I have a concern…. Does very severe anxiety cause acid reflux? I didn’t really payed attention till now but In the past maybe more than one month I have what I think it is acid reflux every day. It’s not constant or severe it happens for few seconds at a time then disappears and can appear again after few hours. Most often a bit after I eat. It’s this burning feeling travelling up my throat bit like I said it’s not constant. I don’t think I get heartburn because I don’t have what is described (the pain like feelings behind chest) just the burning feeling. Sometimes i also get hunger pangs even after I eat but again nothing severe.
I am super anxious this whole year to be honest. My biggest fear is cancer and i am jumping from one type to another and it’s really hard for me not to think about it first when I develop a symptom. I know it’s probably all in my head but it’s really not helping me that very day something is popping up…. Now the acid reflux…. Obviously my first thought is stomach cancer and I’m super afraid…. This is all I think about 24/7… i don’t know if acid reflux is even a symptom because I read that acid reflux can cause it over time but I doesn’t says it’s a symptom… on Reddit tho people say it is and now my head went mad…
I tried to explain it to a doctor but I guess he is alredy tired of my anxiety and is not taking me seriously… he said I’m too young for this (I’m 23) and because I don’t loose weight, vomit, have fatigue or have persistent pain (or any pain at all) he will not even consider testing. My recent blood work was also perfect.
Like I said it’s alredy more than a month and the symptoms are not getting worse… some days are better but it’s pretty consistent I will say. I read somewhere that if it’s cancer it’s supposed to get worse with time but idk my brain is in a very bad place and I can’t enjoy my life anymore. I’m not depressed nor I have suicidal thoughts on the contrary I’m afraid of dying that why I’m focusing so much on this type of illnesses. I have scheduled psychologist appointment but it’s not soon since now it’s holidays. I asked my mom and she said sometimes she gets this burning feeling but not every day… that’s why I’m super worried and don’t know what to do.
I’m trying to menage the anxiety but it’s definitely not working and every time something start to hurt slightly or I get a bit of cough etc.. my brain jumps to cancer and that’s all I think about. I’m tired of waking up from nightmares every single night and this stupid reflux now is causing even more anxiety….
Now… I’m healthy weight if not a bit underweight, I play sports and all my life I was eating healthy, although in the past one year my diet has worsened due to uni, stress and work. I started eating a lot of chocolate and instant noodles and drink coffee on empty stomach… but it didn’t really caused anything until the onset of this reflux. Now I’m at my parents and I eat homemade food but still happens… I don’t drink often (more like once a month small amount) and I never smoked or took any drugs. I do have laxative abuse ( dulcolax and Epsom salt) due to past eating disorder but I’m slowly managing it. Also my water intake is very poor some days I only drink one small cup of water.
Any suggestions? Can all of this contribute to acid reflux or my symptoms sounds like cancer? Should I push the doctor more? Any tips will be highly appreciated.