r/OnePiece Lookout Dec 21 '23

Current Chapter One Piece: Chapter 1102 Spoiler

Chapter 1102: "The Life of Kuma"

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There is a break next week technically

Ch. 1102 Official Release (Mangaplus): 24/12/2023

Ch. 1103 Scan Release: ~30/12/2023

Please discuss the manga here and in the theory/discussion post. Any other post will be removed until 24h after the release.

Please also remember to put the chapter number in the title for any future post talking about this chapter.


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u/Nome_de_utilizador Dec 21 '23

Also how much did Kuma travel to know every island he sent the SH to being the perfect place for each individual to develop their skills


u/i-hate-bananas Dec 21 '23

I don't think he sent them with a specific island in mind. I think he sent them where they needed to be since they were ill equipped for new world. I think his DF powers don't have to be concrete locations. Probably just "send them where they can grow their strength and powers" or something like that


u/somersault_dolphin Dec 21 '23

Except it's shown that he visited those islands and interacted with the people there to find the way to cure Bonney. That's why he know the civilisation with extremely advance medical knowledge. The sky island with knowledge on weather. The island with weird plants and a guy who's knowledgable about them.


u/i-hate-bananas Dec 21 '23

but how would he know that each of those locations were the perfect places to send each crew member to get stronger? It seems farfetched that he knew each of their unique skills and what they needed to get stronger and send them to the specific island ideal for each of them.

it's possible that he can only send them to islands he visited but I think he doesn't have to specify a location to teleport someone there. Otherwise he would have had to plan to teleport them all along to help them get stronger for the new world.


u/Lordsokka Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23

As a revolutionary, pirate and warlord Kuma visited a lot of Islands and met will all sorts of unique characters. Using the knowledge he gained he theorized which island would help the Strawhats the most.

Kuma was very good at his job, let’s not underestimate him.


u/ApokalypticKing101 Dec 21 '23

I think once he's been somewhere he knows exactly how to teleport someone there. I don't think it's like send them somewhere they'll grow strong. It makes more sense he was interested in Luffy and his crew after Thriller Bark especially, and he took to the time to study them and know where would be best for them to grow individually.


u/pseudo_nemesis Dec 24 '23

He had already met them on Thriller Bark, so he made some good educated guesses based on that meeting I would guess


u/takato99 Dec 21 '23

As both a revolutionary and a pirate with a great traversal power, he probably visited hundreds and hundreds of islands, we were just specifically shown in the flashback the ones he'd eventually send the SH to. Also as showed in this chapter, he has a real respect for them ever since thriller bark, so maybe he actually did some research on them after that...