r/MurderedByWords Oct 06 '24

Culture War Distraction

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41 comments sorted by


u/DatDamGermanGuy Oct 06 '24

It’s what Republicans need to motivate their base because they don’t have any policies that are supported by more than 30% of the people…


u/Spectre-907 Oct 06 '24

Aside from 2025 do they even have policies to run on? All I’ve seen this cycle is just “you should vote for us because other side bad (insert childish schoolyard insults that do not in any way address their policies here)”


u/DatDamGermanGuy Oct 06 '24

Only if you consider “own the libs” a policy


u/LoL_is_pepega_BIA Oct 06 '24

90% of that 30% are literally struggling to meet daily grocery costs..

The poor are completely brainwashed into voting against their own interests thru hate mongering


u/pogulup Oct 07 '24

They wouldn't do it if it didn't work so well.  Which is why they work so hard to destroy public education and deregulate media.  Lying doesn't work if you don't have someone that believes your lies.


u/miscnic Oct 06 '24

But the immigrants immigrating and all the immigration.


u/davechri Oct 06 '24

republicans are so easily swayed by culture war bullshit.

republicans aren’t concerned about school shootings, healthcare, homelessness, food insecurity, or income inequality.

But mention pronouns, Bud Light, or “Happy Holidays” and republicans lose their fucking minds.


u/its-chewy-not-zooyoo Oct 06 '24

Oh, but, it's far more than that.

Culture war helps one feel superior by belonging to whatever the "right" side is. And believe it or not, in the USA currently an entire party's political agenda and manifesto are entirely culture war pieces. Nothing else


u/Glitter_Hazel Oct 06 '24

Grim just pulled a UNO reverse card on musk. talk about a plot twist!


u/funnyhighcomcguy Oct 06 '24

Ryan Grim is a savage and we need more like him.


u/rp2784 Oct 06 '24

Perfectly worded.


u/FiestaDeLosMuerto Oct 06 '24

Ironically also what republicans are saying but they replace elite with (((elite)))


u/icarustalon Oct 06 '24

To be fair Breaking Points has spouted its fair share of Anti Semitic tropes. As well as straight Russian propaganda. Ryan Grim isn't a good dude. The intercept is probably one of the main reasons Elon bought Twitter lol.


u/FiestaDeLosMuerto Oct 06 '24

While I hate the far right because they’re often literal nazies unfortunately I did notice a recent uptick in antisemitism from the left, I’m a leftists so I talk with other leftists a lot and even before the current major conflict I’ve been seeing a lot more anti semetism both from the people I talk to, sometimes with really old school anti semetism like Holocaust denial.

I also unsubscribed from quite a bit of YouTube news channels for spreading misinformation about the Middle East and the current war that was really easy to disprove, which only helps the Iranian regime.


u/stunningmsamelia Oct 06 '24

Culture war? More like the world's longest halftime show lol


u/SaltyBarDog Oct 06 '24

Just go back to jerking off in a cup to impregnate employees and destroying your companies, Cissy SpaceX.


u/flinderdude Oct 06 '24

Yeah, Musk hopes those dummies fight over dumb stuff while he gets his tax breaks.


u/miketherealist Oct 06 '24

Elon, your foreheads too big, and you and culture don't belong in the same sentence.


u/sosaudio Oct 06 '24

Musk is the proof that at a certain level of wealth, there should just be a ceremony to celebrate your accomplishment and get an award for “winner of life,” after which you don’t have to work anymore and you get to keep all your money to that point but after that any further proceeds are taxed at like 98%. Adjust the amount of the goal line periodically for inflation and shit, but just avoid letting so much of the economic fuel be under the control of one person or hoarded from everyone else.


u/Captain-Vague Oct 06 '24

Interesting question from someone who is not a native born American. Interesting because he seems to fuck whoever he wants, anytime he wants.... No matter what he has promised in the past. interesting because he wants all kinds of freedom for himself, but none for me. Interesting because he is someone who has very publicly used IVF, but now he backs the pro-life candidate? Interesting because when one of his own children explored the freedom that he so publicly touts, he immediately rejected his own child and publicly shamed and vilified her.

What do I think of the culture wars Elon? The opposite of whatever you fucking think.


u/EastRoom8717 Oct 06 '24

The shittiest bread, the worst circuses.


u/Flynn74 Oct 06 '24

Divide and conquer. Elites have been using this strategy for well over 2000 years.

It's depressing it still works.


u/OptiKnob Oct 06 '24

Weird. It's only a "culture war" when the wealthy rant about it.

The poor call it basic survival.


u/Redtardiness Oct 06 '24

Ryan would have stuck that comment right up muskrat's arse, except muskrat's arse is still stuffed with the gold bars he stole when he became a refugee from African democracy.


u/Turdposter777 Oct 07 '24

The real culture war is between the rich and poor. The one concerning race and ethnicity is a distraction.


u/Indigo2015 Oct 07 '24

Here’s what I think. I think that Grok called elon musk a pedophile!


u/doomer_irl Oct 07 '24

Well it’s worse than that, because it redirects the anger of millions of Americans toward LGBT groups.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '24

If there was a culture war it would be god fearing, country loving citizens vs a ton of woke pussies who probably don’t know how to use a gun. Who do you think will win?


u/OwenLoveJoy Oct 07 '24

That’s pretty much what right wing politics have always been. Finding some way to justify why certain people have to go without. Occasionally right wingers will have valid critiques of some policy or something but they almost never offer real solutions because their overriding goal is upholding the status quo.


u/No-Donut-4275 Oct 07 '24

The number of down votes I got is equal to the number of people who don't get how currency works, then complain about rich people, WHILE THE RICH PEOPLE THEY SUPPORT ARE THE ONES CAUSING THE PROBLEM, THEN PRETEND TO FIX IT BY MAKING IT WORSE.

thank a teacher for your level of brightness.


u/LiveLearnCoach Oct 26 '24

What do we think about the culture war…that he is encouraging?


u/IntelligentRock3854 Oct 06 '24

i can't wait for the elections to pass so we can all enjoy reddit again


u/No-Donut-4275 Oct 06 '24

Liberals have made everything more expensive with their free money printing policy and teacher have made everyone more stupid by not teaching how economies work.

If there's more money it's worth less.

The current state we are in is because of spending money on people not bright enough to realize teachers are what made them so stupid I'm the first place.

Scar cit teeeeee dominates currency. Reeetaaard.