r/AmIOverreacting 17h ago

⚕️ health Am i overreacting?can't cum to a picture of a crush

So I have had problem I use to easily cum to a crush picture but now I can't, so I can get hard but I can't cum and I find her atractive like super but no matter what I can't cum to her pic anymore and is because of porn so I promised to not watch because I suffer of porn addiction but I really like this girl and I am worried is this normal or what and how I can make it better?


7 comments sorted by


u/Ador3d 17h ago

Damn what a creep


u/Lonely_Reward5788 17h ago

What a lovely way to start my Friday


u/PM_ME_PCP 17h ago



u/Proper-Promotion-176 17h ago

U need to stop masturbating so much and do it in a moderate amount .


u/eriluvstxt 13h ago

you’re a creep


u/Natural_Ad_5810 17h ago

I don’t know if this is a troll post but, you shouldn’t be “cumming” to a picture of your crush man. This is a real person, you need to walk on your two feet and tell this girl how you feel, without the cumming to her pictures part. But nonetheless, it’s not because of porn that you cannot “cum” to her pictures anymore. The problem is this, say that I have this new dog(you), and I buy it this toy( the pictures), and at first the dog loves this toy, he loves it so much he keeps playing with it nonstop, but one day, the dog gets tired of playing with the same toy over and over. And doesn’t feel that same excitement when he first saw the toy, now the dog is unhappy. The point is that the dog needs to get a new toy, or find some other way of playing with this toy, if he wants the same feeling as when he first bought it.


u/Sea-Article991 17h ago

You finding radom pics of this person? A tad worrying