r/BlackPeopleTwitter Jul 20 '24

Country Club Thread The party of "fuck you, I got mine"

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u/NJHitmen Jul 20 '24

Look at the shit-eating grin on this motherfucker at the beginning of the video. His clear message here is: “I’m going to deport every brown person I possibly can - including legal immigrants - and I’m going to love every second of it.”

Ugh. Makes me want to vomit. Even more nauseating is the fact that - apparently - millions of voters not only support this kind of policy, but they do so cheerfully.

brb, gotta go throw up in my mouth


u/tripee Jul 20 '24

The UK can’t even deport a thousand Rwandans back to their home without paying hundrends of millions of pounds to do it.

You really think Trump is going to figure out a way to deport 10+ million people without spending trillions to do it?