r/NewsWithJingjing 21d ago

Media/Video 🇨🇳China's 0% vs. 🇺🇸US's 100% tariff policy. Your thoughts on this?🤔


23 comments sorted by


u/the_real_weasel 21d ago

The US is cutting off its nose to spite its face.


u/TestifyMediopoly 21d ago

Love it 😍 and I live in 🇺🇸


u/everydayimcuddalin 20d ago

Lmao that's the spirit champ


u/S4Waccount 20d ago

I always chuck when people said we need to learn Chinese. Now I'm buying a subscription to Rosetta Stone


u/RockyMoutainRed 21d ago

We're seeing the death spasms of an empire


u/Sauron_78 21d ago

Let's go BRICS! Brazil ❤ China


u/Zaichick 20d ago

America in civilizational decline isn’t a pretty thing to watch.


u/gna149 20d ago

We're way past the tipping point. The empty threat presents the perfect opportunity as an excuse for nations to jump ship.


u/realmendontfeel 21d ago

Best play in the world if now the US gets 0%tariffs and thats it, who's the developing country now


u/gorpie97 21d ago

Love your facial expressions for "mighty" and "wonderful"! I do it, too!


u/DirtiestOFsanchez 20d ago

This is great! I hope it works to better relations. However I am a US citizen and I dread the upcoming inauguration in the states.


u/tm229 20d ago

I am a US citizen and a socialist. I love watching the diplomatic maneuvering that China is taking. Their effors to build multipolarity and a moderately prosperous country are wonderful to see. They are an inspiration for other non-western nations.


u/gorpie97 20d ago

They are an inspiration for other non-western nations.

I wish it were an inspiration for Western nations, too. :) (I'm an American.)


u/Matt2800 20d ago

I’m starting to believe in the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is actually paid by Putin to push the global south away, because I just refuse to believe the (maybe) biggest military empire is so broken and non-funcional.


u/Tr0nathan 20d ago

China is taking the diplomatic route towards capturing developing nations. Think about what they're doing in Africa


u/Outrageous_Ad7830 21d ago

It makes sense for the consumer Producer zero tariffs make sense too You produce🤣🤣


u/Nip_Drip 20d ago

I don't really care what the PRoC does because I avoid buying anything made their at all costs. I will pay more to buy a product made anywhere else. American sentiment could flip a switch on PRoC products and it would instantly end the PRoC rise as we know it.


u/Massterblasster 20d ago

There* Also cope.


u/gorpie97 20d ago

You know that the US shipped its manufacturing to China to increase profits, right? Can't say for sure if they figured destroying the middle class was a benefit, but it seems that way.

So, no matter where the product is made, you're still giving money to the people who screwed us over.


u/Apprehensive_Bit4726 20d ago

Too bad the majority of shit made in China is exactly that... shit.


u/ChrisMB2986 20d ago

I hate Trump - but he is right on 100% tarrifs for BRICS Nations trying to destabilize the US dollar


u/everydayimcuddalin 20d ago

What are they doing that is "trying to destabilise USD?"



u/brutusdidnothinwrong 20d ago

Yea lol

Are BRICS nations doing 0% tariffs for the U.S.? Trump didnt just propose 100% tarifs for developing nations, only BRICS nations