r/NewsAndPolitics • u/Slight_Insurance_259 • 3d ago
Middle East Once again, Zionist terrorists have filmed themselves gleefully demolishing civilian homes in Southern Lebanon
u/Puzzleheaded-Cup8948 3d ago
Seems they've made a policy to hide their faces when they're committing war crimes and genocide. Cowards
u/Birdinhandandbush 3d ago
Not to stop committing them or to stop filming them, just to hide their faces
u/GreenIguanaGaming 3d ago
They are literally filming all the evidence that it was just a normal home.
u/Old-Basil-5567 3d ago
I'm not saying this is right in this particular case, but sometimes for tactical reasons you need to destroy a building regardless of what it was. If you have ever been inside of a fortified home you would know how badly buildings get destroyed my. Stairs are ripped out? Everything is filled with sand bags, holes are busted though walls mazes are built, lights are destroyed. It's crazy. This one video of them setting it upband showing its a normal does not automatically qualify it as them wanting to destroy a random home.
In fact that's quite unlikely due to the expense and manpower it takes to blownit up. There was very likely a tactical reason for that
u/GreenIguanaGaming 3d ago
There was very likely a tactical reason for that
The tactical reason is they want to completely obliterate Gaza. They needed a "solution for the Gaza question". That's the tactical reason.
Anyway, I see your point the video alone might not be enough but everything else you said could apply to another military, not the IDF. There's a mountain of evidence that they bomb and target residential areas.
I mean even the King of Zionists Biden said they're bombing indiscriminately lol..
Here's what I'm talking about.
The third is “power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices. The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas.
In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants. The sources added that, in the event that the target was a senior Hamas official with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, the army on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander.
Second, we reveal the “Where’s Daddy?” system, which tracked these targets and signaled to the army when they entered their family homes. Third, we describe how “dumb” bombs were chosen to strike these homes.
The total destruction of residential areas is literally Israeli military doctrine. It's called the Dahiya Doctrine.
u/Gokdencircle 3d ago
They now learned to blur faces. Thats a pity.
u/formal_fighting 3d ago
Just convinces us all of them are guilty. When the time comes, nobody will discriminate
u/CultureEngine 2d ago
Something something… support isreal something something, it’s justified.
That’s the narrative correct? Did I get the news report on this one correct?
u/MoistDonald 3d ago edited 3d ago
Have your home become missile storage or forward operating base against Israel near its border while the people you are storing weapons for wage a war with Israel and you too may get to enjoy an IDF video concerning your home’s final moments.
u/No_Variation5175 3d ago
You've made a statement.You got any proof for that?? And it's not khamas nor hesbullah that claims to be the most moral army in the world. The diaper force does, yet they commit warcrimes.
u/CompleteAd1256 3d ago
Its almost like those are poor people who are fighting against a well funded expansionist ethnostate. Its too bad Zionists know nothing about the formation of the greatest democracy on earth other than that they have infiltrated it and use its people and money for their own gain, its pretty apparent that many who are labeled terrorists are labeled by others as freedom fighters. I wonder if the terrorists that founded the USA would approve of or be in line with the terrorists fighting the colonial state of Israel.
u/MoistDonald 3d ago
Ahh yes the great expansionist leviathan that is Israel, who after nearly a century of furious expansion has swollen to the imperial size of check notes New Jersey…..
u/CompleteAd1256 3d ago
Nuance to the laws, customs, standards, practices, and the history of modern Israel even pre inception would be needed for you to understand exactly why and how a country the size of New Jersey is an expansionist ethnostate. So i guess this is probably why you are missing the point entirely
u/MoistDonald 3d ago edited 2d ago
I’m not ignorant to that nor am I missing the point. Why did Israel return land for peace if its only goal is mindless expansion? It shrank massively in return for peace with Egypt. Golan is part of Israel and ‘67 border Palestine was on the table for decades in return for peace, but the Syrians and Palestinians turned down their overtures. There is more nuance of course but that’s the jist. And now that Israel most certainly has Hezbollah on the ropes, and could do a little conquering and territorial expansion into southern Lebanon if it chose to, why isn’t it? Why did it just stop its ground incursion when it could be setting up settlements in the ruins of the militarized towns it destroyed?
u/CompleteAd1256 3d ago
Then why not give the Palestinians their keys back? Why do Israeli settlements continue to illegally expand into the west bank? When do the people who have (at this point due to years past) lineage that connects them to documents of land ownership held in European banks inaccessible to Palestinians in areas that are under Israeli control? Why where there settlements in the first place in Gaza? Also why do you also seemingly deny even the word settlement doesn’t immediately imply a colonial power behind it?
u/MoistDonald 2d ago edited 2d ago
I assume you keep drastically expanding the argument in good faith so I will try and answer in good faith. They cannot have their keys back because history is history. Let’s take 1929 as an example, as Jews (both Palestinian and non) and non Jewish Palestinians lived side by side. Pogrom in Safed (not to be confused with the Safed pogrom under Ottoman rule nor the pogroms in the 1500s in Safed), and massacres of Jews (Palestinian and non Palestinian) in Jerusalem, Hebron, Jaffa, Gaza, Nablus, Rama, Jenin, Acre, Tel Aviv, Har Tuv, Kfar Uria, Beer Tuvia, Beit Shean, Gedara, Motza, Mishmar Haemek, Huldah, Ein Zeitim, and Haifa. The Palestinians were the dominant power at this time. Behold the Palestinian version of a one state solution(excepting those Palestinians who decided to not make war, they are 2 million Israeli citizens). They can’t give them their keys back because there would be endless civil war unless and until all the Jews leave. Where are the Mizrahim to go? Countries like Libya Iraq and Morocco would be very unwelcoming to say the least. And of the European “colonizer” Jews, where are they to go back to? Where is the “colonists” “home base”?Nearly all of the surviving Asheknazi gene pool that don’t live in Israel reside in non native places like America. They supposed to go back to France, with its 500,000 Jews? The French Jews are 90+% non Askenazi because the Askenazi are such French “colonizers” that when Germany requested their adult Jews during the Holocaust the French voluntarily sent the children too. As per your illegal settlement question, the better question is why didn’t the Palestinians remove essentially all settlements present and future in the West Bank via accepting being a country at any point? After all, that would have fixed the West Bank question root and stem. It is because being Pro Palestinian to them doesn’t mean being pro Palestinian people, it means being anti Zionist, anti sovereign Jewish state living peacefully side by side. Zionism at its root means “small Jewish majority country that exists and since it exists should continue to exist”. The Palestinians have turned down offer after better offer for a country because it doesn’t include right of return, which if accepted would mean an end to the Jewish state. Israel as a sovereign nation does not need to accept that. The first West Bank settlements started in 1967, meaning the Palestinians have had 57 years to decide to live peacefully next to Israel and no settlements if they would simply decide their own well being was more important than fostering endless futile war or an end to the Zionist project (Jewish peace and security in essentially 2/3 of New Jersey). They chose the futile conflict over their own well being.
u/CompleteAd1256 2d ago
Its funny how right of return is only cool with you when it means jews can come back to their homeland thousands of years after they had been largely ousted, and not the people that literally where the most recently long standing inhabitants of the area at the time of return. The peace deals you speak of have all been bullshit with catches that would be untenable to a peaceful coexistence and you should know this being so well versed, on the surface the agreements look ridiculous to turn down, when in fact they tend to have terms that many wouldn’t know about until they have actually read the documents, then they would find the agreement would not provide a true and/ or fair solution . Now Israel is not a true democracy it maintains its Jewish majority in population and government, this is considered an ethnostate, every ethnostate ever recorded has been committed to genocide, racism, extremist nationalism, expansionism, and practices that defy international law (recent examples are the nazis with the aryan race, and the chinese with the Han Dynasty). The way that Israel was created and how it decided to function is what has truly made jewish people unsafe in the region in the modern era, if anything the whole of Israel should up and move to the US since our tax dollars make sure they exist in the first place because they are to weak to survive on their own and need to be artificially propped up like a soundcloud rapper that purchases views. It would be more beneficial to the US economy to have them here rather than waisting our money there for their own religious reasons. I have jewish neighbors i have Jewish family members, jewish people can live safe and prosper here, there is literally no actual factual reason you could give me that says jews legitimately have to live in Israel because they are safe no where else in the developed world. You literally exasperate a lie and continue your denial of the reality of the situation. No other ethnicity in the world is given the right to their own exclusive state and exorbitant funding as the jewish people have had. And honestly im not even gonna get into the tactics that have been used to elongate the wars and disputes between Israel and Palestine and many other countries like Lebanon, in order to create more funding for Israel and in the western eye create a more effective argument against “terrorists” and furthering the idea that Israel is right no one wants peace and everyone hates jews or whatever😂. It truly is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life. At the end of the day I will welcome all of you in the US with open arms because you are all safe, loved, and wanted here unlike apparently everywhere else in the world somehow?! Stop waisting our taxes and live in the US and add to our economy, instead of suckling our money like leaches. Final thought zinionism can burn, jews are cool, and Zionists are fake jews.
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