r/Political_Revolution Bernie’s Secret Sauce 7d ago

Important Reminder: we are a community and an organization preparing to take back our country from oligarchs.

We have a discord, a registered PAC, and dozens of ways for you to get involved!

We are currently in the process of:

  • Building apps to support grassroots candidates

  • Writing content to raise class consciousness

  • Building a plan for 2025 elections to find and support grassroots candidates

  • Providing local ground organizing game plans and building local chapters

Volunteer: https://pol-rev.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/5RybdcUwxv

Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/the-political-revolution-us


3 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 7d ago

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u/greasyspider 5d ago

Nice try, fbi.


u/bekisuki 5d ago

This movement may take years - the oligarchs control everything, our food, water, electric, heat, health care, education to name a few - and we will never win if we continue to be dependent on them. We need to create self-sufficient communities within our communities. Everyone needs to learn a second trade, anything from knitting to repairing bicycles, that will sustain us in the long war ahead. All we need is the numbers but we have to get the (true) word out. Misinformation is our biggest enemy right now.