Forcing myself to ask here, hoping it's not against any rule, but half of writing this is for me to formulate my thoughts and questions.
(Mods, if you gotta remove this, PLEASE at least don't "delete" it, so I can still refer to it... I'm struggling here)
A. Haven't found a way to "want" to yet, but logically I "need" to stop drinking.
B. Drink 1.75 L liquor every 3 days for about 20 years, but can't remember last time I felt "drunk".
-The one exception is October, I've done "sober October" last 6 or so years.
--Generally successful. First week never fun, but never had "DTs" or anything like that.
--EXAMPLE: OCT 2024, had exactly 2 drinks:
---1. Buddy helped me with a home project and brought us each 1 fancy beer (had a couple drinks and dump the rest out when he left)
---2. Buddies house warming party I had quarter shot of mezcal.
C. For better or worse, high-functioning alcoholic. -Great job, house, cars, kid.
-Never any legal trouble.
-Never any problems with work.
-Would be a stretch to call me "in shape" but no noticeable/major health problems yet.
D. 2024 is first time I tried to actually quit liquor beyond October. (Beer, wine, etc. is like cigarettes to me. Quit all that stuff a long time ago and don't feel any desire to go back. Liquor is my problem).
--At the point where I simply have to admit I just don't have the ability or tools yet to enable me to exit this lifestyle.
--There is not much more on Earth I hate than having to admit this. But facts are facts.
1. How does Adderall react with Naltrexone?
-I have a job to keep and a family to support. Can't be quitting both of the same time.
How hard is it to get a shot?
-I don't trust myself with daily pills.
-Will they make me try pills first?
-Haven't had a primary care doctor in years, but I have decentish insurance (for whatever that's worth in the US)
What happens if I drink while on Naltrexone?
-Like if my weak ass messes up and drinks, is that a more immediate life threatening thing?
--Can I same-day-die from messing up?
How much does Naltrexone generally cost?
-are there side cost I'm not even thinking of?
Is there any legal liability?
-Like would my job or family or anyone know?
-Does the world need to know about my issue in order for me to get help?
I'm sure it's not your guys's job to answer these questions. Again, I just forced myself to write this. If it's the wrong place do it you got to do.
But any help would be greatly appreciated!!
(I haven't found a way to make myself sit down and research this thing yet. I know eventually that's what I'll have to do. But if there's anything y'all could provide/answer to get me started... I'm trying here)