r/ShouldIbuythisgame 15h ago

[PURCHASED] Elden ring is on sale (29.99 GBP) should i buy?

I'm very new to souls games and third person sword combat - my only experience being Zelda OOT, BOTW and TOTK. I was particularly good at the timings and the parrying aspect of totk and botw, and found the swordplay quite enjoyable. I've just finished rdr2, which was my first PROPERLY 'mature' game, and I now want to branch out, and lots of people say Elden Ring is the epitome of soulslike/swordslashyshingshang gaming.

Lemme know what you think.


11 comments sorted by


u/BlueTommyD 15h ago

In my opinion it's the most accessible of the Soulsborne games. It's also absolutely huge, you'll get hours and hours of play out of it, assuming you enjoy how it plays.

For £30 it's fantastic value for money. I paid twice that and do not feel short-changed.


u/Afraid_Ingenuity_166 15h ago

It’s a game I wish I could forget and replay. Just stay away from YouTube and spoilers and play it like we did on day 1 with no prior knowledge on the game


u/PashAK47 15h ago

I'm the same as you , I finished botw and I got totk I'm about 40% through and I thought maybe I should give elden ring a go , look it's my first souls game and I'm shocked the game is extremely hard the very first enemy is a boss fight took me 2 hours to beat , but the sense of exploration and wonder is just as good as zelda


u/CrimpsShootsandRuns 14h ago

If you're patient, yes.

I bought it on release and bounced off it for a while due to the difficulty and the lack of pause being a nightmare with a newborn. Picked it back up again last year and it eventually clicked. I basically didn't play anything else for 2 months and I'd now say it's one of the best games I've ever played.


u/MirageArcane 14h ago

I bought it at launch and it took 2 years of picking it up, starting from scratch, and putting it down before it clicked for me. But once it clicked it was one of the best games I ever played


u/Prelude2hate 15h ago

Elden Ring is forgiving compared to older souls games and is a good entry for people new to this genre. Go ahead and play it.

Edit: also there's a lot of builds in this game you don't have to stick to sword combat. I played the game as a pure mage and had a blast.


u/Odd_Lettuce_7285 15h ago

Someone rename this subreddit to "/r/shouldibuyeldenring"

u/acapelladude67 7h ago

I just got it for $20 USD so firstly I'm sorry the sale you have isn't better but it is a really great game if you are a patient gamer

u/YaBoyZeek 6h ago

Where’d you get it for 20?

u/acapelladude67 2h ago

I live in the US and got it through Amazon. Not sure if the sale is still going.


u/Gostop_xd 15h ago

Listen to me. Elden ring is amazing etc etc etc BUT if you start with it you will lose the ''magic'' of the first dark soul games. If you start withe elden ring the previous souls will appear very dated and easy.