You did this to yourself Fuck this guy.

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u/AliceTheOmelette 2 x Banhammer Recipient 1d ago

Today's meme is sponsored by Most Bet


u/SidTheSloth97 Banhammer Recipient 1d ago

No shit, why is there an ad on my meme ??


u/FatalErrorOccurred 1d ago

Should repost with that covered up by a white shape for the duration of the clip or just cropped. Can't let this become the norm.


u/Riscogoboy 20h ago

Sorry about that. I didn’t now that was an ad. I didn’t bother reading it. I just saw the video. I will keep that in mind next time I post something.

Again sorry for that.


u/JonnyXX 1d ago

Straight to jail…


u/LetsJerkCircular 1d ago

That was an awesome exaggerated phone juggle


u/supamario132 1d ago

I like that the bad luck in the last one is that he spit right at the girl and, would you have guessed it, the gum landed exactly where he spit


u/Diegovelasco45 1d ago

After living through the other 2 times, you would think he learned


u/PrinceAhmed1 1d ago

Bold of you to assume he doesn't like getting slapped by women


u/cjbeames 1d ago

Missed him spit so from my perspective he was happy to get some free used gum from a lady's dress.


u/Action-a-go-go-baby 1d ago

… ok that last one was his fault just walk away bro


u/Schrogs 1d ago

Yah but knowing him he couldn’t help himself 🤣


u/VeryVeryVorch 1d ago

This is how you develop agoraphobia. He should have stayed in bed; but with his luck, the bed would be boobs.


u/Diggey11 1d ago

Suddenly, his luck changed. 


u/Radioactive_baby 21h ago

Until the boobs become sentient and call the police on him


u/Jonseroo 1d ago

I had one happen to me! I was in Arnold market five years ago and a mum was bending over to pick something up as I walked past and her infant son smacked her bottom. She angrily asked him if he did it and he said he hadn't! She's probably to this day thinking it was me.


u/MixaLv 1d ago

Ban ad injected memes before they become a thing


u/OakTreesForBurnZones 1d ago

Benny Hill was doing this 40 years ago


u/lasvegashal 1d ago

Yeah, that’s funny


u/littleman11186 23h ago

What even is this sub anymore. I come here for the one guy out of a bunch of minding their own business and one gets cold clocked by a satellite or something. Stop reposting staged garbage.

"Oh but someone was mean to him so it fits" - Slap No, fuck you, that's not what this is about. IN PARTICULAR means there were other options and someone was singled out. And again, this scripted stuff is not funny


u/Centaurs69 23h ago

Settle down little man


u/Riscogoboy 20h ago

😔 sorry