r/PetCare 26d ago

Massive abscess rupture in cats neck NSFW

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My cat had been gone for a week and returned home with a massive abscess rupture and the loose skin hanging off. We dont have any veterinarians around us so i need some help to try to fix this myself. As of now i brought back the loose skin to the wound and applied betadine and tied it with medical guaze. Is there anything else i need to do?


2 comments sorted by


u/lillith_fairy 25d ago

He needs a vet! There’s no way you can properly help them! That’s a huge, possibly infected wound that you don’t even know how they got! They need a vet ! Is there a mobile vet who can come to you or a rescue you can reach out for help to? Or drive to the nearest one?


u/Chaos_XII 21d ago

Good news, i got on a call with a vet and shown him this photo. He gave me a prescription and the wound has dried up and started to close slowly but it seems that the treatment is working