r/Enough_Sanders_Spam 1d ago

Who is the Bernie Sanders of today’s conservatives?


15 comments sorted by


u/Chokeman 1d ago

Trump ofc


u/lsda 1d ago

Old✓ Populist✓ "Political outsider" ™✓ Cult like status amongst supporters ✓ No real political accomplishments✓


u/Thybro 1d ago

✔️falsely claims the democrats rigged the election against him;

✔️directly and intentionally boosted by Russia meddling

❌can (unfortunately) get enough dimwits to vote for him outside of safe states.

Close but no cigar.


u/Kqtawes 1d ago

I would say that Trump being able to get enough dimwits to vote for him is more a result of Republican politics than a specific difference between Trump and Bernie.


u/Politicsboringagain 1d ago

Yep, just look at how the entire republican establishment jsut bends the knee to Trump.

Democrats having a big tent party is sometimes a hindrance because everyone wants to be considered the most important group in the party. 


u/Thybro 1d ago

The x mark applies to primaries as well :)


u/Kqtawes 1d ago

Yes, I'm saying that Republicans that vote in Republican primaries are more likely to be fools falling for populist bullshit than Democrats voting in a Democratic primary.


u/DeathByTacos 1d ago

Can’t be Trump because he’s actually won a national campaign 👀


u/Currymvp2 1d ago edited 1d ago

People are going to say Trump but Trump is clearly more charismatic than Bernie Sanders. Hawley or Ted Cruz or Massie or Rand Paul or Nancy Mace are the closest examples to me; they--similar to Bernie--aren't well-liked by their colleagues in congress and like the media attention.


u/goldrupees 1d ago

Rand Paul


u/MURICCA 1d ago

Rand Paul is only popular because of his dad, and Ron Paul was the Bernie Sanders of yesterday, for both sides for some reason.

So yeah this checks out


u/Squestis 1d ago

The worst part about Rand Paul is that when he first ran for election in KY, he was nobody and stood almost no chance, but money from these wealthy kids who’d supported Ron Paul kept flowing into him to keep his campaign strong. He had a very moderate primary opponent, Trey Grayson, who was considered the favorite initially (I imagine would’ve been a bit more conservative had he been elected, but after he lost he became co-chair of Gaby Giffords Super PAC to elect candidates fighting for gun control for crying out loud), and then faced a Democrat who had a real shot at winning. But thanks to Ron Paul’s revolutionaries, we got stuck with this mess of a senator who will probably be there as long as he wants to be.


u/kevisdahgod 1d ago

We’re the only ones stuck with this idiot working against our own goals. I’m arguing with some guys rn and they said that it’s good to criticize both sides. If Hillary had won, America would have shifted left and republicans would have had to drastically change their strategy. Instead of just spread hate and distrust about minorities and immigrants for votes.


u/nosotros_road_sodium 1d ago

If we're talking performative for-the-CSPAN-cameras types: HeeHawley, Casting Couch Vice President, Fled Cruz, -assie, Country Bumpkin Kennedy, Rand (not Ron) Paul, Gropert, Empty Greene, Paulina Loony, or (to an extent) North Carolina Porno Guy.

And then of course the phony "moderate Republican", Concerned Collins.

In contrast, Republicans who at least know how to advance real policy would include DeSantis, Kemp, Youngkin, Haley, or Cox.