r/Enough_Sanders_Spam 16h ago

Vivek seems to be finally learning that MAGA doesn't give a shit about "meritocracy" or "good immigrants".

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12 comments sorted by


u/SS1989 Bend the knee into a berniebro’s crotch 16h ago

Ah, poor Vivek. Nobody likes him. He’s a creepy dweeb the left dislikes for being a techbro douchebag and the right dislikes for being an Indian. Sucks to suck.


u/Currymvp2 14h ago

Vivek went from calling for an outright ban on H1-B visas 29 times to now promoting them.

Vivek went from literally calling TikTok “digital fentanyl” to using it and demanding it remain in Chinese hands.

He's also an unprincipled grifter


u/pasak1987 16h ago

Tech bros finally realizing they aren't the base of Republican party.


u/c3p-bro 15h ago

I think it’s gonna end of being MAGAs learning that republicans will do whatever their tech overlords say, MAGA principles be damned.

And they’ll immediately forget and ignore it and say they loved H1Bs the whole time.


u/canadianD 15h ago

“I knew the lion was going to eat someone’s face, I just never thought it would be my face” -tech bros


u/c3p-bro 15h ago

I think tech bros will win out. The base will be mad but the party elites will go wherever the money leads them. And the base will fall into line after, because that’s just how sheep are.


u/Kugel_the_cat 10h ago

I wish that were true but I don’t have high hopes. If it were, the Republican Party would be the free market, pro-immigration party that I could get behind. Instead it’s the racist, pro-tariff, pro-women dying of miscarriage party, and that’s what the base supports.


u/c3p-bro 15h ago

Viveks time with MAGA is coming to its end. It was a nice month.


u/Lycanthrowrug 8h ago

Is he that shocked to discover that MAGA isn't colorblind and doesn't see him as white?


u/bakochba 9h ago

H1B doesn't sound like America First to me


u/CKO1967 Slava Ukraini 6h ago

Most MAGAs can't even spell "meritocracy".