some a trillionaire could be the landlord of r/boston


u/anafuckboi 11d ago

I once again ask you to consult the chart showing nothing ever happens 

Seriously it’s like boiling a frog 


u/jeremiahthedamned 11d ago

a lot of the rich have fled the country and the rest have yachts!