r/BlatantMisogyny Mar 16 '23

Sexism My mom sent me this screenshot of her doctor's appointment confirmation text.

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u/TheEclipseApocalypse Mar 16 '23

Just how are they justifying this price difference?


u/ThoughtPolicePolice Mar 16 '23 edited Mar 16 '23

10 extra for typing the ‘fe’.

Edit: I missed a “fee” pun and now I don’t want to fix it.


u/accidentle Mar 16 '23

Ah yes, of course . The "fe" fee.


u/SoVerySleepy81 Mar 16 '23

I am not defending this I just want to get that clear upfront. It could be that if this is for like a yearly physical they prep stuff to do a female exam so they think that since they did extra work to prep that they can charge extra for a cancellation. That’s literally the only way that I could see this being something that a practice allows.


u/accidentle Mar 16 '23

The same thought crossed my mind too. But then it wouldn't be all "females" and would probably be a separate text confirmation made specifically for that situation.

This is a broad general confirmation text sent to all patients.


u/SoVerySleepy81 Mar 16 '23

Yeah it’s really odd, my brain keeps trying to find a reason for it but I just don’t think there’s a good one. So freaking weird, I probably would just not go to this practice if this happened to me because like what other weird ass shit are they going to try and pull? Like it’s hard enough getting taken seriously at the doctor as a woman but like these guys are showing up front that they treat women differently. So weird.


u/missshrimptoast Mar 16 '23

I used to set up the pap smear/pelvic trays at a sexual and reproductive health clinic. I think the idea of charging an extra $10 for putting a handful of items on a tray is hilarious. The only thing that wasn't replaceable was the tiny cup of iodine for IUD insertions


u/denarii Mar 16 '23

I think the idea of charging an extra $10 for putting a handful of items on a tray is hilarious.

I mean, that kinda checks out for pricing in the American healthcare system.


u/diamondcinda Mar 16 '23

Seriously, in a country where they charge new mother's money for skin to skin contact with their own baby after birth, this really isn't a surprise.


u/accidentle Mar 16 '23

I can see this as not being (as) surprising in the US, but this is in Canada.


u/roseredgoddess Mar 16 '23 edited Mar 17 '23

Even so, a ten-dollar difference hardly seems like it's worth it. It just doesn't come across in a very positive light. This was fairly careless, hopefully, they re-think it.


u/tmbgfactchecker Mar 17 '23

It strikes me as deliberate. I could see whoever made this choice being a misogynist to their core and enjoying the increased bill being aimed solely at women.


u/Shmokeahontis Mar 16 '23

Is your mom gonna call and query it? If so, please update us. I wanna know about the “fe” fee too!


u/mayyyyyyyy2022 Mar 16 '23

yes, please someone tag me when we get an update!


u/accidentle Mar 17 '23

She had her appointment this morning. Unfortunately she didn't ask, but says she will ask at her next appointment (one week from today I think)


u/Shmokeahontis Mar 17 '23

Good stuff! I bet their mouth will open and close a couple times while they try to understand why themselves. Let us know next week!


u/AlexandraThePotato Mar 16 '23

I don’t think that’s legal. Call them.


u/TheQuinnBee Mar 16 '23

I'd cancel and find a new doctor. Fuuuuck that.


u/Skye-DragonGirl Anti-misogyny Mar 16 '23

I deadass need to know their reasoning behind this the curiosity is killing me


u/skywalker2S Mar 16 '23

You see, he got all excited to touch a ,female‘ and now he can’t so he needs the consolation


u/daysinnroom203 Mar 16 '23 edited Mar 16 '23

Why? For an extra $10 is it worth having this many people pissed at you?


u/OzLife_VetTech Mar 16 '23

This is really it, right here.


u/ItsSUCHaLongStory Feminist Killjoy Mar 16 '23


I’d be missing an appointment AND scheduling one for my husband to miss just to be an asshole about it


u/lilylamae Blue Haired Leftist n’ Misandrist Mar 16 '23

So you’d be giving them money?


u/ItsSUCHaLongStory Feminist Killjoy Mar 16 '23

Nope. I’d be setting up a case to take to state regulators and/or small claims court


u/lilylamae Blue Haired Leftist n’ Misandrist Mar 16 '23



u/Despondent-Kitten Mar 16 '23

PLEASE CALL THEM and query, I really need to know.


u/accidentle Mar 16 '23

If my mom doesn't ask them, I may just do that because I need to know too.


u/Enliof Mar 16 '23

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u/ChaoticNichole Feminist Mar 16 '23

I really wanna know!


u/Enliof Mar 21 '23

So, anything happen?


u/accidentle Mar 22 '23

My mom has an appointment tomorrow. She says she will ask them then.

She is worried about getting her doctor in trouble because this doctor is doing something about her hip pain.

I am encouraging her to just politely ask the front reception.


u/Enliof Mar 22 '23

Fair enough.


u/ChaoticNichole Feminist Mar 25 '23

Did you ever find out?


u/accidentle Mar 25 '23

No she didn't ask :(.


u/jelleym Mar 16 '23

I feel like this would also fit really well in r/pointlesslygendered


u/cb0495 Mar 16 '23

Time to find a new doctor


u/The_Death_Flower Mar 16 '23

I’m sorry but in what way is this legal?


u/st-thrasher Mar 16 '23

Pink tax. That’s it, plain and simple. Everything costs more if you are a woman and don’t forget they’ll pay you less.


u/Snappz83 Mar 16 '23

The fuck?


u/anitram96 Feminist Mar 16 '23

What a joke.


u/kaleidoscopichazard Feminist Mar 17 '23

What country is this in? There might be an authority you can report this to


u/accidentle Mar 17 '23

It's in Canada


u/a-confused-princess Mar 16 '23 edited Mar 17 '23

I’m guessing the extra is for a pregnancy test or something afab people need that amab do not.

Edit: whoops I totally read the text wrong lol


u/BabY_pot4to Mar 16 '23

And how exactly do you come to the conclusion that being late has anything to do with a pregnancy test?


u/a-confused-princess Mar 17 '23

I came to that conclusion by misreading the text 😎 am dumb, my b.


u/Sentient_Stardust616 Mar 16 '23

I've never had to take a random pregnancy test at a doctor's appointment right at the beginning that they pre set up 💀 before and I'm pretty sure they cover it in the bill if I did. I don't see why they'd charge you for it if you missed the appointment


u/kaoutanu Mar 16 '23

The pregnancy test isn't wasted if they no-show.


u/unicorns3373 Feminist Killjoy Mar 16 '23

I have never had to take a pregnancy test at a doctors appointment lol


u/SubstantialHentai420 Mar 17 '23

I have, it does happen, but it’s also not something as the other commenter said, that would be wasted (let alone cost &$110) if they didn’t show


u/Anonymous44_44 Mar 16 '23

I don't know anything about medical procedures, but maybe the equipment/setup for females takes more time/effort?


u/Sentient_Stardust616 Mar 16 '23

No. It's covered in the bill if you show up to the appointment and need to get anything extra done which applies to both males and females. Also, the equipment is usually already set up and waiting like all the time in most places and it's the same damn equipment


u/Anonymous44_44 Mar 16 '23

Thank you for explaining because I have no idea how this stuff works lol


u/Llamazing13 Mar 22 '23

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