r/KatarinaMains 14h ago

Any regrets maining/one tricking?

Hey guys very interested in maining Kat but a question for you all, do you have regrets maining Kat? And what do you find most frustrating about maining her?

An example I’ll give is I reached high Elo with swain as my main but his e gimmick and lack of playability into long range match ups is killing the fun for me BIG time

This I feel is important as I want to invest a considerable amount of time in learning kat but I’d love your guys’ perspective

Thank you in advance :)


19 comments sorted by


u/OO_1 13h ago

You need to be 2x better than some enemy champions to even play even if you guys are the same skill level


u/Black_M3lon 12h ago

Unless ur against veigar


u/Dav_Sav_ 10h ago

Kappachungusdeluxe freak SZN 14 has veigar with a positive winrate vs Kat 💀


u/Black_M3lon 4h ago

An exception is not the rule, though I will say that is crazy impressive, I just cannot understand how veigar can do anything against a kat except scaling


u/Dav_Sav_ 3h ago

Yea a buff earlier this year to his Q range lets him farm stacks outside kat e range so he just gets to scale for free now


u/Black_M3lon 3h ago

oh my bad, I only recently got back into the game again and I havent seen him in my matches in a while so I must have missed that, though I have no idea why he needed a q range buff but standard riot balancing I guess


u/Wet_Humpback 1M+ and boosted 4h ago

ROA and Seraphs, shit is boring.


u/01Metro 8h ago

s14 veigar doesn't even lose vs kata, he just chill farm with q after they doubled his q range, and then he builds roa and seraphs and he is unkillable while one shotting u with r


u/Black_M3lon 4h ago

You could say that about relatively long ranged mage though


u/01Metro 4h ago

nah veigars are extremely careful because they're aware of how bad the matchup is they rarely ever walk in your range to trade, other mages will play super cocky so u can beat them way more easily, also since they don't build tanky u can acctually still kill them if u E to a minion and then all in-them, u can't rly do that with veigar he will just facetank everything


u/Kefflem_ 12h ago

If it's playability into long range then Kat is for sure not it XD. Most frustrating thing would probably be the early game, or lack of thereof. She relies on enemies making mistakes so when they don't you stay under tower and pray for good skirmishes in the jungle or tilt roam bot and lose 2 plates in hopes of a double kill.


u/VerySneakyWolf 11h ago

I dont regret it but I wish I enjoyed other champs as much as I do kat, so I can stop playing her.


u/xHortex 5h ago

Maybe you should change your main lane and go for bot aphelios. I did it, found myself a support duo and honestly it feels kinda like kat but ranged. Like, 1v9 machine if u can play him properly. So thats what i recommend (Kata ~390k mastery, and Aphelios like almost 300k)


u/kaehya 10h ago

Kat is one of the best champions you can play if you're looking for high ROI her and qiyana probably being the highest in mid since they've dumbed down azir and akali over the years, but as others have mentioned unless you're better than your lane opponent lanes are going to be pretty rough and the higher you go on the ladder the less enemy teams will offer you free quadras to snowball the game.


u/LivingBlock9089 11h ago

I personally have no regret playing kat, I know I have a champ I'm really good with and solo carry very well with it. A champ I kinda regret would be zed he isn't the champ I mained 5 years ago


u/Dav_Sav_ 10h ago

Not at all, I may have a worse winrate on this champ than the other 3 mid laners I play but they ain’t got shit on kat except for maybe ekko lol


u/jhj0604 8h ago

i've learned to play katarina and get myself to diamond without actually learning how to play league of legends

now I'm forced to dodge every game that isn't katarina cuz I know for sure I will int


u/SpicyxGary 1h ago

If you go into it knowing that most matchups suck and you really just gotta be better every game then no. Her play style is VERY Fun and engaging. her ability to snowball and take over also helps balance the games when she plays bad champ matchups but vs B tier league player