r/OnePieceTC Jan 30 '18

MEGATHREAD [ENG] Free Legend Chopperman Mission Pull Megathread

Free Legend Chopperman Reward

  • You get 1 pull after completing the Chopperman mission that required 12 logins.
  • The pull will arrive in your mail box.
  • Every Legend on GLB is available to be pulled.
  • Every Legend has individual rates.
  • Edit: The pulls are being given now. Some people may receive it with delay.

Good luck to those who completed the mission!


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u/erodoeht84 Jan 30 '18

Log luffy who is new but im guessing not very useful these days?


u/sicknessxxx Promising Rookie Jan 30 '18



u/erodoeht84 Jan 30 '18

Hmm. Ray points I guess?


u/sicknessxxx Promising Rookie Jan 31 '18

Nah fam


u/johsamas Global: 274.413.230 Jan 31 '18

no bro wait for his 6+ before you decide on selling him for ray points. should come out within the next few months. also he is usefull as a sub because of AOE dmg


u/william_558 Promising Rookie Jan 30 '18

Hes outclassed for sure Sucks against shields

But stull pretty decent 🌈 captain


u/StrwHtAlliance Jan 30 '18 edited Jan 30 '18

Almost every legend sucks against shields except V1Law I guess.

What I wanted so say is, that I often used him in Zombie-Teams because of his heavy damage special. I know there would be also some other Legends, but he can be useful...

Edit: Oh u mean Good barriers, or perfekt barriers... Sry my mistake '


u/StrwHtAlliance Jan 30 '18

Maybe not as a captain, but as a sub his special can be useful sometimes.