r/AccidentalRenaissance 22h ago

Winston (cat) and Jack (dog) have a love/hate relationship

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u/AccidentalRenaissance-ModTeam 9h ago

Thank you for your submission!

Unfortunately, it has been removed for one or more of the following reasons:

  • It does not look like Renaissance artwork (note: per our rules, simply adopting a certain pose does not count);
  • It was intentionally staged or edited to look like Renaissance artwork;
  • It contains inorganic elements (e.g. text, filters, borders, screenshots, memes, etc);
  • It may be too blurry or low-resolution; or
  • It does not adhere to one or more of the other rules and suggestions in the sidebar.

Thank you for participating in this sub!


u/DabawDaw 21h ago

It's giving this:


u/ACatFromCanada 19h ago

"Oh no, my love, do not press me; for I fear our doomed love can never be."


u/BassStringZealot 17h ago

Looks like the Archangel Gabriel trying to convince Mary to make a baby with him.


u/Goattino 21h ago edited 16h ago

Love/hate as in Jack loves Winston but Winston hates Jack?


u/Alarming_Situation_5 15h ago



u/FishermanPretend3899 15h ago

“Mo cuishle,” he wanted to, but did not, say.