r/RedDeadOnline 1d ago

Discussion Still worth to start online ?

Hey i recently started my first real game through. Im so much into the game and wanted to ask if it still worth to start online alone ? I think i have no friends that wanna play the online mode with me


47 comments sorted by


u/No_Style5591 1d ago

I play nearly every day alone. Sometimes my friend will join me


u/Alternative_Title978 1d ago

Tons of players play solo, and it can actually be super chill


u/Foreign_Variation488 Naturalist 1d ago

I play solo most of the time and I still have fun. It’s just finding what keeps you entertained. For me it’s either getting samples for naturalist and filling out my log. And when I need a break from that I just do bounty hunting for the action. Sure it isn’t really “new” updates and you would hear people say the game was abandoned but there’s still plenty to do. I mean at least in my personal experience


u/Best_Night_3913 1d ago

Absolutely. I’ve been playing online for over four years now and I still love it.


u/Tough_Research_9249 1d ago

I haven't played the story mode yet but started playing online 3 ish weeks ago for the first time and became obsessed, like 12 hour days at times always finding somthing new to do


u/buoybro 1d ago

Yeah I would, I played and finished the story back in 2019 and didn’t touch the online part till 5-6 months ago and I got back into it a month ago and it’s a fun grind, already have 3 roles max level and like level 50 for account, there’s a bit more stuff to do in online as well


u/BusySloth88 Criminal 1d ago

Everything is soloable (almost) and it’s easy to get people to join your posse if you want to find strangers to play with (on console anyway)


u/Nmoonen 1d ago



u/edMFk 1d ago

I’d finish the story first and then dip your toes into online to see if you like it. I play solo and love it.


u/P38ARR 1d ago



u/duke_of_uwus 1d ago

Yes! I'm on Xbox if that's how you play, always down to posse up


u/thejbs 1d ago

I’m on Xbox, new to RDO level 23 ish mostly play high honor but looking for some cowpokes to ride with and maybe learn a thing or two, just about to open roles soon.


u/duke_of_uwus 14h ago

Messaged you!


u/SassyMcNasty 1d ago

I’d play with ya if your on PSN


u/HRHostile31 16h ago

I’m looking for a posse too✋


u/SassyMcNasty 15h ago

What’s your username?


u/HRHostile31 15h ago

GyOT_PERCs30 I’ll be on this afternoon after work. MTZ


u/SassyMcNasty 9h ago

I’m visiting the fam until tomorrow then I’ll be back to rodeo.


u/anyythingoes 1d ago

Just started last week and play online more than story mode haha. I joined the discord and found a posse I enjoy, having a lot of fun making my own path.


u/Chimneysweeper18 1d ago

I've spent a lot of hours playing alone and enjoying it, also quite a bit with one of my cousins.


u/RedactedThreads Bounty Hunter 1d ago

I just started online this month and I’m enjoying it a lot. I paid for some gold bars to get bounty hunter right away and now I’m using that to get all the other roles. Having a great time tbh


u/Hg3rDliNk 1d ago

Started playing on my Xbox last week after getting it on sale. Don’t have anyone to play with, but still enjoy the gameplay loops available & the customization. It can feel slow but it’s relaxing & satisfying. And I’m sure with friends you can get creative role playing to make up for the lack of future content support.


u/MIFunTimes123 1d ago

Yes start and whether alone or posse it’s a blast and I’ll never stop playing it!


u/BugAcrobatic4800 1d ago

Me and a buddy play alot! Let me know if you want to posse up with us!


u/HRHostile31 16h ago

Got room for another?!


u/BugAcrobatic4800 13h ago

Well, hell yeah! We only have the 2 of us, so we have spots!


u/HRHostile31 13h ago

Awesome, I’ll be on pretty much every day around 4/5:00pm MTZ. Are yall on ps5?


u/Thebrazilianleo 23h ago

Been playing for 7 years, mostly by myself. Still enjoy the game daily.


u/btkACE 22h ago

Hey if your on PS you can always tag along with me and I can help you with leveling up, getting money, or just chilling in the game. Same goes for anyone here, just hmu and we can play


u/HRHostile31 16h ago

I’m just starting out and I’m down to join✋


u/btkACE 10h ago

Bett I’ll let you know maybe I’ll hop on in a few hours🙏


u/HRHostile31 9h ago

Same here!


u/E3BITS 18h ago

There is definetly at least 50 hours worth of gameplay and fun after that the grinding gets kinda boring at least for me but I still play online from time to time to just chill in nature with my friend lol.


u/hmmmmwillthiswork 17h ago

i just started like 2 or 3 days ago and there is so much content in the online portion


u/PlusAd5376 1d ago

Yes!!!! If your on ps4 I’ll ride with you in to the vast unknown, help boost your stats and funds!!!!!


u/semper-fi-12 Criminal 1d ago

Also on PSN every morning, central time.


u/AcceptableQuiet5700 1d ago

I’m on PlayStation in the Midwest, add me, lanef2006


u/kikipitchingdelivery 1d ago

I just started and having a decent time with it while visiting family. I see why a lot of people dislike it—it has SO MUCH potential to be truly incredible that it feels a bit disappointing. Still enjoying it but can’t help but see potential in nearly everything I do: poker with voice chat, interact with NPCs, more NPCs, robberies, property, etc.


u/kyorei13 1d ago

Anyone here with console asian server? How is it?


u/5h1n1gam1 23h ago

Me too partner, starting tonight. I played once and got fucked by a hacker repeatedly then manipulated him into giving me something. I honestly forget what lol. I blew his head off and logged off.


u/MikeyGeeManRDO Criminal 19h ago

If you want to be both excited and disappointed. This is the game for you.

As you progress you see all the potential this game has and how much fun it could be.

Once you have progressed you see there is no end game.

You work to accrue gold and cash to unlock all the class roles and shiny cosmetics.

Once you unlock all the shineys you realize there is nothing that compels you to keep playing except love for the game itself.

if you are going to play I would investigate how to solo lobby. It’s actually more fun, unless you have a friend(s)



u/FlobiusHole 1d ago

I started playing it a little recently. It’s boring as fuck and a huge barrier is the amount of money you need to have anything. Grinding repetitive missions over and over is not fun at all imo. It’s cool to be in the world of rdr2 but for me it isn’t that fun. It might be a lot better playing with friends, idk. Give it a try, see what you think.


u/Mmischief13 Collector 1d ago

Well, like many other games, it takes a bit of a grind to get where u wanna be..

The different roles help a lot though.


u/Cary14 22h ago

I agree with you tbh, I'm doing it recently to finally get the platinum trophy. As soon as I get that, I'm done with it. I enjoyed it for a few days but then it just becomes super repetitive.

Collector role earns you good XP and tidy money for complete sets.

Bounty hunter...which everyone seems to bang on about is just very boring. Ride to a camp, scout for the target, capture target, then ride to Jail. And you get....early on at least $12 for a live capture....5 for a dead one. Also take ages to level up. 7 bounties caught still level 1


u/DanielRhysOwen 19h ago

No. I'm a new play this week to online can never find a squad for missions