r/KidsAreFuckingStupid 2d ago

Video/Gif He's on the naughty list


126 comments sorted by


u/Psych0matt 2d ago

100% the dad was in in on this


u/Heavy_Entrepreneur13 2d ago

The way his mum turns around and immediately looks at the dad the second he says it is gold.


u/ImperialSympathizer 2d ago

And dad is already cracking up lol


u/Careless_Educator_21 2d ago

i’m guessing drunk uncle.


u/Icy_Sector3183 2d ago



u/agent58888888888888 2d ago

Waddup, you got my plate ready?


u/Common_Election5538 6h ago

Not yet, u want hashbrowns or pork :)


u/funkyloki 2d ago

It is probably the lumbago.


u/WeekendLost5566 9h ago

wich is a Real thing Arthur


u/Bipedal_Warlock 1d ago

I also loved the daughter laughing and rushing to get away from any crossfire


u/kharmatika 1d ago

Best $20 he ever spent. 


u/G_Art33 2d ago

That sounds like the laugh of a fun aunt 😂


u/DrCocker1337 2d ago

The crazy laugh of the person in the background would be enough for me to bear whatever would come for me after that if I would be this child.


u/Weird-Salamander-349 2d ago

I once laughed like this after giving my nephew a slide whistle and telling him his napping father would LOVE to hear him play it.


u/skribsbb 2d ago

Or one who's had it with his crap and knows he's in trouble.


u/Cwuddlebear 2d ago

But....it was the only way to make an entrance. Let's be real now, lil kid knows where it's at


u/TheLatty 2d ago

Samuel L. Jackson is proud.


u/elmersfav22 2d ago

Someone needs to show him. And film reaction. I want tonsee a proud SMJ on xmas morning


u/IAreBlunt 2d ago

Mom looks to Dad to dole out some discipline, only to find that he’s laughing too. 😂


u/mlawson110 2d ago

Why the whole door handle move, when she opened it?


u/PaNiPu 2d ago

It's missing a screw


u/GoodLeftUndone 2d ago

Same as the lady laughing. 


u/microview 2d ago

Because no one knows where the screw driver went.


u/ghoststrat 2d ago

Whoa, good eye!!


u/II-leto 2d ago

Needs to be tightened up.


u/tbucket 2d ago

should have invited Archie and the Drells


u/notimeleft4you 2d ago edited 2d ago

She only had two kids I’m sure it’s fine.

Edit: calm down people it was a joke about the elasticity of her vagina.


u/ghoststrat 2d ago

Nah, that's not it.


u/II-leto 2d ago

Actually it is. I’ve tightened quite a few. Am a handyman.


u/jakehood47 2d ago

If the women don't find ya handsome, they should at least find ya handy


u/ghoststrat 2d ago

I was kidding. I can't actually think of any other reasons it would be flopping around like that :)


u/flargenhargen 2d ago

it's not their house, they broke in to have a party. this is a scene from a movie.

.(none of that is true)


u/RyukaBuddy 13h ago

He is lying it's true.


u/Lumberjack1229 2d ago

That's a terrible position to be in as a parent. You know you shouldn't laugh but it's impossible not to.


u/Joewtf 2d ago

Dad had a beard on. Hopefully that helped!


u/MoveYaFool 2d ago

its a simple position...you laugh. then later when alone you explain you can't say that to anyone, just the right people. like "not at church, but yes, sometimes at your aunts."

the kid did nothing wrong


u/FerretBusinessQueen 2d ago

Yup. My nephew was allowed to swear liberally at home from a young age. He was in a pretty messed up situation with his parents so it was always like “as long as he only does it around appropriate/safe people, who cares ” and me and his grandmother had the conversation about the difference between swearing around us and to your friends vs to great grandma and at school. He is 19 now. He is the most polite, courteous, well spoken young man you’d ever meet. Until he gets on his Xbox then it all comes out lol.


u/owen-87 2d ago

Yeah, you know when mom is the only one not laughing its a good one.

Also someone's going to die tonight...


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Nolongeranalpha 2d ago

Same. I'd be like - Little shit stole my line.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Nolongeranalpha 2d ago

Thanks! :)


u/MoveYaFool 2d ago

you sound fun


u/TopHatGirlInATuxedo 2d ago

The kid learned it from somewhere. It's clear you don't have kids, anyway.


u/Bigcumachine 2d ago

You sound like a great person to be around...


u/mr_smith24 2d ago

Dad: do it. Say it. Fulfill your destiny boy


u/LodlopSeputhChakk 2d ago

She turned around and gave her husband a death stare. He probably said it and the child repeated it.


u/ZugTheMegasaurus 2d ago

When I was a toddler, I once walked up to our dog Bordy, hugged her, and lovingly said, "Bordy, fucking dog." My mom shouted from the kitchen, "Did she just say what I think she said?!" My dad confirmed and she was furious and said, "Oh, I wonder where she got that from?!"

My dad said, "Probably from when you tripped over the dog and said it a few minutes ago."


u/crash893b 2d ago

yo FIX that door


u/kernelpanic789 2d ago

The door handle and lock are loose and need to be tightened


u/crash893b 2d ago

yes that was the part that i was referring to when I said "fix that door"


u/StomachJealous4515 2d ago

You know the smoke detector needs the battery changed too


u/Original_Draw8340 2d ago

That's so freakin hilarious 😂😂


u/jim_james_comey 2d ago

Mom immediately looks back at Dad: 'did you hear what your son just said!'


u/Huge-Presentation-84 2d ago

The mom had to walk away cuz she stared laughing 😅


u/Barricade_the_Clone 2d ago

I didn’t know they casted Samuel L Jackson as Santa Claus!


u/heddingite1 2d ago



u/gymnastgrrl 2d ago

It's a very common grammatical error.


u/OopsAllLegs 2d ago

Mom might be mad but she almost broke a smile. Lol

Dad is dying and is proud.


u/Azhi_D 2d ago

This is totally something I would do... And that look she shoots her man is the same look my wife would shoot me....


u/Fisecraft 2d ago

If i said that to other family members as a kid, i wouldnt see the sunshine ever again


u/kernelpanic789 2d ago

I would have had a bar of soap for dinner.

One time my Mom made me liquid hand soap because that was all that she had at the moment. It is MUCH worse than a bar of soap


u/jakehood47 2d ago

Damn what up Mrs. Claus, is there a Mister Cla- oh shit wait


u/kernelpanic789 2d ago

The girl opening the door too...


u/zorggalacticus 2d ago

They both look good. Strong genes in that family.


u/polishmachine88 2d ago

Mrs Claus wearing an r rated outfit the a g rated party....


u/atomwyrm 2d ago

No this was a W for the kid. Everyone’s having a good time.


u/Geshtar1 2d ago

An adult definitely told him to say that


u/Albus_Lupus 2d ago

Maan I love that as soon as she hears the kid say it - immidietly turns to dad like: did you just...


u/interesting_lurker 2d ago

Am I the only one who didn’t understand what he said


u/kernelpanic789 2d ago

"Ho, Ho, Ho... Motherfuckers"


u/SomethingAbtU 2d ago

the girl laughing put the kid up to it.. i just know it


u/HolySnokes1 2d ago

Big Sister most definitely bartered some Christmas candy or something 😅


u/thegadush 2d ago

If i was santa he be on the top of my nice list.


u/No_Offer795 2d ago

You can take Santa about of the hood, but…


u/Ohio_Baby 1d ago



u/_Shropshire_Slasher_ 1d ago

Snoop Dogg approves.


u/Tostinos 1d ago

Could be her Xmas present was to make this entrance. Free pass.


u/Extra-Relief-8326 1d ago

Big sis loving it but not sticking around for the and you stop laughing backlash 😆 😂 🤣


u/shxrdzyy 2d ago

The kid saying that is funny but whoever it is laughing in the background makes this video 2x funnier than it already is😭


u/HBIC2017 2d ago

How could you be mad lmao


u/Dragonwulf 2d ago

Must of watched this a dozen times just because of how mom and dad react.


u/pocket_arsenal 2d ago

I find kids dropping F-bombs tough to laugh about but the laugh is amazing.


u/MonicaRising 2d ago

Right? That's why the kid says it in the first place because every time they do it they get positive reinforcement. It is the definition of shitty parenting


u/Mista_White- 2d ago

it's also funny


u/MonicaRising 2d ago

Spotted the shitty parent


u/Mista_White- 2d ago

I'm spotting the lack of a sense of humor


u/Cuminmymouthwhore 2d ago

Shitty parenting - Both parents dressing up with their kids to go to a party as a family. Kids do something a little bit naughty and they're shitty parents because they laugh?

Idk, seems to me like parents are humans, and parents are allowed to laugh at the outrageous things kids say sometimes.

It's a Christmas party, and the dad probably gave them a pass to say it because it's a special occasion.

Hell, my parents even let me drink some alcohol on certain occasions as a kid. Parents don't have to be miserable old farts all of the time to be good parents.

In fact, I'd say it's good parenting to let your kids break rules sometimes. Let them have some fun.


u/MonicaRising 2d ago

We're both making assumptions. You're assuming that the parents were in on it. I'm assuming the kid hears it all the time and repeats it with no recriminations, plus positive reinforcement. If I'm right, shitty parenting. If you are right, awesome. I totally get that the world is not black and white.


u/skwerlee 2d ago

You can do a lot worse than foul language.


u/MonicaRising 2d ago

You sure can. But discipline starts with basic stuff. Like language. Not all, in fact few settings, are appropriate for this. Wait till he drops f-bombs where it's going to be a problem. We'll see who's laughing then. And all because that behavior was encouraged rather than discouraged.


u/Wonderful-Traffic197 2d ago

Calm down Monica.


u/MonicaRising 2d ago

Awesome thanks so much


u/jda404 2d ago

To each their own, personally I don't find curse words offensive or bad to say unless it's directed at someone. Like if my kid called someone a piece of shit I'd have a major problem with it, but if he said what is this shit referring to some object he was looking at I'd be okay with it.


u/Kitchen-Shape-8497 21m ago

Monica, what are you doing on reddit? You should be saving kids on therapy.

Because you wanted to be a therapist, right?


u/txivotv 2d ago

This is the Santa the Florida blonde woman was talking about!!!


u/heddingite1 2d ago

Otherwise known as the wrong word.


u/opalous 1d ago edited 1d ago

Big sister earlier: "I dare ya to say 'ho ho ho motherfuckers' when we walk in"


u/Gojira194 1d ago

Why can the moms never laugh when a little kid says a swear word, it’s always the dads and grandparents who laugh


u/Smart_Variety2262 1d ago

Mrs.Clause is gonna be chewing santas ear, it will be a very happy Xmas for Santa after all


u/SniitchBruhz 1d ago

Mum went to laugh out of sight, before she hands out discipline lol👌


u/shawner136 1d ago

Well… I know how Im greeting my family later


u/Catturd5671 1d ago

Just a tad too much of the Hypnotic.. 😂


u/Dont_Overthink_It_77 1d ago

Man… I can’t imagine.


u/5amuraiDuck 2d ago

Could've been worse. Could've went like "how you doin, ho ho ho?" 😅


u/Wharevahappenedthere 21h ago

Those moms are mad ripe


u/Thin-Chard5222 2d ago

Great thing to teach your child.


u/Playful-Resident-264 2d ago

Am I trippin' or did Santa snap an upskirt Pic of Mrs. Clause right at the end there?


u/BallsDeep419 2d ago

There's another delinquent who will never see Christmas for what it really is!


u/Jealous-Lawyer7512 1d ago

Lots of wigs and rented homes.


u/dildorepairman4urmom 2d ago

He must be a gem at school if he acts like this around family.