r/The10thDentist Aug 29 '24

Meta - Standard Voting The reason so many people on here feel their opinions are unpopular is because they lack common sense

Yeah yeah probably not 10th dentist level but after reading a bunch of the controversial posts here, I have to tell somebody. It's not an unpopular opinion if nobody would even consider agreeing or opposing you because they would never think of something so ridiculously dumb. Please please before you type out an entire thread, think about it for a few seconds. Put yourself into literally anyone else's shoes. Consider your way of living is not the grand majority. Research the topic of why something has not been implemented yet. That's all thank you.


76 comments sorted by


u/TheShamShield Aug 29 '24

Fr, give me opinions like enjoying wearing wet socks or going to bed in a winter coat


u/johnnadaworeglasses Aug 29 '24

I purposely make my sleeves wet when I wash my hands to desensitize myself.


u/bearbarebere Aug 29 '24

I’d rather die


u/PsychAndDestroy Aug 30 '24

Psychotic, I love it.


u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

exactly!! like the dude who said it should be normal to cut off nipples? that's what I wanna see!!


u/ElectronicBoot9466 Aug 29 '24

Nah that was a great one, because myself and a bunch of other people agreed with him, but we were all clearly in the minority


u/LittleBigHorn22 Aug 29 '24

I still don't believe that OP about liking wet socks. It's just so wrong.


u/TheAngryNaterpillar Aug 30 '24

When i was a kid I wore socks in the shower because I liked the way it felt.

Now as an adult if my sock gets even slightly wet it has to come off


u/Ejigantor Aug 30 '24

I like sleeping in denim jeans during the winter.


u/Euphoric-Orchid488 Aug 29 '24

There are a lot of opinions posted here that are just dumb. Then they say ‘but it’s supposed to be unpopular’. But there is a difference between unpopular and just wrong.


u/migukau Aug 29 '24

Unpopular opinion: the earth is flat, and the sky is made of orange unicorns.


u/drichm2599 Aug 29 '24

Obviously it's made of blue unicorns, that's why it's blue


u/yoursweetlord70 Aug 29 '24

No no I've heard about this, they're just orbiting earth really fast so they get blueshifted


u/Lost-Neat8562 Aug 29 '24

No I think you're totally wrong, they heat up when moving fast which turns them orange like fire. So the people who say they're orange are actually just seeing the blue unicorns orbit the earth really fast


u/DecoyOne Aug 29 '24

For me, that’s why it’s 10th dentist, and not 10th person. The 10th dentist still passed dental school. They can pick aquafresh over crest, but they can’t say “teeth are actually bones”.

It can be a weird or even a bad take, but it can’t be factually incorrect. Too many posts are just factually incorrect.


u/xfactorx99 Aug 29 '24

This is a great way to look at it. I don’t think I ever quote looked at it from that perspective


u/bearbarebere Aug 29 '24

Couldn’t you argue that the dentists, as doctors, should be scientific and go with whatever toothpastes the studies say is more effective, not what their opinions are on the toothpastes?


u/Kevolved Aug 29 '24

A recommendation for a specific brand isn't because it doesn't do the job. Maybe they would recommend a different brand because of the parent company is a total sack of shit and there's another equivalent toothpaste.

9/10 dentists recommend it, but dale did some digging and can't recommend it because they test on animals or whatever and there is a good one that doesn't


u/throwhfhsjsubendaway Aug 29 '24

Studies need to be interpreted. No dentist is going to tell you to brush with peanut butter, but there's nuances in what "more effective" means, and how you go about measuring it that a dentist could rightfully disagree with. Studies relating to consumer products tend to be especially mucked up since a lot of companies are only interested in funding ones that make their own product look better. There's also other factors besides effectiveness (e.g. a dentist may not want to recommend a marginally more effective brand with a significantly higher cost)


u/bearbarebere Aug 30 '24

This is a great point, thank you

It’s stupid I got downvoted for asking a question tho


u/Klagaren Aug 30 '24

If I'm not mistaken the "9/10 denyists recommend" thing is 1. not even based on this particular toothpaste and more the "concept of fluoridated toothpaste" so to speak, 2. kind of just made up (in the sense that they specifically chose some source for 9/10 cause it sounds more trustworthy than both lower numbers and 10/10)


u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

yes! this is much better worded than what I was trying to say!


u/endthepainowplz Aug 29 '24

Lately it's all been:

[uninformed opinion] because [misinformation]


u/WanderingLoaf Aug 29 '24

This is the biggest issue. Sometimes you think it's gonna be good and then they explain their viewpoint and it comes down to literally not knowing what they're talking about. If someone's opinion can be fixed by mildly educating them, imo it's not 10th dentist.


u/Top-Comfortable-4789 Aug 29 '24

Some of the things posted on here are results of people not being educated on the subject. There is a difference between an unpopular opinion and not understanding facts.


u/Future-Belt-5071 Aug 29 '24

lmfao you're so right how is an opinion unpopular if someone never even thought about it


u/ElectronicBoot9466 Aug 29 '24

Well, you won't know if an opinion is popular or not until you spread it to the masses and see if it is. The upvote/downvote system in this sub functions to seperate the popular opinions from the unpopular ones.


u/requiemguy Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

Some are just enough stupid you know the poster is fake and others are so stupid you know they actually believe it.

I still remember post where the person just tries to swallow all the food they and never chews it. I know this was a real belief of the person, because a lot of people on the spectrum say the exact same thing.


u/CryptoSlovakian Aug 29 '24

And at least one dentist would approve of this because it reduces wear and tear on your teeth or something.


u/thehumantaco Aug 29 '24

because a lot of people on the spectrum say the exact same thing

This sub summed up.


u/Johnbad2 Aug 29 '24

I wanted to make the same post but I kept forgetting. I wholeheartedly agree OP


u/preferablyoutside Aug 29 '24

Or have diagnosable autism or depression.

Such as disliking fiction due to inability to suspend disbelief due to diagnosed autism, is similar to being born without legs and disliking stairs.


u/preferablyoutside Aug 29 '24

Reading through many of the r/unpopularopinion or r/10thdentist opinions you start finding common threads.

Many posters as you’ve stated lack common sense, or seemingly amy kind of social awareness. There’s also a lot of posters that have either depression(especially with food posts) or autism.

It’s somewhat interesting.


u/Usual-Vermicelli-867 Aug 29 '24

Or.just ego..

I swear if i see another: i I'm not into x its shouldn't make so much money

Im going to throw the poster into a baboon cage


u/Ornery-Carpenter1804 Aug 31 '24

I've seen too many people say they have autism then I ask if they were diagnosed and they said they had some traits or asked an autistic Friend


u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

??? what in the world are you talking about???


u/rapture322 Aug 29 '24

There was a post here a couple days ago where someone said that all fiction was stupid and didn't get why people enjoyed it because "it isn't real".

Poster was incredibly condescending and people started to point out that it's a trait of certain types of autism and it just got worse.

Edit: here's the post


u/Nsfwnroc Aug 29 '24

Funniest part about that was looking at the post history and the person loves making flags for fictional countries... is that not fiction?


u/BrizzyMC_ Aug 29 '24

it is interesting that they are able to care about their own fiction, but not comprehend others


u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

that's not the type I was talking about and correlation isn't always causation especially since I too have depression and autism


u/UncreativeBuffoon Aug 30 '24

Can you give an example of such an opinion? I've posted here quite often, and I hope it's not one of my posts...


u/cheezkid26 Aug 29 '24

100%. So many people on here don't understand the difference between an opinion and being wrong. A lot of these "opinions," if they even are opinions, are based on an incomplete or incorrect understanding of the topic. It's embarrassing. A lot of them also act as if their opinion is correct and that everyone should agree with them, which immediately makes me disagree with their opinion.


u/irespectwomenlol Aug 29 '24

Some unpopular opinions are unpopular because they're really dumb.

Some unpopular opinions are unpopular because they're really smart and people are seeing some pattern within reality that many others don't recognize.

Some unpopular opinions aren't smart or dumb and are just a difference in subjective values from other people.


u/zacyzacy Aug 29 '24

Unpopular opinions are like fast cars. Some cars are fast because they drive off a cliff; some opinions are unpopular because they are incorrect.


u/cowslayer7890 Aug 29 '24

Honestly you can just ignore the poor phrasing, should we really focus on the fact that they're phrasing it in a "everyone should think this" way if the post would still work with them just expressing it as their own opinion?

It gets kind of tiring and it's the same conversation everytime, not that people shouldn't point it out, but it shouldn't be the focus of the response.


u/FrogVoid Aug 29 '24

I agree, this turned from the tenth dentist to the tenth dumbass


u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

lmao 😭😭 you should make that a sub though!! it'd be about people who just had to deviate from what everyone else was doing and ended up harming, embarrassing, spoiling, etc themselves


u/WalmartKilljoy Aug 29 '24

Best one ever was the guy talking about how he didn’t like the blue sky


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/LightningCoyotee Aug 30 '24

Same. Also sunrise and sunset are much more interesting to me than solid blue for hours! And the dark grey of a cloudy day, with the slight variations in the clouds color above is nice to look at. You can also look up at it without eye pain.


u/YodaFragget Aug 29 '24

Common sense is so uncommon now a days that I call common sense uncommon sense.


u/V-Ink Aug 30 '24

This is definitely true.


u/Z-e-n-o Aug 30 '24

Put yourself into literally anyone else's shoes.

Common sense is far from universal. No two people have their belief systems shaped the same way, nor do they experience the same life. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and imagine what common sense might mean to then.


u/bpdjelly Aug 30 '24

you literally just explained why we should put ourselves in other's shoes...to see why they have the mindset they do...


u/Z-e-n-o Aug 30 '24

Yeah that's what I'm saying. Put yourself into other people's shoes before assuming that they don't have common sense. People are raised with different values and experiences, common sense doesn't exist as a baseline.


u/InsertUsername98 Aug 29 '24

Eh, on controversial posts and the assumption of them being leaps in logic and it being unthought of…

I do think reactions speak for themselves, if someone becomes unreasonably hostile, snarky or defensive over your comment, it’s pretty clear your opinion disagrees so heavily with theirs that they default to being offended.


u/Lazy-Meeting538 Aug 29 '24

You’re not entirely wrong, but also it feels like a lot of the time there is an actually unpopular opinion on this sub that everyone here justifies downvoting it because it’s “just wrong” or “dumb”. A lot of unpopular opinions are pretty dumb & may seem plain wrong to me, but I can still recognize that it’s a matter of opinion


u/BasedTakes0nly Aug 29 '24

Yes, this is a good 10th dentist post, because there is no such thing as common sense.


u/belody Aug 29 '24

I think most posters now don't even believe in their opinion they just post some stupid shit to get their epic Reddit karma


u/Robinnoodle Aug 29 '24

Should I downvote this because I agree.? I'm confused 😄

Sometimes it is the most braindead shit and I wonder how that person functions on a day to day. Then I think they're probably functioning better than me and I shrug lol


u/WafflerTO Aug 29 '24

Common sense is a fool's first defense in an argument.


u/Spaceboot1 Aug 30 '24

You might not know how dumb your opinion is until you type it out and get feedback on it. This sub seems to be a good place for that kind of thing. If your opinion is dumb, people will tell you.


u/Independent-Path-364 Aug 29 '24

1000000th post crying about ppl not posting the correct unpopular opinions


u/Equivalent-Willow179 Aug 30 '24

It should be unpopular and uncommon but I should agree with it. If their unpopular opinion is unpopular with me then it's just objectively wrong and stupid and they must be autistic. /s


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/bpdjelly Aug 29 '24

like you could've on this post


u/Johnbad2 Aug 29 '24

Or I could unfollow this subreddit, or delete reddit altogether, or cut off my internet connection, or become a hermit in the mountains and not interact with humans ever again.

Stop with the "just scroll" reponse already.


u/taco3donkey Aug 29 '24

Life isn’t about doing what’s easy, it’s about doing what’s right. And it’s right to call out all shitty posts on this sub and make the OPs feel bad about it.


u/codeine_turtle Aug 29 '24

That’s the point of the sub.


u/Gokudomatic Sep 01 '24

Define common sense, so I can utterly destroy it with rationality. Common sense is just a stealth insult.