r/FormulaFeeders 1d ago

Diagnosed Dairy Allergy - seeking recommendations

My 7mo has been exclusively breastfed, but is going to start daycare soon. Worried that mom’s milk supply won’t keep up with pumping and that we’ll have to supplement.

LO has a diagnosed dairy allergy, not CMPI.

Totally new to formula and all the blogs touting “best formula” are dairy based. It seems the only dairy free options (in the US at least) have corn syrup in them? Should we be concerned about that?

Are Similac Alimentum and Enfamil Nutramigen really the only options?

Does anyone have a recommendations. Thanks!


3 comments sorted by


u/foolproof2 21h ago edited 21h ago

Corn syrup solids are not bad in formula. It’s essential for their nutrient intake.

https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8N3oNvF/ this is a registered dietitian with her PhD that has a whole playlist over formula. It’s not straight up corn syrup, it’s corn syrup solids. It is also in European formula, just under a different name.

My baby is on Nutramigen and does really well. Some babies do well on Alimentum but some don’t like the taste, so people switch to Nutramigen. If those don’t work, your doctor will possibly have you switch to an amino-acid formula.


u/KikiTheArtTeacher 20h ago

If baby had an IgE mediated allergy to dairy (diagnosed via blood/ skin prick test) then you need a dairy free option- those would be formulas like Neocate, Elecare or PurAmino. You could potentially look into soy as well, since it will be free from dairy as well.

The corn syrup solids found in formula isn’t the same as high fructose corn syrup - it’s really not anything to worry about, as it’s added in to ensure that the nutrition profile is as close to breast milk as possible